halloween drinks — Spirits — The Three Drinkers

halloween drinks

How To Make The Zombie Brain Shot for Halloween

the three drinkers zombie brain shot for halloween

It’s not often that you’ll find us recommending a drink that looks as revolting as this, but Halloween is a worthy exception. This fun concoction looks like anything but delicious, so it’s perfect for a gruesome gathering.

The secret here is in the peach schnapps and Baileys, the latter of which curdles when mixed with something slightly acidic. The grenadine syrup intensifies this effect by going in last and pulling the Baileys to the bottom, like a kind of lava lamp. When completed by the Crème de Menthe providing a mad scientist green hue, you’re left with a glass of zombie experiment gone wrong… and also something very tasty (but maybe keep your eyes shut).

1.    Fill a double shot glass halfway with the schnapps.
2.    Add a splash of Creme de Menthe to get that green colouring going.
3.    Place a small spoon upside down over the shot glass and gently pour Baileys Irish Cream over the back. creating floating ‘brain’ clumps and adding texture.
4.    Add a few dashes of grenadine syrup from a few inches above the shot glass, aiming for bigger clumps of Baileys. Watch the magic happen as your "zombie brain" comes to life… back from the dead.

6 Easy Halloween Drinks Recipes

6 easy halloween drinks recipes the three drinkers

No Halloween party is complete without drinks, and it’s not as much effort to make them a central part of the night as you might expect. With a few simple ingredients and ghoulish garnishes, you can make Halloween Drinks that look horrifying whilst tasting delicious.

Dark abyss’, evil lab potions, blended bodies, swamp juice and brain gloop are all to come, but first take a look at our easy-to-make Halloween Garnishes, and remember that extra special effects like LED ice cubes and dry ice will blow guests away too! Onto the elixirs...


6 easy halloween drinks recipes the three drinkers

Black cocktails are a must for Halloween, making an instant, creepy yet alluring impact on the eye. There are a few options, most involving Cola, but we think The Black Widow is the best. This sinister elixir is devilishly sweet, with blackcurrant liqueur, a sturdy vodka spine and the fizzing spice of ginger beer. The eerie black hue is courtesy of activated charcoal, creating a wickedly tempting abyss to stare into and sip!

30ml Crème de cassis
40ml vodka (black if you have it)
25ml ginger beer
0.5tsp activated charcoal (optional)
Black food colouring (optional)
Blackberries (garnish)

For extra darkness, use black vodka if you have it, The same goes for black food colouring, but make sure you use the activate charcoal because that creates the darkest black. Ideally use all three! Shake everything, top up with ginger beer and skewer a blackberry to finish.

Jelly Brain

6 easy halloween drinks recipes the three drinkers

All the effort with this one is in buying the mould. You can find loads of brain moulds for Halloween in the shops, and all you’ve gotta do is fill it with your jelly mix (a pink/red colour mix) and mix in the vodka before setting. Once it’s done you’ve got a wobbling vodka jelly brain that you can plate up or drop into another horror cocktail.

Vodka (amount depends on volume)
Jelly mix
Brain mould

Pour your vodka into your mix and stir thoroughly before leaving it to set. You might need to leave it more time than usual because of the vodka remember! For extra decoration, feel free to add some red syrup for extra brain gloop and extra horror points.


6 easy halloween drinks recipes the three drinkers

If you can get your hands on some green absinthe, then this is a super easy cocktail to pull together at the last minute. Mixed with the champagne, you get a sparkly, green evil lab vibe that looks incredible with dry ice if you have it.

40ml green absinthe
90ml Champagne
Dry ice (optional)

Add your absinthe and then top up with Champagne for a luxurious experiment gone wrong. Complete the look with an eyeball garnish which you can find at the link above!


6 easy halloween drinks recipes the three drinkers

Any other time of year and the hue of Swamp Juice wouldn’t be one we’d recommend, but of course it’s perfect for Halloween. Whiskey and cider combined for not only gorgeous Autumnal richness, but also the perfect murky colour, while lemon juice jolts you to life. The perfect touch for that silky sliminess is the egg white and bam, you’ve made the best tasting swamp around.

45ml bourbon
45ml apple cider
Juice of 1 lemon
15ml syrup
1 tbsp egg white
0.5tsp of green food colouring (optional)

This is a swamp so there’s no need to be delicate – just throw the lot into a cocktail shaker with some ice. Strain over the glass with more ice to finish and drink up! Each cider and whiskey have different colouring so if you want more a pungent green, use food colouring too.


6 easy halloween drinks recipes the three drinkers

You’ve gotta have a Bloody Mary at a Halloween party. The shocking blood red is perfect, and you can go wild with garnishes from gouged out eyeballs, to severed finger celery sticks, to dripping blood. Also, if you like you can up the spice with extra Tabasco and spices for more fiery concoction.

35ml vodka
100ml tomato juice
1tsp Worcestershire sauce
Tabasco (to taste)
Juice of half a lime
Pinch of salt and pepper

Shake everything with ice and pour into a glass and then comes to the fun bit – the gruesome garnishes for that blended body effect. Lychee eyeballs, dripping blood, fake fingers... go all out!

Pumpkin Martini

6 easy halloween drinks recipes the three drinkers

This one might not be as spooky, but no one can deny that any pumpkin drink deserves a place at the Halloween table. With robust vodka at the heart of it, this Martini is pumpkin pied up with sweet syrup, vanilla, cream, pumpkin spice and of course the crunch of biscuit. Bewitching!

50ml vodka
15ml cream
10ml syrup
2tbsp pumpkin puree
¼ tsp of pumpkin pie spice (optional)
¼ tsp of vanilla extract
Crushed biscuit (garnish)

Grab a load of ice and shake everything until it feels cold to the touch. Before pouring, rub the rim with a light coating of maple syrup and add crushed biscuit around it. Finally, strain into your chilled Martini glass and enjoy the taste of Halloween’s most famous symbol.

A gruesome garnish really takes a Halloween cocktail to the next level, and we’ve got 8 here that work perfectly for the above drinks.

Halloween Potion: York Gin’s Mad Alice Bloody Orange

york gin mad alice bloody orange gin the three drinkers

We’re always on the look out for new Halloween drinks, and never more so with it creeping around the corner, but we get extra excited when it’s from a producer we know and love already. Teaming up with Mad Alice of the Bloody Tour of York, York Gin have concocted Bloody Orange gin, complete with blood-red bottle, blood-splattered label, and an embossed red wax seal on some bottles.

Mad Alice is an iconic and award-winning tour guide in York, guides visitors through Europe’s most haunted city rich in history from the Romans to the Vikings to famous Outlaws and most importantly, rich with a ridiculous number of ghost sightings. Stabler, who plays Mad Alice says, “'I have loved York Gin ever since it launched years ago. The idea for a Mad Alice gin came to us over - yes, you guessed it - one or three G&Ts after my regular Friday night tour. I’ve tasted it - and it comes with my seal of approval. It’s bloody gorgeous. Ideal for a G&T or cocktail as the autumn nights draw in.’

If you haven’t heard us praise York Gin before then you can found out more about them here, but in short they have a spectacular portfolio of gins that not only taste delicious, but tell the rich historical story of the city also. Honestly, they never miss, and they’ve been wanting to make an orange elixir for a while. With the shadow of Halloween looming large, of course it had to be fresh blood orange - super smooth as always and bursting with vibrant zesty citrus.

If you want Bloody Orange to accompany you this Halloween, then you can pre-order now on the York Gin website for delivery at the beginning of October. Or, if you’re feeling brave and wish to descend into the darkness of York with Mad Alice lighting the way, then visit the city itself and enjoy 10% off at York Gin if you go on the tour, and vice versa!