The Bring a Bottle Podcast: Episode 75

The Bring a Bottle Podcast Episode 75

Welcome back to the Bring a Bottle Podcast! It’s our first podcast of 2022 and with brand new sections, more drinks news and the usually lighthearted fun, boy are you in for a treat. Here’s just some of what you can expect from this week…


The Bring a Bottle Podcast Episode 75 Fettercairn 16YO 2021  Release

This week we have such a treat in our glasses, Fettercairn Limited Edition 16 Year Old 2nd Release 2021. It’s aged in three different types of sherry cask, resulting in tropical notes with delicate dry fruits and spice on the palette and in our opinion is the perfect introduction to the Fettercairn style.

ABV: 46.4%
Size: 700ml
Find here: £69.95

Buy it or Bin it!

Buy it or Bin it Segment - Brothers Non-alcoholic Toffee Apple English Cider

We have a brand new section ladies and gentlemen where we taste a product and decide whether we would buy it or bin it! Following the theme of Dry January, this week we taste test Brothers zero-alcohol toffee apple English cider. What’s the verdict - you’ll have to listen in to find out!

Drinks From Around The World

Drinks from around the World Segment - Irn Bru

Which country could it be this week? Well, as this podcast came out on Burn’s Night it seems only fitting that we start with Scotland. Aidy brings a certain can of fizzy pop that’s apparently made from girders! No prizes for guessing the brand, but did you know it’s delicious cooked with pulled pork and as an ingredient in cupcakes?

Drinker’s Discovery

Monsoon Valley White Wine from Thailand

Producer Helena brings a bottle to the table this week and that is Monsoon Valley wine from Thailand served at The Giggling Squid. This naturally leads us on to the topic of why you should never dismiss wines from lesser known countries or unfamiliar regions… check out which lesser-known countries/regions we rate by listening in above!


Haggis drink pairings

Last but by no means least: “I’m going to a Burns Night party, what drink goes with haggis?”. Get in touch on Instagram and let us know what you think and make sure you listen in here to find out our answers!