Words by Colin Hampden-White

There is a plethora of independent bottlers of whisky these days. Some are well established having started decades ago, and sometimes more than 100 years ago. There are newer bottlers who have set up to make money as whisky becomes ever more popular. Then there are the enthusiasts, the clubs and whisky folk who inhabit a world between their regular jobs and the whisky industry. These are the passionate few, who will bottle whisky because they love it and want to share their findings with other whisky lovers.
This year saw one such bottler finally produce something they love. Simon Roser and Franchi Ferla have been running “Simply Whisky” events and tastings for over a decade. I first met them at a tasting where they had a cocktail made with 70 year old Mortlach and had a fire breather light up the ceiling of the cellar bar holding the event. Hair raising stuff. And so is the whisky they have bottled recently; there are two very different expressions, one Scotch and one Irish, but both 8 years old.
The Scotch called Let’s Dance is a single malt from Clynelish and is 51.6%. it is a full-on young highland whisky with all the characteristics one would expect from Clynelish. It is waxy and has lots of citrus, but also orchard fruits and balanced oak. The Irish is a single grain called Good Times, and it is fruity with lots of toffee flavours. Bottled at 45.6% it is party juice; I kept going back for more! It’s easy to drink and incredibly enjoyable.
The Scotch is definitely the more cerebral of the two, but they are both very good and have completely different reasons to exist, and I’m glad they do. There are only 250 bottles of Let’s Dance, and 157 bottles of Good Times.
Thank you Simon and Franchi for these two, and I look forward to future discoveries.
Let’s Dance
ABV 51.6%
Size: 700ml
Buy it now for £58.95
Good Times
ABV 45.6%
Size: 700ml
Buy it now for £34.95