The Bring a Bottle Podcast: Episode 64

It’s Podcast Day! *insert trumpet/fanfare/horn of anticipation sound effect here* That means you’re one click away from opening the chest full of drinks information and news that Aidy and Helena have prepared for you this week… 

Before you read on, remember there’s so much more to hear in the podcast - so don’t forget to listen! 

What’s In The Glass?

Up for a beautiful dram? That’s a trick question - we already know you are! This week, Aidy and Helena are enjoying Dalmore Cigar Malt Reserve Whisky, an immensely popular whisky winning awards left right and centre! Fun bit of trivia, the original Cigar Malt was discontinued in 2009 but due to the strained cries of its fans - it returned in 2011 with a new bottle and a new gaggle of fans behind it. Why is it called a Cigar Malt, you may ask? It’s not because the whisky is in any way infused with cigars, but because Dalmore have decided it is the quintessential drinks pairing for a cigar...

Now, it’s flavour time… With this whisky you’ll be getting a wonderful mix of dark chocolate, tropical fruits, banana toffee and rich butterscotch. There’s a mouthwatering finish of orange zest that will have you leaning back in your chair feeling like a whisky GOD.

ABV: 44%
UK 700ml // US 750ml
Find here:
UK £76.80 // US $262.99

Drinks News - Cars Powered by Wine?

This just in on TTDNC (that’s The Three Drinkers News Channel) - Helena’s got some hot drinks news that’s not just interesting but eco-friendly (woo)!

Renewable energy is at the forefront of consumers’ minds at the moment, with everyone anxious to find a way to get power without having to harm the environment. This has sprouted some really ingenious ideas in the past few years, with Glenfiddich using whisky waste to power its trucks, and now French oil company TotalEnergies creating fuel for cars with WINE residue!

All these innovations (especially from oil companies) are looking toward a brighter and more sustainable future for the world in terms of being waste free and powered by renewable energy. TotalEnergies will even be supplying the 2022 Le Mans motorsport event (where the winning car is the one who makes the furthest distance in 24 hours)! 

Aidy’s Advice - How To Have the Best Bath of Your LIFE

It’s no surprise that Aidy is a fan of a relaxing and rejuvenating bath, especially if you follow his Instagram (psst - that’s @sypped if you’re interested), and this week he’s let us in on his secrets for having the best bath EVER. Make sure to stick to these steps to ensure a bath Mr. Aidy ‘Best Bather’ Smith would be proud of… 

Step 1: The Bubbles…

Step one is some aromatherapy bubbles. But, what is an aromatherapy bubble bath? As it turns out, aromatherapy bubbles are a bubble bath liquid that gives off relaxing and soothing scents. Pour it under your tap while it’s running for best results!

Step 2: Really, Really, Nice Candle

Having a candle burning, even when not in the bath, is always a calming experience. Brilliant for meditation, romantic evenings or even just reading a good book. You can choose any candle scent you want, it’s completely up to you! Aidy’s loving a musky smelling candle at the moment, and here’s his current favourite: Feu De Bois Candle.

Find out the next 5 steps by listening in… trust us, you don’t want to miss them!

Drinker’s Discovery: The Doctors’ Rosé Marlborough

Helena’s been loving The Doctors’ Rosé from Marlborough, New Zealand this week! This rosé is brilliant as not only is it delicious, with crisp strawberry and cherry flavours, but it’s got a low alcohol content. At only 9.5%, it’s a brilliant wine for drinking when you’re being mindful of what you’re drinking but still want something tasty.

Size: 750ml
ABV: 9.5%
Find it here:


Here’s a sneak preview of this week’s mailbag question - but you’ll have to listen to the podcast to find out the answer…

“I recently bought a huge bottle of rosé for my friend’s birthday! Does wine out of a larger bottle taste any different to wine out of a regular bottle?”

Tune in to listen to all this and more and if you missed last weeks episode then fear not, you can listen in here