What is Poitín and What Should I Try?

micil what is poitin should i try? the three drinkers

What is Poitín?

Poitín, pronounced puh-cheen, and derived from, ‘little pot’ (referring to the pot still distillation technique), is an unaged spirit from Ireland, usually made from potatoes or barley… and its history is fascinating.

The history of Poitín

Known as Irish Moonshine, Poitín is the precursor to whiskey, being used as currency, medicine and of course, as a spirit since at least the 6th century. It’s hugely varied, but has always been a farm spirit, made in a single pot still using whatever starch is around the person making it. That now has to be potato, cereals, grain, whey, sugar beet or molasses, but historically it’s been milk and even bark!

It was outlawed in 1661 after a Irish spirits tax, and not overturned until, staggeringly, 1987, so it was completely unregulated and therefore massively versatile for centuries. It’s a huge part of Irish identity and history, and these days Poitín is brewed all over Ireland, as we found out when we went there for The Three Drinkers in Ireland.

Mixologists and adventurous drinkers are beginning to experiment with Poitín as it pops up on more and more bar menus, but there are still misconceptions and unknowns about it, especially outside of Ireland. Some people still think it’s illegal, some people think it’s only made from potatoes, and perhaps most damaging of all, it is seen by some as being poorly distilled. Of course, in the past, being illegal and made in many cases by amateurs, this was often the case. Nowadays though, it is going the way of mezcal, being expertly made and experiencing a resurgence, and all whilst celebrating its deep historical roots.

Which Poitín should I try?

Micil Irish Poitín

micil what is poitin should i try? the three drinkers

This takes is a complex Poitín with a herbal feel, as the botanicals are pot distilled – bog myrtyle, hawberry, heather and locally-picked Connemara bogbean are all included for intriguing kicks of florality and spice.

Size: 500ml
ABV: 44%
Find here: £33.94

Killowen Poitin

killowen micil what is poitin should i try? the three drinkers

A far cry from a farmyard botch job, this recipe has been refined for generations using malted grain smoked on site by local turf fires in the handmade kiln of the Mourne family, and blended with unmalted too. It’s earthy, fresh and hits with aniseed, clove, and cinnamon spice. Tonnes of depth without wood maturation.

Size: 500ml
ABV: 48%
Find here: £33.99

Teeling Spirit of Dublin Poitin

teeling micil what is poitin should i try? the three drinkers

A 50/50 split of unmalted and malted barley, this picked up Gold at the Irish Whiskey Masters two years running. The baking notes are sweet, and one sip coats the mouth with a wonderful creamy texture.

Size: 500ml
ABV: 52.5%
Find here: £34.95

Mad March Hare Poitin

mad march micil what is poitin should i try? the three drinkers

Using locally grown barley, Mad March Hare uses a historical recipe, bringing through lemon and lime to show off the diverse range of the spirit. Smooth and malty, this is a curious try indeed.

Size: 700ml
ABV: 40%
Find here: £35.25

Ban Poitin

ban micil what is poitin should i try? the three drinkers

Forget ‘Ban Poy-tin’, this is pronounced ‘Bawn Putch-een’. Potatoes, malted barley, and sugar beet go into this traditional spirit with a moreish oily texture, and buckets of sweet spice. The subtle mocha notes are a nice touch too.

Size: 700ml
ABV: 48%
Find here: £41.50

Ballykeefe Poitín

ballykeefe micil what is poitin should i try? the three drinkers

Hailing from County Kilkenny, this eco-friendly Poitín innovatively reuses the heat from its cooling systems across its visitor centre and farm. Most importantly though, it tastes great, with an earthy quality, as well as clean smoothness.

Size: 700ml
ABV: 40%
Find here: £44.95

If you’re always up for exploring drinks you might have heard about but never tried, check out our other guides, like Mead and Pisco.

8 Delicious Winter Mocktails

8 delicious winter mocktails the three drinkers

It’s no secret that some mocktails can be a little underwhelming, but these 8 winter recipes are not about compromise – they’re bold, delicious, and completely comforting on a cold winter’s night.

Forget any hangover or sluggish feeling, because these seasonal mocktails get you in the festive spirit and leave you rejuvenated. They’re pretty simple to make, wonderfully refreshing and crucially, they leave you with that special feeling a cocktail should always come with.

We keep up to date with the latest and greatest in the world of No-Low drinks, and whilst there are recipes below that don’t use alternatives, some do, so if you haven’t found your No-Lo go-to just yet, check here and here!

Hot Spiced Apple and Ginger Ale

hot spiced apple 8 delicious winter mocktails the three drinkers

Get that hob on for this soul-soothing mix of zest, warmth, sweet apple, and winter spices. The juice to cider ratio is down to personal preference and the sweetness of your cider, but using both does round the mix off nicely.

Ingredients (for a jug)
250ml apple juice
150ml no-lo apple cider
1 large cinnamon stick
3 cloves
2 star anise
400ml ginger ale
Apple wedges rolled in sugar (optional garnish)

As with any hot cocktail, it’s about heating gradually and stirring constantly. Slowly add everything except the ginger ale, and heat until just before a simmer. Turn the heat down just a smidge for 5 minutes, and then off all together. Let everything infuse and add your ginger ale, before serving up.

Cranberry Mojito

8 delicious winter mocktails the three drinkers

A festive makeover for a cocktail classic, the sweetness comes from a beautifully seasonal cranberry syrup (1:1:1 ratio of water, sugar, and cranberries, heated and strained). It’s as fresh as a winter walk and as vibrant as a crackling fire. Using a sugar cane based no-lo really makes this mix, but most no-lo gins would also work, and even just sticking with soda water is refreshing, but you may want to include orange juice then!

60ml white rum alternative (like Lyre’s White Cane Spirit)
25ml cranberry syrup
Soda water to top up
Juice of 1 lime
Small handful of muddled mint
Mint leaves and fresh cranberries (optional garnish)

Muddle the mint with the lime juice and pour over cranberry syrup and your white rum alternative. Strain, and top up with soda water before making it pretty with a sprig of mint and a few fresh berries.

Cranberry and Pomegranate Punch

8 delicious winter mocktails the three drinkers

This punch walks the tightrope between tart and sweet perfectly, brimming with fruity goodness.  For extra sweetness, whip yourself up a cranberry syrup (recipe above). The sparkling water gives it a lovely, light fizz, and if you’ve got a no-lo vodka you like, add that in. So reinvigorating.

Ingredients (for a jug)
350ml pomegranate juice
70ml cranberry syrup
300ml cranberry juice
400ml sparkling water
2tbsp grenadine
10 mint leaves
4 lime wedges
100ml no-lo vodka (optional)
fresh cranberries and lime (garnish)

For stronger mint taste, muddle at the bottom of the jug first. With generous helpings of ice, stir everything, except the sparkling water, together in a punch bowl or jug. Top your mix up with that, before scattering some cranberries and lime wedges to finish.

Non-Alcoholic Eggnog

8 delicious winter mocktails the three drinkers

It doesn’t get much more wintery than eggnog, and the great thing about is that so many spirits work in it. Some people use brandy, others bourbon, rum, Cognac... it goes on, and the same therefore goes for no-lows! It’s silky smooth, decadent, and gorgeously rich, especially once you’ve added your chosen spirit - think dark, rich fruits, and warming spices.

Ingredients (for 4)
120ml no-low spirit (like Lyre’s American Malt, Crossip ‘Dandy Smoke, or Fluére Spiced Cane)
whipped cream (optional garnish)
grated nutmeg (optional garnish)
1 tsp vanilla essence
3 eggs
120ml double cream
100ml whole milk
100ml condensed milk
50g caster sugar

For the eggnog, whisk your eggs with vanilla essence and caster sugar until it goes creamy. Slowly whisk in the milk, in 25ml intervals, and repeat with condensed milk. Repeat with the cream. Cover and refrigerate for over 2 hours. If you find that the mixture is too thick after cooling, add milk and blend. When ready, pour into your glasses or mugs and slowly stir in your spirit. Finish with grated nutmeg, perhaps cinnamon, and whipped cream if you want to go all out. What a treat.

Minty White Russian

8 delicious winter mocktails the three drinkers

This winter-filled peppermint White Russian works so well, bringing that indulgent coffee cream up front, and the refreshing herbaceous minty taste behind. The coffee hits you with that energy boost we all need now and again, but there’s a lot in here so a little relaxing CBD balances the effect out nicely, creating more of the drinking experience you get from alcohol.

30ml chilled coffee
30ml non-alcoholic coffee liqueur (like Lyre’s Coffee Originale)
50ml heavy cream
30ml milk
15ml peppermint syrup
dash of CBD bitters (optional) (like OTO)

Peppermint syrup is super easy to make. You can use essence, or leaves, but the easiest way is to mix peppermint tea with sugar syrup (water and sugar) in a 1:1 to split on the hob. Then shake everything with ice until it’s chilled, and strain over fresh ice.  

Apple Pie Sangria Mocktail

8 delicious winter mocktails the three drinkers

Sangria ain’t just for summer, not with a few adaptations anyway. Simpler than it first appears, this a really nicely balanced mocktail that builds and builds on a white wine spritzer. Sweet apple and sour lemon play off your No-Lo wine, all underlined with vanilla syrup as well as honey and cinnamon on the rim is so tasty.

Ingredients (for jug)
40ml wine alternative (preferably white, like Chardonnay)
40ml apple juice
20ml lemon juice
handful of cranberries
dash of vanilla syrup
honey and cinnamon sugar (for rim)
apple slice (garnish)

A simple syrup is always heating equal parts sugar and water, and simply adding vanilla pods here is enough to make your vanilla syrup with great natural flavour (you could use vanilla essence if you really want). Shake ice, the juices, the No-Lo wine, and this syrup until thoroughly cold and mixed. Roll the rim of your glass in honey and then cinnamon sugar so it’s evenly distributed all the way round. Strain carefully, especially with fresh juice, and pour, finishing with an apple slice.

Thyme Clementine

8 delicious winter mocktails the three drinkers

This is one normally mixed with vodka and by all means, you can use a No Lo vodka but it’s just as enjoyable without. Sweet and herby, you’re getting antimicrobial benefits from the fresh thyme and buckets of vitamin C from the clementines. It feels festive, light and refreshing, and makes you feel great too! Win win.

1tbsp of chopped fresh tyme
80ml boiling water
3 juiced clementines
thyme sprigs and clementine-peel (garnish) 

Pour boiling water of thyme and let it steep for 20 minutes. Then strain and refrigerate. In the meantime, get juicing those clementines and straining into a glorious juice. Don’t forget the seeds! Lastly, combine the two by pouring int chilled glasses.

Tom Collins Mocktail

8 delicious winter mocktails the three drinkers

With their diverse botanicals, gins are some of the best and most popular non-alcoholic spirits. A lot of cocktails and mocktails drown them out, but something as simple and clean as the Tom Collins lets them shine. Lemon juice adds the zip, a simple dash of syrup sweetens proceedings, and the star of the show is your No-Lo gin.

60ml gin alternative (like Sea Arch or New London Light)
20ml simple syrup
25ml lemon juice (ideally fresh)
top up with soda water
lemon slice (optional garnish)

Shakers at the ready. Throw everything in except the soda then pour the mixture over a tall glass with ice. Top up with soda water to your hearts content and voila.

If you need ideas for specific, No-Lo drinks then check the links in the introduction! Also, non-alcoholic creations are absolutely flourishing right now, so a lot of them are very much their own thing and not looking to duplicate any boozy version – so if the profile sounds and tastes right, experiment with it in mocktails!

What Should I Drink With Classic British Puddings?

what should i drink with classic british puddings and desserts the three drinkers

The perfect tipple with your favourite dessert – is there anything that hits the spot more? There are plenty of differing textures, flavours and of course, a lot of sweetness at play with British puddings and desserts, so a sip of the wrong drink can easily clash.

Of course, the right drink and every part of the experience can be enhanced. We’ve listed some of the drinks that work best with classic British puddings below, and as a general rule, you want your drink to be sweeter than the other dishes – especially when it comes to wine.

There are lots of other factors at play though, so scan for your favourite dessert in bold below and see what takes it to that next level.

White Wine


what should i drink with classic british puddings and desserts the three drinkers

We’re looking for two things – sweetness, and acidity, so that the wine doesn’t taste bitter, and so that there’s no overbearing cloying sweetness. Riesling is the most versatile food-friendly wine, and for any plain cheesecakes, it’s spot on. Also, lemon drizzle is a tough one to match with the central flavour being so bold, but a sweet Riesling works well. Lastly, if it’s a dryer Riesling with lots of citrus and green apple notes, then it will be able to slice into the sweetness of an apple crumble without clashing. This Dr. Loosen Riesling is from the Mosel Valley, which produce sweeter expressions. It also has pronounced fruits so it’s ideal.

Size: 750ml
ABV: 8.5%
Find here: £8.20



what should i drink with classic british puddings and desserts the three drinkers

Muscats provided a lovely golden sweetness, slight florality and spice, as well as a lot of fruits. If you’ve got a sweet tooth, then you get sip on Muscat with chocolate cake and other sweet chocolate puddings. The same goes for Bakewell tart and bread and butter pudding, which, if you’re a fan of the sweetness, you can pair with Muscat – though this might be a little too much for some. This Italian sweety is a good place to start.

Size: 750ml
ABV: 13.5%
Find here: £10

Fortified Wine


what should i drink with classic british puddings and desserts the three drinkers

During its production process, Maderia wine is heated so there’s plenty of stewed fruits and burnt sugar notes, as well as nutty flavours. In fact, the nose often smells of fruit cake, so they make a heavenly couple. It’s also usually highly acidic. Madeira generally works well with chocolate cheesecake, and particularly if there are any nuts involved too. It’ll also take on the intense rich sweetness of sticky toffee pudding for a dreamy marriage of indulgence. This one from Blandy’s is full-on and fruity.

Size: 750ml
ABV: 19%
Find here: £14.99


what should i drink with classic british puddings and desserts the three drinkers

Tawny Port in particular is a great way to go, full to the brim with red and black fruits and like Maderia, those nutty flavours. It’s not as acidic as Madeira, but there’s still enough to cut through. Tawny Port provides a somewhat drier option for luxurious dark chocolate desserts, toffee/caramel cheesecakes, and sticky toffee pudding. Tawny Ports over 20 years old are also known to be complimentary with coffee cake, when the nutty nuances have really developed. This Kopke Tawny is lovely and rich, with velvety smoothness enriching any creaminess.

Size: 750ml
ABV: 19.5%
Find here: £14.99


Moscato d’Asti

what should i drink with classic british puddings and desserts the three drinkers

Sparkling Moscato tend to be low in alcohol and higher in sweeter than Prosecco, so pair well with a few desserts. Most trifles in the classic format will go nicely, with the bubbles breaking up any heavy custard and cream. Moscato d’Asti is also a good choice for lighter, spongier cakes without loads of intense flavours – so almond cakes, pound cakes and Victoria sponge.

Size: 750ml
ABV: 12%
Find here: £8.99


Kir Royale

what should i drink with classic british puddings and desserts the three drinkers

A nice strawberry or raspberry liqueur topped up with Champagne works a treat for berry and meringue desserts – think Eton mess and pavlova. The cassis is an obvious dream pairing for the berries, complementing the flavour and sweetness, and the Champagne provides a pleasant acidic crunch, with those bubbles refreshing the palate.

Beer & Cider

Fruit Flavoured Beers like Belgian Fruli, Kriek, and Frambozen

what should i drink with classic british puddings and desserts the three drinkers

Raspberry or cherry beers are plentiful in the Belgian style, and pair nicely with any berry cheesecakes. Also, if you’re enjoying a chocolate pudding on the lighter side, these kinds of beers go surprisingly well, particularly if those fruits are in it of course. You could also look to these beers for Bakewell tart and cherry trifles because they have a refreshing tartness that both matches and offsets the sweetness simultaneously.

Size: 250ml
ABV: 3.5%
Find here: £2.05

Apple Cider

what should i drink with classic british puddings and desserts the three drinkers

You can probably tell where this is going. Part of the cider resurgence has been down to their sweetness, which makes them perfect for apple desserts – especially traditional apple pies and apple crumbles. Make sure it’s a bubbly cider, and the fizz and crispness marry the warm richness of the crumble deliciously.

Size: 500ml
ABV: 6.8%
Find here: £2.50

We’ve got a few pairings guides up on the site now, so for more sweet options specific to pancakes go here!

Your ABC guide to Sherry Styles

Where to drink Sherry Sherry Week Jerez Helena Nicklin Recommends The Three Drinkers

It’s Sherry week, so what better time to get to know this misunderstood and underated tipple? Sherry lovers around the world have been banging the drum for these unique, moreishly saline, food friendly sippers for years and finally, the message is getting through: Sherry ‘proper’ is not sweet! Read that again. Here’s why it’s time to reacquaint ourselves with this liquid treasure from the sun-soaked vineyards of southern Spain. 

Wine? Spirit? Liqueur? What exactly is Sherry?

In recent years, Sherry has experienced a renaissance, with younger generations discovering its charms and Sherry bars popping up in trendy neighbourhoods worldwide and restaurant lists boasting numerous offerings. But what is it exactly? In a nutshell, Sherry is a fortified wine that hails from a triangle of villages in Spain’s Andalusia and more often than not, it is bone dry. Yes, there are two types of sweet Sherry - naturally so or not so naturally so - but when wine lovers talk about authentic Sherry, it’s the dry stuff they mean.

It all starts with Palomino Fino grapes, which are grown around the city of Jerez de la Frontera in Andalusia. Being an ‘Old World’ (European, essentially) wine style, it takes its name from the place rather than the grapes and ‘Sherry’ is just a poor (in my opinion) English translation of ‘Jerez’. Wine is made by grapes here in the normal way, but just before fermentation ends, a splash of grape spirit is added to stop the process and fortify the wine. The historical reasons for doing this were many, but the key reason was to raise the wine’s alcohol content to make it less susceptible to spoilage, especially during transportation. After all, the Andalusian climate is warm and humid, so normal wine would go off very quickly in the days before air conditioning. 

What makes the dry styles of Sherry unique?

It’s what happens once the wine is fortified and put into wooden barrels that the Sherry magic happens: A small amount of space is left as the liquid ages and the region’s humidity causes a thin layer of yeast called ‘flor’ to develop on the top of the wine, which helps protect it from being completely oxidised. Whether this flor layer remains intact or not and how long it remains then defines the final style of the Sherry inside the barrel. Here’s a rundown of the five, stunningly dry Sherry styles and a cheeky, naturally sweet one to try:

Manzanilla (15-17% abv typically)

Manzanilla is the seaside cousin of the famous Fino and has an unmistakable maritime vibe. It can only be made in the town of Sanlúcar de Barrameda and has a characteristic chamomile note (manzanilla is Spanish for chamomile). It also tends to be a touch lighter and more saline than Fino. Picture sipping the sea breeze captured in a bottle with a delightful, fresh bread yeastiness. Great with savoury snacks and salty cheeses. 

Best Manzanilla La Gitana Manzanilla Sherry from Tesco Helena Nicklin Recommends The Three Drinkers

Try: La Gitana Manzanilla, £9.75 from Tesco 

Fino (15-17% abv typically)

Fino is a similarly pale and bone-dry style that's as crisp as a newly ironed shirt. Unlike Manzanilla, it can be produced in any of the three towns within the Sherry Triangle and has more of a roasted, salted almond note with hints of crunchy apple. A great aperitif that also loves salty snacks and can cut through fried food like a blade. It’s also awesome with tonic. Incidentally, the famously sweet ‘cream’ sherries that Granny loves are often Finos with added concentrated grape must or grape syrup. 

Best Fino Sherry from Morrisons Helena Nicklin Recommends The Three Drinkers

Try: Tio Pepe Fino, £13 from Sainsbury’s, Morrisons 

Amontillado (17-22% ABV typically)

While both Manzanilla and Fino are made with wines where the flor layer has stayed intact, Amontillado is what you get when flor is removed. Starting life as a Fino, it spends  time ageing in barrels before having a slosh of brandy for fortification. This spirited wine then moves to a new barrel, where it begins its journey into oxidative ageing, resulting in a darker, amber colour with notes of roasted nuts, tobacco, spice and dried fruit, all the while keeping  a tangy saltiness. Amontillado can also have a bit of PX (see below) added for sweetness.

Best Amontillado to try Ocado Helena Nicklin Recommends The Three Drinkers

Try: Gonzalez Byass Vina AB Amontillado £16.50 from Ocado 

Oloroso (16-20% ABV typically)

Made deliberately without any flor from the start and subjected to extensive ageing, Oloroso is the darkest dry Sherry style and is full-bodied, concentrated and complex. Silky smooth and intensely nutty in character, it has wonderfully Christmassy notes of dried raisins, figs and salted caramel. Stunning alone but it also loves mature cheeses and can handle game too. 

Best Oloroso Sherry Waitrose Helena Nicklin Recommends The Three Drinkers

Try: No.1 Emilio Lustau Dry Oloroso, £13.49 from Waitrose 

Palo Cortado (17-22% ABV typically)

Palo Cortado is the style to ask for in a bar if you want to show off your Sherry skills. Made often unintentionally when the flor layer naturally dies away on wines destined to be Fino or Amontillado, PC combines the dryness of Amontillado with the nuttiness and body of Oloroso. Think tangy, salted almonds, hazelnuts, dried fruits, toffee, and vanilla oak. It’s what the Sherry hipsters are drinking!

Best Palo Cortado from Ocado Helena Nicklin Recommends The Three Drinkers

Try: Very Rare Palo Cortado, £8.49 for 37.5cl from M&S and Ocado 

Something different:

Pedro Ximenez (PX)

PX, as it is affectionately known, is a sweet style of Sherry made with very ripe, white, Pedro Ximenez grapes, which are air dried on mats to concentrate sugars and flavours before being gently pressed. The lusciously sweet juice is then aged in barrels for a long time - sometimes decades, to achieve a thick, dark, treacley consistency and flavours of dried fig and baking spice. Stuff the chocolate sauce, pour this over your ice cream! Note: This is not the sweet ‘cream’ sherry beloved by elderly parents at Christmastime. 

Best Pedro Ximenez PX from Morrisons Helena Nicklin Recommends The Three Drinkers

Try: The Best Pedro Ximenez, £7 for 37.5cl from Morrisons 

Ultimately, there’s nothing at all wrong with these stalwart cream styles, especially the top names like Croft Original - and they still sell by the truck load during the festive season. It’s just not what the Sherry revolution is about. So, why do we all assume Sherry is always sweet? I blame onomatopoeia. And 1980’s trifle.

Where to taste Sherry this Sherry Week?

Beginner guide to sherry week what is sherry oloroso amontillado fino Helena Nicklin recommends The Three Drinkers

Check out www.sherryweek.wine to see all activities for Sherry Week 6th -12th Nov 2023

UK specific events here!

The Best Boozy Advent Calendars of 2023

the best boozy advent calendars of 2023 the three drinkers

It’s November which means that Christmas items have been slowly but surely popping up everywhere we look, and whilst the build up to Christmas can be stressful, there’s no reason it shouldn’t just be the kids that get all the excitement.

This year’s boozy advent calendars are being released, and aside from being a great surprise each day, they’re actually a brilliant way to explore a drink you’ve been meaning to try, with 24 miniatures giving you a taste of what’s on offer.

We’ve got something for everyone with our handy guide below identifying the best advent calendar for gin, rum, tequila, vodka, whisky, wine, cognac, and beer. Treat yourself!

Oh, and wine drinkers in particular, if you want to save yourself a bit of money then how about making your own DIY Advent with beautiful, canned wines? Take a look here!

The Best Gin Advent Calendar

Craft Gin Club Advent Calendar

The biggest gin subscription club in the UK is offering a 50ml bottle of craft gin behind each door, finishing on a special G&T on the big day itself. There’s a brand-new selection of gins picked out over the year, including seven exclusives like Tarquin’s Mince Pie Gin that you can’t get anywhere else. You also get expert suggestions for mixers and garnishes for every bottle, which you can buy as a separate bundle if you wish. We’ve had a sneak peek and we don’t want to give too much more away but gin lovers, you will not be left disappointed!

Find here: £94.95

The Best Rum Advent Calendar

The Whisky Exchange 24 Days of Rum Advent Calendar

the best boozy advent calendars of 2023 the three drinkers

Rum isn’t the most popular spirit for calendars, and we’re not sure why. It’s more popular for cocktails, but sipping rums are an exciting world once you find your favourite, and trying 24 different miniatures is the perfect way to do that. Not only does this calendar opens doors to every type of rum from all over – with Caribbean classics and lesser known gems from Scotland and Australia, but you also get full tasting notes to light the way and two glasses.

Find here: £84.95

The Best Tequila & Mezcal Advent Calendar

The Spirit Co Tequila & Mezcal Advent Calendar

the best boozy advent calendars of 2023 the three drinkers

Because of its association with shots, tequila is far from the first spirit people think of when it comes to boozy advent calendars, but despite the 30ml minis included, this is about exploring the diverse world of fresh, fruity tequila and floral, smoky mezcal. Blancos, Reposados, Añejos and Mezcals await behind each door of this lovely looking calendar, for you to truly explore a spirit dating back to the Aztecs.

Find here: £131.99

The Best Vodka Advent Calendar

Drinks by the Dram – Vodka Advent Calendar

the best boozy advent calendars of 2023 the three drinkers

Here’s 24 wonderfully varied 30ml vodkas to put a kick into your Christmas build up, focusing on unique blends from all four corners of the planet. Vodka is another spirit that some drinkers only have bad experiences with after trying a throat burner, so these tasters are a great introduction to what the spirit can be. Reputable brands like Chase and Cîroc are includes, as well Jaffa Cake Vodka, Brecon Five and an intriguing Chardonnay Vodka.

Find here: £89.95

The Best Whisky Advent Calendar

Master of Malt Whisky Advent Calendars

the best boozy advent calendars of 2023 the three drinkers

Master of Malt have a stunning selection of 14 different whisky advents, for newbies looking to get into it, seasoned dram drainers, and everything in between. The Whisky Explorer’s Edition is a great for adventures, That Boutique-y Company is for unusual independent releases, and there’s the Japanese Whisky Advent Calendar featuring some of the country’s best producers. If you’ve got the money, then there’s even the Old and Rare selection for £999, and for a Christmas you’ll never forget, there’s the Very Old and Rare calendar priced at £9,999!

Find here: £99.55-£9999.95

The Best Wine Advent Calendar

Virgin Wines Advent Calendar

the best boozy advent calendars of 2023 the three drinkers

One of the original players in the world of wine advents, Virgin Wines are one of the UK’s largest suppliers and this year they have premium boxes of 24 mini wines (mixed, red, or white) from across the world, with an extra special treat behind door 25 to wash down the Christmas dinner. Click the link, pick your box and you can see exactly what bottles are included.

Find here: £89.99

John Lewis Fizz

the best boozy advent calendars of 2023 the three drinkers

It’s not just their Christmas ad that’s the best because this bubbly bonanza is probably the best sparkling wine selection out there, with champagne, prosecco and six variations of Bottega wines. There’s a couple of Freixenet bottles and a Charles de Mignon champagne as the highlight. Christmas is all about the bubbles, and this makes every day in the run up a joy.

Find here: £140

The Best Cognac Advent Calendar

The Spirit Co Cognac Advent Calendar

the best boozy advent calendars of 2023 the three drinkers

After falling in love with Cognac and the release of The Three Drinkers in Cognac, we have to include this gem. Celebrating the Charente vineyards, every day brings you a touch of rich, velvety French luxury of various ages. They’re perfect for whipping up Cognac Cocktails, or sipping to find your favourite.

Find here: £200.39

The Best Beer Advent Calendar

John Lewis Beer & Snacks Advent Calendar

the best boozy advent calendars of 2023 the three drinkers

Christmas is the season for snacks, so why not combine them with beer in this festive box, with 14 glass bottles and 10 accompanying snacks. Lager, craft lager, pale ales and iconic pub snacks are all thrown in to bring all the pub vibes to your celebrations.

Find here: £80

If you want to save yourself a bit of money and make your own calendar, then we’ve given you 12 Canned Wines to get you on your way!

Perfect Canned Wines for Your DIY Advent Calendar

perfect canned wines for your DIY advent calendar the three drinkers

It’s been a joy to witness the journey that canned wine has gone on, from the early days where pretty much anything you picked up was disappointing, to now, with diverse varietals, solid as a rock stalwart wines, and even English producers.

They’re also some of the most gorgeous designs in all the drinks world, and being between 187ml-250ml, they’re a joy to open each day on the build up to Christmas. Why should kids have all the fun?

There are a few different ways you can make your own DIY advent calendars, such as this guide using wine boxes, and this using tubes, or just make your little advent bags. Alternatively, if you don’t fancy making your own, then we’ve assembled the best Boozy Advents for 2023 here!

We’ve got you covered for 12 of the 24 days below, all beautiful inside and out.


Vinca Organic Bianco

vinca perfect canned wines for your DIY advent calendar the three drinkers

Vinca pride themselves on environmentalism, using 73% recycled aluminium for their cans, and only sourcing wine that was made from organic grapes. They have a Sicilian Rosé, a juicy red and this Sicilian Catarratto white, and they’re all full of fresh fruit, with a crisp and clean feel. One to prove the can snobs wrong.

Size: 187ml
ABV: 12.5%
Find here: £4

Hun Vegan Sauvignon Blanc

hun vegan perfect canned wines for your DIY advent calendar the three drinkers

The branding my be minimalist but the wine inside packs a punch, providing easy drinking on the go South African Sav. For the money especially, there’s plenty of that tropical, juicy profile, refreshening salinity and balanced acidity.

Size: 250ml
ABV: 12.5%
Find here: £3 (but often 2 for £4!)

Most Wanted Pinot Grigio Fizz

most wanted perfect canned wines for your DIY advent calendar the three drinkers

Most Wanted usually back up their name, and for around £2, a can of this bubbly Pinot goes down easy. It has a fairy neutral expression, with pleasant crispness and semi-aerated fizz. Don’t get us wrong, it isn’t going to blow your mind with its elegance or depth, but as a decent sipper or palate cleanser, it does the job.

Size: 200ml
ABV: 11.5%
Find here: £2.20

Canned Wine Viognier White

canned wine viognier perfect canned wines for your DIY advent calendar the three drinkers

Gone are the days of simple reds and whites being the only canned wine options because there are now brands like Canned Wine Co. focusing on single varietal and carefully sourced wines shooting for quality and hitting the mark. They have a really exciting selection, but their Viognier is the star, with sunny peach, aromatic jasmine and soft buttery mouthfeel. Their cans are also some of the best looking out there.  

Size: 250ml
ABV: 13%
Find here: £5.50


Nice Pale Rosé

nice pale rose perfect canned wines for your DIY advent calendar the three drinkers

Nice have become a shelf stalwart since launching in 2019, building a reputation as one of the most reliable canned wine brands going. Malbec and Sauvignon Blanc are also offered, but it’s their Rosé where their light, natural fruits really shine. Ripe peach and sweet strawberries linger behind that rose petal colouring for a real Cote d’Azur drinking experience – and top notch value too.

Size: 187ml
ABV: 11%
Find here: £2.35

Djuce Bibich's Rosé

djuce bibich perfect canned wines for your DIY advent calendar the three drinkers

This Syrah Rosé catches the eye from the off and continues to raise eyebrows. It’s fully organic, from Croatia and if you go into it with an open mind and don’t expect Provence style Rosé, you’ll be in for a treat. It’s a real red berry explosion, with fine spritz bubbles, unusual woody spice, and plenty of rose petal and delicate orange peel. A little pricey but it would be a welcome change in a boozy advent calendar.

Size: 250ml
ABV: 13.5%
Find here: £9.99


Canvino Bianco

canvino perfect canned wines for your DIY advent calendar the three drinkers

Another charming design and within is one of the best sparkling whites you can pick up in the supermarket. Like all of Canvino’s output, it’s from Lombardy and the Bianco is in the mould of a Prosecco, a blend of Chardonnay and Trebbiano grapes producing real zing and simplicity over a gentle fizz.

Size: 200ml
ABV: 10.5%
Find here: £2.50

The Uncommon English White Wine Spritzer

uncommon perfect canned wines for your DIY advent calendar the three drinkers

The Uncommon focus on the specialist wines of southern England, which just get better and better. Their entire range is beautiful inside and out and would make a lovely advent opening. This Bacchus and Chardonnay spritzer is light and fresh, blended with sparkling water and elderflower and cucumber botanicals.

Size: 250ml
ABV: 5.5%
Find here: £4 (usually more!)


Château des Moriers Miss Vicky 'O Joie' Fleurie

chateau des moriers miss vicky perfect canned wines for your DIY advent calendar the three drinkers

From Château des Morier by wine innovator Anne-Victoire Monrozier comes this seductive canned Beaujolais cru with 100% Gamay grapes, showing just how far canned wines have come. The Pinot-esque cherry scents are so inviting, and juicy acidity follows with a mouthful of crunchy, vivid red fruits. Herbal and spicy notes round everything off deliciously.

Size: 250ml
ABV: 13%
Find here: £4.95

Kiss of Wine Feisty Nebbiolo

kiss of wine fesity perfect canned wines for your DIY advent calendar the three drinkers

Kiss of Wine are all about celebrating smaller, independent winemakers and packaging their wines in simple, charming ways. There’s the Smooth Loire Valley Chardonnay and the Zesty German Riesling to name two, but we adore their Feisty Nebbiolo because we never expected it in a canned wine – delicate, fruity acidity from Piedmont. You even get a pamphlet with your order all about the wine and producer. Check out their six varietals!

Size: 250ml
ABV: 12.5%
Find here: £5.90

Copper Crew Merlot

copper crew merlot perfect canned wines for your DIY advent calendar the three drinkers

Yet more aesthetically pleasing cans here from Copper Crew in South Africa. They offer a Provence Rosé, vibrant Sauvignon Blanc and a Chenin Blanc with a lot of zip, but their Merlot feels particularly luxurious for a can. It’s aged for 24 months in French oak to feel full and plush with red fruits.

Size: 250ml
ABV: 13.5%
Find here: £4

Lubanzi Red Blend

lubanzi red blend perfect canned wines for your DIY advent calendar the three drinkers

Named after a mysterious dog who followed the two founders 100 miles across the South African coast, Lubanzi is inspired by this experience and South African wine. This Red Blend of Shiraz, Grenache and Mourvédre hits with spice and serious elegance for the money. And it’s all vegan, carbon neutral and Fairtrade certified too. And the design is gorgeous. The complete package.

Size: 250ml
ABV: 13.5%
Find here: £3.65

If you’d rather order a ready-made calendar then we’ve assembled the best Boozy Advents for 2023 here!

Perfect Drinks to Keep You Warm on Guy Fawkes Night

perfect drinks to keep you warm on guy fawkes night the three drinkers

Remember, remember the 5th of November, as a time to indulge in the cosiest, most soothing cocktails of the year. In front of a crackling bonfire, gazing up at fireworks or staying snug indoors these warming concoctions complete the evening to perfection. So, whether you’re into Baileys, Cider, Wine, Gin, or Whiskey, we’ve got the drink to elevate your Bonfire Night to the next level.

Baileys Hot Choc

baileys hot choc perfect drinks to keep you warm on guy fawkes night the three drinkers

You can kinda take this as far as you want regarding whipped cream, grated chocolate, coffee liqueurs and all sorts, but keeping it fairly simple works a treat. Of course, other Irish Creams are out there (check these), but for easy familiarity and reliable indulgence, Baileys with hot chocolate however you like it is classically idyllic in front of the bonfire. The Baileys is thick enough to make the hot choc with water, but as always, go with whatever you think is best!

60ml Irish cream liqueur
100ml hciderot chocolate
Whipped cream (optional)
Grated chocolate (optional)

Knock up the hot choc separately and pour it gently over your Baileys. That’s literally it. Unless of course you want to go the whole hog with cream and grated chocolate and we wouldn’t blame you for that at all.

Cider Hot Toddy

perfect drinks to keep you warm on guy fawkes night the three drinkers

The hearty world of hot cider is a wonderful Autumn accompaniment. Whisky is the obvious pairing, as with most Toddies, but try this one with spiced rum instead. Those winter spices of cinnamon and nutmeg come to life in as the cider warms, and mingling with the warm, caramel spice of the rum, you end up with an apple pie style drink that is about as soothing as it’s possible to imagine.

100ml cider (try Toffee Apple flavour for extra sweetness and nostalgia)
40ml spiced rum
Sprinkle of cinnamon/half a cinnamon stick
Sprinkle of nutmeg

Very gently heat the cider in a pan and be careful to not boil, stirring continuously. Add your cinnamon stick and sprinkle of nutmeg, as well as your rum nearer the end. Pour into your mug or flask, cup your hands and enjoy.

Mulled Wine

perfect drinks to keep you warm on guy fawkes night the three drinkers

Our favourite way to use leftover wine, mulled wine is a staple of the colder months and rightly so. Don’t make the mistake of going super cheap because even though we’re heating it through, you will notice. Go for big, bold wine that will carry strong flavour and smooth mouthfeel. We recommend fresh cranberries that will soften up when heating, but just add a nice textural and acidic crunch. Try and avoid just adding sugar when there’s so much natural fruity sweetness, instead, include plenty of cinnamon, Grand Marnier liqueur if you have it (brings rich fruity Cognac and orange), or honey. Delish.

Ingredients (for 6)
750ml bottle of Red Wine (Zinfandel, Primitivo, Grenache)
4 cloves
2 cinnamon sticks
1 quartered orange
1 star anise
Small handful of fresh cranberries
100ml Grand Marnier (optional)
2 tbsp honey (optional)

Add your wine to the pan and very slowly begin heating through, always stirring as you add your spices and fruits. Do not let it get anywhere near boiling and add your Grand Marnier (if included) towards the end before turning off the heat and letting everything infuse for at least 30 mins. Then simply strain and serve!

Mulled Gin

perfect drinks to keep you warm on guy fawkes night the three drinkers

For something deliciously different this Bonfire Night, how about Mulled Gin? Sure, it won’t quite be the delicate, chilled exploration of botanicals that gin drinkers are used to, but it more than makes up for that in other areas. Aromatic spices, sweet apple, and vibrant, fresh citrus all tease out different corners of the gin to make something beautifully rounded. Sweetness, richness, herbaceous notes, inviting fragrance and that soothing, comforting quality perfect for Autumn.

Ingredients (for 4)
200ml dry gin (bold character)
400ml good apple juice
½ lemon
1 bay leaf
1 clove
1 cardamom pod
½ cinnamon stick
2tsp honey
2 or 3 black peppercorns
2 or 3 juniper berries (optional)
Lemon slice (garnish)

Remember, unlike other mulled concoctions, we’re not heating the gin here. Divide the gin into your glasses, and then combine everything else into a large pan, warming gently. Again, don’t let it boil and just as the first bubbles form, take it off the heat and allow it to cool for a minimum of 30 minutes. Pour and stir to combine with the gin and garnish with lemon.

Hot Toddy

perfect drinks to keep you warm on guy fawkes night the three drinkers

The traditional Hot Toddy might just be the king of cozy cocktails. There are so many delicious variations, but we’re going for the original here. You find some recipes that are simple as water, whisky, and sugar, but we think that fresh lemon to slice through, a touch of honey for silky sweetness, and Autumn spices are a must. Balanced, dreamy sweetness that soothes the soul – ah!

40ml Whisky (Johnnie Walker Black Label works great)
120ml hot water
1 clove
2 tsp lemon juice
1 tbsp honey
1 small cinnamon stick
Lemon wheel (garnish)

Nice and simple, you’ve just got to combine everything. Leave the water till last and just top up to the top with it, make sure everything is thoroughly mixed and infused and then taste. It’s easy to adjust if it isn’t spot on – just add more of what it’s missing!

Irish Coffee

perfect drinks to keep you warm on guy fawkes night the three drinkers

Rich, warming, velvety smooth and full of indulgence, the Irish Coffee is a must for Guy Fawkes Night. The fundamentals are Irish whiskey, black coffee, and cream, usually with some sugar too, but like any classic, you can adjust it to your taste. We’ve got different recipes for more fruit, more spice, more peat etc. here, but you can’t go wrong with this original recipe to wake you up.

45ml quality Irish whiskey (like Powers or Teeling)
2 teaspoons brown sugar
120ml hot, fresh coffee
20ml double cream (can lightly whip)

Preheat your glass and gradually add your chosen whiskey, syrup, and freshly brewed coffee. Once mixed nicely, pour your cream over the back of a spoon so it sits invitingly on top. Slainte!

If you want a bigger selection of whiskies that suit Irish Coffee down to the ground, have a look through these.

How To Make The Zombie Brain Shot for Halloween

the three drinkers zombie brain shot for halloween

It’s not often that you’ll find us recommending a drink that looks as revolting as this, but Halloween is a worthy exception. This fun concoction looks like anything but delicious, so it’s perfect for a gruesome gathering.

The secret here is in the peach schnapps and Baileys, the latter of which curdles when mixed with something slightly acidic. The grenadine syrup intensifies this effect by going in last and pulling the Baileys to the bottom, like a kind of lava lamp. When completed by the Crème de Menthe providing a mad scientist green hue, you’re left with a glass of zombie experiment gone wrong… and also something very tasty (but maybe keep your eyes shut).

1.    Fill a double shot glass halfway with the schnapps.
2.    Add a splash of Creme de Menthe to get that green colouring going.
3.    Place a small spoon upside down over the shot glass and gently pour Baileys Irish Cream over the back. creating floating ‘brain’ clumps and adding texture.
4.    Add a few dashes of grenadine syrup from a few inches above the shot glass, aiming for bigger clumps of Baileys. Watch the magic happen as your "zombie brain" comes to life… back from the dead.