7 Affordable Tequilas Perfect For Margaritas

affordable tequilas perfect for margaritas the three drinkers

When answering the question, ‘What tequila should I use for a Margarita?’, the answer is not to break the bank – far from it. You just need a robust tequila with good balance and depth, and one that won’t burn your throat. Now, despite what its bar-shotting reputation might suggest, there are actually plenty of tequilas out there between £20-£30 that fulfil these criteria. Each one will take your cocktail in a slightly different direction too.

The Margarita was the most popular cocktail in the world last year and remains a favourite of so many, so if you’ve never tasted what the fuss is about, or you just want to be able to make a stunning version for guests, then these are some tequilas that will make it shine.

Oh, and once you’ve found the tequila for you, you can go here for the classic recipe, plus some variations that might tickle your fancy.

El Jimador Tequila Blanco

el jimador affordable tequilas perfect for margaritas the three drinkers

You can find El Jimador Tequila pretty much everywhere because it’s such a well-rounded Lowland Blanco at a good price. It’s 100% Blue Weber, distilled twice and immediately bottled for young freshness. Alongside some roasted agave, crisp, clean citrus bursts through here so it’s great for a fresh Margarita.

Size: 700ml
Find here:
£21 (usually more!)

Olmeca Blanco Tequila

olmeca affordable tequilas perfect for margaritas the three drinkers

This is a trusty tequila that you can definitely rely on to elevate your cocktails. Hailing from Los Altos, this delivers the signature Highland style with a sweeter kick and delicate floral waft. A little green and black pepper supports, and it has that smoothness we want to integrate into the cocktail subtly. Serve for a sweeter Margarita with a little herbal nudge.

Size: 700ml
Find here:
£24.29 (usually more!)

El Sueño Tequila Silver

el sueno affordable tequilas perfect for margaritas the three drinkers

Normally we look for 100% Blue Weber agave, but here we’re willing to make an exception. El Sueño is backed up by five generations of tequila producers, and here they’ve used 70% agave with 30% locally and sustainably grown piloncillo (natural cane sugar). Let the purists dismiss it we say, because it beats many 100% bottles hands down. Mellow vegetal agave intertwines with grapefruit tang for a full, flavoursome tequila that’s perfect for cocktail making. No mixto snobs here.

Size: 700ml
Find here:

Ocho Blanco Tequila

ocho affordable tequilas perfect for margaritas the three drinkers

This is a single estate expression to represent the underrated importance of terroir in tequila. A joint effort by the Camarena family and Tomas Estes, it’s made in the traditional method with slow cooked agave for deep flavours, satisfying viscosity, earthy notes offsetting citrus freshness and a gorgeous crack of black pepper. It’s great for fading the in-your-face agave flavour into loftier sweet fruits and lingers for a fantastically long time. Great for a flavourful, slightly thicker Margarita.

Size: 500ml
Find here:

Tapatio Blanco Tequila

tapatio affordable tequilas perfect for margaritas the three drinkers

Remaining largely unchanged since the 1930s, tequila drinkers love Tapatio and their silver expression remains the benchmark for great value. It’s brimming with all that blanco character so expect hits of raw agave, cracked pepper, vivid citrus, and earthy anchoring. It’s well known for its intensity so can more than look after itself jostling in a Margarita. If you want a Margarita with oomph, go for Tapatio.

Size: 500ml
Find here:

Pueblo Viejo Blanco

pueblo viejo affordable tequilas perfect for margaritas the three drinkers

Pueblo Viejo are a rock solid option for tequila, and known within the tequila world for probably being a little bit underpriced. For a relatively cheap blanco, it’s a smooth joy to sip. The cooked agave comes through, but then the palate takes off in a surprising number of directions, with a grassy note, mineral hints, lively citrus, and herbaceous flavours, all before pulling everything together for a peppery finish. We think this would be perfect for a spicy Margarita.

Size: 700ml
Find here:

Mundo Blanco Tequila

mundo blanco tequila affordable tequilas perfect for margaritas the three drinkers

Slightly softer at 35%, Mundo Blanco is a sipping tequila really, with plenty of earthy depths and fresh heights to explore. However, it also works for a luxurious, slightly more complex Margarita and remains under £30 so is cracking value. As beautifully presented by La Cofradia as it is in the mouth, it’s a Highland and Lowland mix for a crisp rounded taste with herbaceous hints. Easy to love.

Size: 700ml
Find here:


If you want to explore the absolute best this misunderstood spirit has to offer, then how about The Best Sipping Tequilas?

Baileys’ New Birthday Cake Truffles

baileys new birthday cake trufles the three drinkers

Ever since Baileys dipped their toe into the world of chocolate truffles, it’s clear that people loved it because they’ve brought out more and more delicious twists on it. Strawberry & Cream, Salted Caramel, Espresso… and now the intriguing Birthday Cake.

The tantalising dance of rich Irish dairy cream, luscious chocolate, sweet vanilla and of course, seductive Irish whiskey seems to be a dreamy pairing with so many flavours, and with vanilla cake inspiring these latest truffles, it looks like a winner from the off.

They’ve teamed up with Dublin chocolatiers Lir who will be providing the indulgent white chocolate shell and vanilla truffle centre, which has been infused with the original Baileys Irish Cream Liqueur – nom.

It’s not the first collaboration between the pair, with the Nut Mix coated in Baileys flavoured chocolate released at the end of last year. Other collaborations with Cart D’Or, LiQ and the Finsbury Food Group show that we really are happy to buy Baileys with anything, and can we really be blamed.

The 135-gram packages will be available for £4 at a few different retailers like Card Factory, The Range, B&M and TK Maxx, so keep an eye as a sweet gift for Baileys lovers on their birthday.

If all this talk of Irish Cream has got you in the mood, then how about these cocktails that place it front and centre. And with this new truffle you’ve got the perfect garnish now too. It’s Christmas somewhere after all. Okay, so obviously it isn’t. But it’s nearly Easter, and that’s good enough. Treat yourself!


5 Boozy Pancake Day Recipes

5 boozy pancake day recipes the three drinkers

Whether you’re one of those people who think Pancake Day is just for the kids, or you’re tired of the same old recipes and toppings every year, how about a grown-up twist - boozy pancakes.

Alcohol is massively underrated as a cooking ingredient and great for pushing the boat out this Pancake Day. These mouthwatering recipes range in simplicity, but use beer, Baileys, Chambord, coffee, vodka, and orange liqueur for indulgent boozy twists on classic pancakes.

Beer Pancakes

beer 5 boozy pancake day recipes the three drinkers

It won’t be one that you think of straight away, but beer actually adds a really lovely malty, yeasty flavour to the batter. And on top of that, the carbonation creates a lighter, fluffier pancake. Once it’s done, you can take it in a savoury or sweet direction and because the small amount of alcohol cooks away, the kids can try it too. A good place to start would be with a Belgian fruit beer like cherry, and then using the same fruit as your toppings… but all your usual toppings will pair up nicely. 

Ingredients (for 5):
3/4 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 egg (beaten)
250ml beer (light)
125g plain flour
50g caster sugar
30g butter

Mix together the dry ingredients first, so that’s sieved flour, sugar, baking powder and salt in a bowl. Next, whilst continuously whiskiberrng if possible, pour in egg, melted butter and your favourite beer, before stirring until smooth. Set this aside (ideally for an hour but it doesn’t matter too much) and get some medium heat into the pan with a little oil. For one pancake, use about 60ml of batter and cook for about 90 seconds on each side – or until it’s starting to turn a nice golden brown. The flip to show off is optional.

Baileys Pancakes

baileys 5 boozy pancake day recipes the three drinkers

You just knew these would be included. The creamy profile of the country’s favourite liqueur is just begging to be used for Shrove Tuesday.  A splash of Bailey’s gives mouth-watering fluffy pancakes with added indulgent richness and creaminess. These will exceed your expectations, trust us. 

Ingredients (for 5):
3 tbsp unsalted butter
3/4 tsp salt
2 tbsp granulated sugar
1 large egg
150ml milk
125g self-raising flour
80ml Baileys Irish Cream

Nothing complicated here because you can just do as you would, except swapping some Baileys in for a portion of the milk. It’s best to mix the dry ingredients first, before whisking the liquids in until it forms a light and creamy batter. Fry in oil or butter for around 90 secs until golden. Toppings can be whatever you like but try white chocolate!

Chambord Pancakes

chambord 5 boozy pancake day recipes the three drinkers

If you’re not familiar with Chambord, then you’ll probably recognise the glamorous royal bottle. It’s the original raspberry liqueur, a velvety smooth mix of not just raspberries, but blackberries, vanilla, citrus, honey, and a little cognac – now that sounds like pancake material to us. It’s a decadent, fruity twist that splits the Chambord into the batter mix, but also as an opulent drizzle. Nom. 

Ingredients (for 5):
50g plain flour
100ml Chambord
75ml whole milk
40g dark chocolate
50ml double cream

Okay, so first mix flour, milk and 50ml of Chambord until smooth (watch the gorgeous purple colouring come to life). Coat a pan with a little butter or oil and pour 60ml of batter in. Like usual, cook for 90 seconds. In the meantime, melt chocolate in a bowl of boiling water. Combine this with double cream, and then the other 50ml of Chambord until it thickens slightly. Pour this over your pancakes for berry heaven. Be aware that some alcohol will remain in this one though!

Espresso Martini Pancakes

espresso martini 5 boozy pancake day recipes the three drinkers

It was only a matter of time before coffee showed up. For adding a kick to your breakfast pancakes, how about combining them with the UK’s favourite cocktail, the Espresso Martini? It has similarities with a Tiramisu, with spongey, rich coffee flavour, and soft mascarpone on top. This one requires a little more effort, but if you need motivation then just read the ingredient list – delish. 

Ingredients (for 5):
200g self-raising flour
1 tbsp coffee (optional dilution with 1 tbsp of water)
1 tsp baking powder
1 tbsp golden caster sugar
½ tsp vanilla extract
200ml milk
2 eggs
25g melted butter

For toppings:
100ml espresso
4 tbsp caster sugar
25ml coffee liqueur
130g mascarpone
70g zero fat Greek yoghurt
1 tbsp vodka
3 tbsp icing sugar
Chocolate shavings

First, the pancake. So, simmer your coffee with water (instant is fine) with the sugar and coffee liqueur in a pan until it thickens like syrup. Leave this to cool.  Whisk all the pancake ingredients together until completely smooth and pourable. Again, 60ml ish of batter per pancake into the pan (depending on pan size and preferred thickness). For the topping, beat the mascarpone with the yoghurt, a splash of vodka and icing sugar until nicely mixed and smooth. Dollop this on top, alongside the coffee syrup you made earlier, and shave some chocolate. What a creation.

Orange Pancakes

orange liqueur 5 boozy pancake day recipes the three drinkers

Another tasty route to go down is zesty citrus. You could experiment with gin and lemon, but we think it might get overpowered so how about orange liqueur. Using either Grand Marnier (richer) or Cointreau (sweeter), you get a succulent, sunny pancake full of delicious orange. It might be a little light on its own, so we’ve paired it with double cream but ice cream would be delish too. 

Ingredients (for 5):
5 regular plain pancakes
85g unsalted butter (softened)
25g golden caster sugar
3 tbsp Cointreau or Grand Marnier
½ orange (zested)

For toppings:
2 oranges (juiced)
1 lemon (zested)
175g golden caster sugar
3 tbsp Cointreau or Grand Marnier
200ml double cream (softly whipped)

Combine butter, sugar, liqueur, and orange zest in a bowl and spread over your plain pancakes. Heat in an ovenproof dish for 10 minutes on a medium heat. Meanwhile, make the sauce – add your zests, juice and sugar to a pan and heat through until syrupy. Add 2 tablespoons of liqueur and reduce the heat once it starts gently simmering. Let it cool. Then add a final tablespoon of orange liqueur, and drizzle over your heated pancakes with cream. Mouthwatering stuff.

If you’re planning a proper evening of pancakes and booze, then find out which drinks go best with pancakes here!

The Rhubarb Crush

How about this for a Valentine’s Crush? Keeping it simple, it’s a Franklin & Sons recipe that’s essentially a twist on a classic vodka lemonade. Of course, you could include extra touches like elderflower liqueur or vanilla syrup, but if you get yourself quality ingredients, simple can be best. Franklin & Sons have been leading the way with mixers since the Victorian times, and their spring rhubarb lemonade is zesty, fragrant, and refreshing with lemon juice and sparkling water. Get yourself a stunning vodka to go with, make it look beautiful with some flowers and voila, a crisp Rhubarb Crush for Valentine’s or Galentine’s Day.

Ingredients (for 1)

50ml vodka
Top up with Rhubarb Lemonade (Franklin & Sons)
 Edible flowers

1.      Pour out chilled vodka over ice.
2.      Top up with rhubarb lemonade.
3.      Stir gently to keep the bubbles going.
4.      Sprinkle some edible flowers.
5.      Enjoy!

If you’re still going strong with Dry January, then how about these Delicious Winter Mocktails? Or if you’re interested in more Frankin & Sons mixers to spruce up your serves then check out these.

Supermarket Wine Bargains: Waitrose February 2024

supermarket wine bargains waitrose february 2024 the three drinkers

How about some Supermarket Wine Bargains again? This time, it’s Waitrose, who have some belting offers for February. We’ve identified four cracking reds and whites, and a couple of delicious Rosé suggestions too. Every bottle but one comes in at under a tenner, but they are worth a lot more if you ask us! Let’s go deal diving.

Waitrose Red Wines February 2024

Montidori Sangiovese

supermarket wine bargains waitrose february 2024 the three drinkers

We’ve loved the value from this bottle for a while now. A portion of the grapes are dried bringing incredible, bold richness, which combined with soft spice intensity and a subtle dryness make for dark berry bliss.

Size: 750ml
ABV: 13.5%
Find here: £8.99 (usually £10.00)

Little Giant Barossa Shiraz

supermarket wine bargains waitrose february 2024 the three drinkers

This wine should easily cost more than it does, even at full price (but don’t tell Waitrose). It’s seductively smooth and brimming with delicious dark fruits and layers of warm spice. It just feels so, well, giant. Fantastically jammy Ozzy Shiraz .

Size: 750ml
ABV: 14.5%
Find here: £9.99 (usually £12.99)

Paul Mas Réserve Languedoc Rouge

supermarket wine bargains waitrose february 2024 the three drinkers

From the renowned Jean-Claude Mas vineyards in Languedoc is this dry, easy-drinking red. It throws up blackberry jam, oaky vanilla, dark chocolate and a pleasant minerality for depth, and serves as an ideal candidate for those midweek Italian dishes.

Size: 750ml
ABV: 14%
Find here: £7.49 (usually £9.99)

Zalze Shiraz - Mourvèdre Viognier

supermarket wine bargains waitrose february 2024 the three drinkers

With £3 off this South African gem, it’s the perfect time to give it a go. The rich spice of forest fruits and blackberries comes to the fore, but then the French oak is integrated smoothly in support of the fruits. The Viognier rounds off the finish nicely too. Really well-rounded and balanced red.

Size: 750ml
ABV: 13.5%
Find here: £6.66 (usually £9.99)

Waitrose Rosé Wines February 2024

Esprit de Buganay Côtes de Provence Rosé

supermarket wine bargains waitrose february 2024 the three drinkers

Hailing from slap bang in the middle of the Côtes de Provence is this traditional expression. Grenache, Cinsault and Syrah with a dash of structure from Cab Sav come together for a fresh fruity nose. Beyond that, dreamy smoothness with subtle strawberry, peach, and raspberry. Light, dry and fruity and a joy to pair with. A must try for under £10.

Size: 750ml
ABV: 13%
Find here: £9.99 (usually £14.99)

Barefoot Pink Moscato

supermarket wine bargains waitrose february 2024 the three drinkers

If you’re after a crowd pleasing Rosé for a top-notch price then look no further. A red berry parade invites the nose, continuing on the palate with a fruity sweetness that hits the spot. The touch of sherbet creaminess is a delight too. As the pink stuff goes, it is towards the sweeter end but if you like that, then you’ll love this.

Size: 750ml
ABV: 9%

Find here: £6.49 (usually £7.49)

Waitrose White Wines February 2024

Zenato Villa Flora Lugana Veneto

supermarket wine bargains waitrose february 2024 the three drinkers

This Lake Garda beauty brings serious acidity from the Turbiana grapes, coming through with zippy citrus and subtle stone fruits. But there’s more to this white, because not only is it fresh and smooth, but it’s also got some curious earthy undertones and floral hints. No wonder the reputation of this wine is flourishing.

Size: 750ml
ABV: 13%
Find here: £10.99 (usually £12.99)

Ara Single Estate Sauvignon Blanc

supermarket wine bargains waitrose february 2024 the three drinkers

Great New Zealand Sauvignon here with more going on than usual. You can expect a slightly dryer profile than usual, with more aromatic floral notes. Think juicy fruits with grapefruit, peach, and lychee. But there are also delicious, perfumed notes, touches of green grass and crunchy acidity. Wonderful.

Size: 750ml
ABV: 13%
Find here: £7.99 (usually £10.99)

Paolo Leo Fiano del Salento IGP

supermarket wine bargains waitrose february 2024 the three drinkers

What a lovely southern Italian grape Fiano is, with rich historic roots. Nowadays, it delivers exquisite fruity freshness. Here that’s a huge kick of citrus and grapefruit, supported by loftier orchard fruits. Balanced, rich and complex with a welcome mineral touch to the finish.

Size: 750ml
ABV: 11.5%
Find here: £7.99 (usually £10.99)

Puklavec & Friends Sauvignon Blanc Pinot Grigio

supermarket wine bargains waitrose february 2024 the three drinkers

Over to Slovenia now for an interesting dry white. It’s a family-owned winery, with the Sauvignon Blanc and Pinot Grigio grapes handpicked. Fruity and lively, the citrus is stealing the show. Subtler tropical notes like mango and papaya linger too. An intriguing try from a less common wine nation.

Size: 750ml
ABV: 12.5%
Find here: £7.79 (usually £9.79)

If you shop elsewhere then not too worry, check our website for our other up to date Supermarket Bargains!

Top Sparkling Rosé Under £15

With its delicate effervescence and elegant fruits, Sparkling Rosé is a divine creation, but it can be difficult to find a top-notch bottle. Luckily, we’re here to help. Aren’t we nice?

There’s no need to break the bank with bubbly Rosé, because these amazing Rosés all come in at under £13. We’ve got sweeter strawberry and cream concoctions, refreshing citric creations and everything in-between, so let’s dive into pink paradise.

Martini Prosecco Rosé Extra Dry

martini top sparkling rose under £13 the three drinkers

This ticks all the boxes for a sweeter sparkling wine with plenty of crisp soft bubbles. Expect succulent strawberry in a starring role, supported by peach and raspberry. Refreshing and fresh, it’s a tip-top dry Rosé for the money.

Size: 750ml
ABV: 11.5%
Find here: £6

Canti Rose Extra Dry

canti top sparkling rose under £13 the three drinkers

Another Glera (Prosecco) and Pinot Noir blend, this expression brings the orchards hints of the former, and the subtle red ripe fruits of the latter. It delivers sweet, juicy, crowd-pleasing fizz that everyone will love. There’s a slight hint of cream lingering at the end too. Nom.

Size: 750ml
ABV: 10.5%
Find here: £7

Gratien & Meyer Crémant De Loire Brut Rosé

gratien and meyer cremant top sparkling rose under £13 the three drinkers

Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, Chenin Blanc and Cabernet France all come together for this elegant bottle. The bubbles are light and fluffy, the feeling is crisp and dry, and the biscuity hints intertwine wonderfully with aromatic strawberry. A good kick of acid makes it tremendous with food too.

Size: 750ml
ABV: 12%
Find here: £12.50

ASDA Extra Special Prosecco Rosé Brut

asda special top sparkling rose under £13 the three drinkers

If you’re drawn to Rosé with a little tang, then you’ll love this. It’s lovely and light, not overly dry and brimming with sweet strawberry. It feels clean and summery, and really nicely balanced between the sweet berries and pink grapefruit tang. Solid.

Size: 750ml
ABV: 11%
Find here: £8 (Buy 3 Save 25%)

Freixenet Italian Sparkling Rosé

freixenet top sparkling rose under £13 the three drinkers

What’s not to like with this? Inside the signature glamorous bottle is a delicate blend of Glera and Pinot Noir, delivering fine effervescence. Flowery, crisp apples, luscious red berries – it’s got lovely depth of flavour with a food-friendly lightness.

Size: 750ml
ABV: 11%
Find here: £9 (usually £12)

La Gioiosa Rosea Brut

la gioiosa top sparkling rose under £13 the three drinkers

This is a very nice Italian sparkler indeed. Lovely and light, its red fruits, citrus and orchard fruits are refreshing and delicately poised rather than ripe and sweet. The soft and bubbly mouthfeel is really moreish and overall, it’s a very precise and harmonious expression.

Size: 750ml
ABV: 11%
Find here: £10

Mirabeau La Folie Sparkling Rosé

la folie top sparkling rose under £13 the three drinkers

The stars have aligned with this one it seems, because it’s currently on offer at loads of supermarkets. We love Mirabeau, and this is a benchmark Provençal pink – crisp, refreshing, and dry. Mango, passion fruit and lime support a gorgeous strawberry note, and it’s one of those smooth and elegant bottles that will win over the Rosé doubters.

Size: 750ml
ABV: 11.5%
Find here: £11 (usually more!)

Bartenura Sparkling Moscato Rosé

bartenura top sparkling rose under £13 the three drinkers

The sweet nose may draw you to check the alcohol in this Italian fizz, and at 7%, it is indeed sweet – but not at all in a cloying way. Cherry, elderflower, honeysuckle, lemon zest and sweet cream combine for divine expression. There is enough acidity slicing through to remain fresh though, which is what makes this Rosé so appealing.

Size: 750ml
ABV: 7%
Find here: £12.95 (with Nectar)

If you’re after some other drinks for Valentine’s Day, then we’ve got 8 great cocktails that scream ‘I Love You’ here, and yes, it’s fine to treat yourself to one!

The Top 10 UK Cocktail Bars of 2024

Once again, the Top 50 Cocktail Bars of 2024 sponsored by Franklin and Sons has been announced, with a who’s who of drinks writers, businesspeople, and influencers from across the UK deliberating, including our very own Aidy as host!

After much investigation and debate, the highly competitive list has been shortened to 50, and these 10 represent cocktail heaven. The full list is at the bottom of this page for your convenience, so you can find the nearest and greatest cocktail bars in your area... especially with Valentine’s Day coming up. For now, though, let the countdown begin...

10. Tayēr + Elementary, Shoreditch, London

tayer + elementary the top 10 uk cocktail bars of 2024 the three drinkers

Retaining its top ten spot, Tayēr + Elementary offers something of a dual experience. For high-speed, all-day premium ‘draught’ cocktails like the Old Fashioned, Elementary is where you want to be. But come nighttime, Tayēr awaits through the partition – a world of darkness, changeable exotic concoctions, and a rotation of guest bartenders. Renowned seasonal snacking, a commitment to drinks other than cocktails, brutalist décor and a warm service complete this unique offering.

Address: 152 Old St, London, EC1V 9BW
Website here (walk-ins only)

9. Panda & Sons, Edinburgh

panda and sons the top 10 uk cocktail bars of 2024 the three drinkers

The second highest Scottish bar on the list, Panda & Sons is one you could be forgiven for missing. Stroll past on the hunt for libations, and you might just think it’s a barber shop, but enter, and you’ll be welcomed past the Prohibition face and into speakeasy bliss. Cabinets of curiosities and vintage furniture set in dim light make for a very seductive proposition, not to mention the ‘Chapters’ based menu. Currently, the theme is Transcend, dedicated to innovative freezing techniques researched for 5 years. An incredible science lab-cum-speakeasy experience.

Phone number: 0131 220 0443
Address: 79 Queen Street, Edinburgh, EH2 4NF
Book here

8. AMARO Bar, Kensington, London

amaro the top 10 uk cocktail bars of 2024 the three drinkers

Rocketing up from 46th place last year is AMARO, a modern take on the classic cocktail bar. It only opened in 2021 with the former head mixologist at the Savoy Elon Soddu at the helm, serving classical twists like the Mango Bellini and Peach 76. Beyond that, more expensive vintage cocktails are available, the priciest of which is the 1980 Boulevardier at £190. The complete drinks selection is really expansive (particularly the whiskey) and the granite bar is stunning.

Phone number: +447745520816
Address: 15 Kensington High St, London W8 5NP
Book here

7. Swift Soho, Soho, London

swift soho the top 10 uk cocktail bars of 2024 the three drinkers

The shelves at this Old Compton Street spot are bending under awards. With mirrors a-plenty, leather booths and a smorgasbord of unique cocktails, it’s no wonder it’s Top 10 yet again. A buzzing ground floor leads into the basement den where you can find live music, a rotating cocktail theme and over 300 whiskies! It all comes together magnificently.

Address: 12 Old Compton St, London W1D 4TQ
Book here

6. Blinker, Manchester

blinker the top 10 uk cocktail bars of 2024 the three drinkers

Into 6th from 41st last year, it’s Blinker in Manchester. Named after a forgotten classic (a cocktail of rye, grapefruit, and raspberry), this bar is all about seasonality and local ingredients. Expect a menu that changes on the monthly, with dedicated Martini and Old Fashioned sections standing out, as well as generous No-Lo serves.

Phone number: 0161 236 8225
Address: 64-72 Spring Gardens, Manchester M2 2BQ
Book here

5. Hey Palu, Edinburgh

hey palu the top 10 uk cocktail bars of 2024 the three drinkers

The best cocktail bar in Scotland, say Hey to Palu. It’s quaint, intimate, and modern, with a focus on Italian aperitivo styles. Amari, Bitters and Vermouths are everywhere, all soundtracked by killer songs. Expect Negroni and Martini classics, as well as twists like the signature White Strawberry Negroni. Oh, and the bar team are award-winning in themselves! A complete cocktail offering.

Phone number: 0131 285 6752
Address: 49 Bread St, Edinburgh, EH3 9AH
Book here

4. Couch, Birmingham

couch the top 10 uk cocktail bars of 2024 the three drinkers

Narrowly missing out on the Top 10 last year but now up to 4th it’s Couch in Birmingham. Behind the bar is the 2024 Bar Team of the Year, working hard so you can relax and enjoy their cinema-inspired handcrafted cocktails, for example A Bronx Tale with Malfy lemon, blood orange and Cocchi Di Torino Vermouth. Clean, spacious, relaxed and artistic.

Address: 1466 Pershore Rd, Stirchley, Birmingham, B30 2NT
Book here (walk-ins only)

3. Passing Fancies, Birmingham

passing fancies the top 10 uk cocktail bars of 2024 the three drinkers

Step onto the podium now with another Brummie spot – Passing Fancies. Climbing 29 places from last year, this laid-back spot only opened in 2022 but has already established a stellar reputation for its ‘kitchen at a house party’ style. As the name suggests, the team embrace themes and change, but generally specialise in fruity delights like Adult Ribena and Berry Cobbler.

Phone number: 07542 839882
Address: 30 Gibb St, Deritend, Birmingham B9 4BF
Book here

2. Satan’s Whiskers, Bethnal Green, London

satan's whiskers top 10 cocktail bars 2024 the three drinkers

In 2nd place, and the highest London finish of the entire list, it’s last year’s winner, Satan’s Whiskers. Rather than the swanky London style, it embraces a more unassuming character – think taxidermy, hip-hop, exposed brick, and unique décor. It’s famous for its community feel, with daily menu changes, expert mixology, and a famous atmosphere. Try the Bloody Mary with tacos and quesadilla if you go.

Phone number: 02077398362
Address: 343 Cambridge Heath Rd, London, E2 9RA
Book here

1. SCHOFIELD'S BAR, Manchester

schofield's bar the top 10 uk cocktail bars of 2024 the three drinkers

And it’s Manchester that takes the top spot! It’s Schofield’s Bar, the brainchild of famous Mancunian brothers, not Liam and Noel but Joe and Daniel Schofield. Their iconic venue sits on the corner of art deco beauty Sunlight House and offers reasonably priced classic cocktails and in house twists making use of their 25 years of bartending expertise. It’s such a distinguished bar and the literary themes pull everything together nicely. A worthy winner, and shimmering jewel of the North.

Phone number: 07311 777606
Address: 3 Little Quay Street Sunlight House, Manchester, M3 3JZ
Book here

The Franklin & Sons Top 50 Cocktail Bars 2024:

  1. Schofield’s Bar – Manchester

  2. Satan’s Whiskers – Bethnal Green

  3. Passing Fancies – Digbeth, Birmingham

  4. Couch – Stirchley, West Midlands

  5. Hey Palu – Edinburgh, Midlothian

  6. Blinker – Manchester

  7. Swift Soho – London

  8. Amaro Bar – Kensington, London

  9. Panda and Sons – Edinburgh

  10. Tayēr + Elementary – Shoreditch, London

  11. Kwãnt – Mayfair, London

  12. Speak in Code – Manchester

  13. Three Sheets – Dalston, London

  14. 🔶🟥🔵 – Hackney, London

  15. Murder Inc – Soho, London

  16. Tabula Rasa – Leeds

  17. Lab 22 – Cardiff

  18. Filthy XIII – Bristol

  19. Crossroads – Newington Green

  20. The Connaught Bar – Mayfair, London

  21. Project Halcyon – Manchester

  22. SOMA – Soho, London

  23. Eve Bar – Covent Garden

  24. Side Hustle – Covent Garden

  25. The Hideout – Bath

  26. Little Mercies – Crouch End, London

  27. Below Stairs – Leeds

  28. Silverleaf – Spitalfields, London

  29. Bar Termini – Soho, London

  30. Seed Library – Shoreditch, London

  31. Charlie Brown’s – Glasgow

  32. Bramble Bar & Lounge – Edinburgh

  33. Scarfes Bar – Holborn, London

  34. Happiness Forgets – Hoxton, London

  35. The Absent Ear – Glasgow

  36. 69 Colebrooke Row – Islington, London

  37. Artesian – Fitzrovia, London

  38. Callooh Callay – Shoreditch, London

  39. Fox and Chance – Birmingham

  40. The Milk Thistle – Bristol

  41. Nauticus – Edinburgh

  42. Public – Sheffield

  43. The Gate – Glasgow

  44. Nightjar – Shoreditch, London

  45. Ojo Rojo – Bournemouth

  46. The Wildcat – Edinburgh

  47. Lyaness – South Bank, London

  48. Pennyroyal – Cardiff

  49. Bench – Sheffield

  50. The American Bar – Auchterarder

8 Cocktails That Scream ‘I Love You’ for Valentine’s Day

You might love it, you might hate it, but Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, so whether you’re on course for a Valentine’s, a Galentine’s or posting a card to yourself, you’ll want something to make it special. These 8 cocktails scream ‘I love you’ because let’s remember, Valentine’s Day isn’t a day for couples, it’s a day for love!

Pink Gimlet

pink gimlet 8 cocktails that scream i love you for valentine's day the three drinkers

This is a wonderfully harmonious cocktail, bringing fresh grapefruit tang and lime zing, but also delicious fruity sweetness using pink gin. It’s full of flavour, beautifully fresh and looks stunning too.

50ml pink gin
15ml syrup
50ml lime juice
75ml pink grapefruit juice
Rose petals (garnish)

Fill a shaker with ice, add all the above and get shaking. Once nicely chilled, strain into a glass (you might want to double strain if you used fresh fruit for a super smooth cocktail). A few rose petals to finish and it’s perfect.


bramble 8 cocktails that scream i love you for valentine's day the three drinkers

Brambles bring such a delicious combo of rich berries, bright lemon, and tart blackberries, and all with crisp juniper at the heart of it. It’s also got a really cosy feel and looks seductive too.

50ml gin
25ml lemon juice
1 tbsp blackberry liqueur (Crème de Mûre or Crème de Cassis)
1 tbsp sugar syrup
Fresh blackberries (garnish)

Shake everything with ice, and strain over more ice in a rocks glass. If you want some fresh blackberry taste, you can garnish with them, or even muddle them in the bottom of the glass before pouring. Enjoy!

Spicy Margarita

spicy margarita 8 cocktails that scream i love you for valentine's day the three drinkers

Bringing some spice to your Valentine’s – the Spicy Margarita. And be aware, you might never go back to the regular version. It doesn’t lose the classic essentials and retains the balance of sweet, sour, and earthy notes. There are all kinds of different variations, using different chillis in different amounts, but this is a good amount of heat to start with.

50ml reposado tequila
25ml fresh lime juice
15ml agave syrup
1 slice of chilli (muddled)
2/3 slices of jalapeno (garnish)

Muddle the chillis (however many you enjoy really), in the shaker, and include tequila. Lime and agave syrup. Shake well with ice and strain. Scatter some jalapenos on top, kick back and feel the heat.


Elderflower Cosmopolitan

elderflower cosmo 8 cocktails that scream i love you for valentine's day the three drinkers

A standard Cosmo is near perfect for Valentine’s, but we think this floral twist is even better. It’s a delicious, wintery concoction with the cranberry tang out, and the elderflower liqueur in, for a mellow, fragrant florality that dresses the vodka steel nicely. This in one hand, a bunch of flowers in the other – you’re sorted.

45ml vodka
20ml elderflower liqueur
20ml pineapple juice
Dash of lemon
Dash of rose water (optional)
Basil (garnish)

This is all about putting the work in with the shaking. Once it feels icy cold, strain over ice and serve to your Valentine!


mudslide 8 cocktails that scream i love you for valentine's day the three drinkers

A dessert style cocktail is always welcome on Valentine’s Day. We were going to go for chocolate, but how about a Mudslide instead? It’s a 70s adaptation of the White Russian that is now super popular in America, often mixed with ice cream. We think that the ingredients here are too delicious to be drowned in ice cream, but it’s up to you of course. Rich indulgence at its finest.

50ml vodka
50ml coffee liqueur (Kahlúa)
50ml Irish cream liqueur
Grated chocolate (garnish)

Shake all three very well because the vodka needs to be well mixed within the thicker liqueurs. Include ice and stop when it feels cold to the touch, before straining into a Martini glass and going the extra mile with some grated chocolate on top. Mouthwatering

Kir Royale

kir royale 8 cocktails that scream i love you for valentine's day the three drinkers

Champagne is a go to when celebrating, and this French serve embraces all the magic of the city of love. It’s so simple but feels elegant and special. Dreamy blackcurrant liqueur Crème de Cassis brings the berries, and if you don’t want to splash out on a Champagne, a Crémant or Cava will do just fine. If you’re making a meringue dessert, then this is incredible alongside too.

1 tbsp crème de cassis
Blackberry or raspberry (optional garnish)

Liqueur first with this cocktail, before topping up your Champagne flute to the top with your fizz. A blackberry or raspberry garnish is a must, and that’s it – a simple but delicious serve.

Love and Murder

love and murder 8 cocktails that scream i love you for valentine's day the three drinkers

For a taste of Valentine’s gone wrong, how about this intriguing cocktail? It’s not for everyone, but you might just absolutely adore it. Bitter Campari and herbaceous green Chartreuse combine with the vibrant zip of fresh lime for a cocktail that forces you to pay attention. The harmony of balance is surprising, but with the subtle salt enhancing the sweetness and balancing out the bitterness slightly, it works a treat.

30ml Campari
30ml green Chartreuse
30ml lime juice
10ml syrup
4 drops of saline solution (kosher salt 1:5 water)

The saline solution is a simple case of dissolving a little salt in water, and remember you only need tiny amounts here to make an almost imperceptible difference. Shake everything with ice and strain into a chilled coupe.

Strawberry Daiquiri

strawberry daiquiri 8 cocktails that scream i love you for valentine's day the three drinkers

We couldn’t leave this one out. Fully embracing our favourite heart shaped fruits, strawberries are synonymous with love and romance. It’s a misconception that the Daiquiri has to be a sickly-sweet slush puppy. Instead, it can be classy with warming rum, fresh lime, cooling mint and succulent, sweet berries.

Ingredients (jug)
60ml rum (light ideally )
50g fresh strawberries
20ml lime juice
15ml syrup
Strawberry or lime (optional garnish)

Blenders out for this one, but don’t start thinking this is a load of work because we’re just chucking everything in, before a double strain for silky smoothness. If you can use crushed ice to show some love to your blender too that will help. Go for a lime wedge or strawberry with a slice up the middle for garnish. Delicious.


Cocktail syrups are an essential mixology skill, and surprisingly easy to pull together so if you need any for the above recipes click here!