Which Mixer Goes Best with Cognac?

which mixer goes best with cognac? the three drinkers

There are plenty of different ways to enjoy cognac, and The Three Drinkers in Cognac takes us through many of them. This special liquid works so well in many a cocktail (which you can explore here), but what about a super simple cognac and mixer serve?

Well, absolutely! And you can even emphasise which cognac flavours you want to bring out depending on your preference. Let’s waste no more time as we get stuck into the mixers that go best with cognac…

Ginger Ale – for a spicy serve

ginger ale which mixer goes best with cognac? the three drinkers

Outside of tonic, ginger ale is probably the most popular mixer with cognac, certainly in France, which is why Helena and Aidy serve it to win Eddy round in Episode One! All of the time cognac spends in French oak, it matures and absorbs spice which a good ginger ale enunciates. Not only is ginger ale soul-warming, but it’s also refreshing with light bubbles and gentle sweetness complementing the fruity richness of the cognac so well. Franklin & Sons’ natural Ginger Ale is perfectly poised for the job.

Citrus Tonic – for a light citrus serve

citrus tonic which mixer goes best with cognac? the three drinkers

A prime example of this is the Courvoisier Gala served in the first episode of the series. The delicate nature of a citrus tonic gives the notes in your cognac of choice room to breathe, but also brings a fresh burst of citrus that adds vibrance and refreshment. Where the ginger ale emphasises the spice, a premium citrus tonic brings out the citrus – simple mixology. We prefer lemon to lime, so brimming with natural sunny flavours, Franklin & Sons Sicilian Lemon is absolutely perfect.

Lemonade – for a sweet citrus serve

lemonade which mixer goes best with cognac? the three drinkers

For a sweeter, more intensely flavoured citrus twist, a good quality lemonade makes a delicious pairing with VS and VSOP cognac. The citrus in the cognac is emphasized, the effervescence is refreshing and if you use a premium lemonade like this 1886 Original Lemonade, it won’t be cloying at all and will instead carry some tartness and tang to fill out the fruity flavour.

Tonic Water – for a nuanced serve

tonic water which mixer goes best with cognac? the three drinkers

Similar to when served over ice, cognac and tonic is a traditional choice and one that shines the spotlight fully on the cognac. Particularly with XO bottles and older, a gentle and crisp tonic lets the complexity flourish and allows those notes to open up. Depending on the specific cognac blend, you’ll find that previously undetectable fruity, floral and spicy aromas will show themselves after even just a drop of water. Try Franklin & Sons’ Premium Light Tonic, or for a more Mediterranean vibe. their Mallorcan Tonic

Cola – for a sweet serve

cola which mixer goes best with cognac? the three drinkers

Cola and cognac were unsurprisingly, not a popular choice for the traditional cognac drinker, but when hip-hop helped to rejuvenate the drink in the 1990s, that all changed. Younger drinkers, particularly in America began mixing the two and whilst it will be too sweet for some, don’t discount it! The oak, vanilla and caramel from the cognac marry the sweet fizzy cola wonderfully and actually enhance the floral essences too. A glass of VS Cognac, cola, ice, and lime is full of fizzy flavour and works surprisingly well.

Pineapple juice – for a tropical serve

pineapple juice which mixer goes best with cognac? the three drinkers

A mixer that also became popular when the worlds of hip-hop and cognac collided, pineapple juice is another sweet alternative that adds some juicy body, as well as sunny tropical vibes. The smooth, oaky, rich fruits from the cognac provide the bold depth, and the pineapple provides lighter, summery sweetness. This can easily be adapted into a Sour style drink but then we’re getting into cocktail territory!

For slightly more complicated (but still pretty simple) concoctions, check out the Best Cognac Cocktails here!

If you’re into rum instead, then explore the perfect mixers for a fellow historic spirit here.