The Truth About Negroni Sbagliato

the truth about negroni sbagliato the three drinkers

In the world of cocktails, the Negroni Sbagliato had a moment recently with the resurgence of the cocktail, thanks in part to a viral moment on TikTok. Known as a happy accident, what’s the true story behind this light and fizzy drink? Let's dive into the truth about the Sbagliato, find out more about the legend and the story, embrace imperfection, and explore how to create delightful variations at home.

A Star Moment on TikTok

the truth about negroni sbagliato the three drinkers

In late 2022, thanks to a viral TikTok video featuring stars Emma D'Arcy and Olivia Cooke from HBO’s ‘House of the Dragon’, the Negroni Sbagliato rocketed into the public eye for a while. The cocktail is a twist on a classic Negroni, as Emma beautifully described: ‘A Negroni. Sbagliato. With Prosecco in it!’

Of course, it sounded sexy the way Emma explained it, mispronouncing it with a G in an English accent. The (correct) Italian pronunciation should be “spal - yar - toe”. But this article’s all about embracing mistakes so let’s celebrate the drink, regardless of how you say it. 

The internet went crazy. New videos with the hashtag #NegroniSbagliato exploded as viewers became intrigued by the name and curious about the drink itself. And as TikTok brought Sbagliato back into the spotlight it showcased its delightful simplicity and refreshing taste. As the video escalated to tens of millions of views and demand surged, bars around the world stocked up on Prosecco.

What is a Negroni Sbagliato?

In essence, it’s a twist on the classic Negroni, the more famous (and more potent) equal-parts cocktail that combines gin, Campari and sweet vermouth. The Negroni Sbagliato keeps equal parts of Campari and vermouth, ditching the gin for sparkling Italian wine (typically Prosecco) resulting in a lighter, more refreshing drink with a touch of effervescence. Depending on taste, it no longer even needs to be an equal parts cocktail. Extra prosecco can make it into a longer, highball drink. 

The Beauty of Mistakes: From Blunder to Beloved Beverage

The name of the drink translates from Italian to mean "Negroni Mistake" or “Mistaken Negroni” and its origin story reflects that. Legend has it that in 1972, at Milan's famed Bar Basso, bartender Mirko Stocchetto accidentally grabbed a bottle of sparkling wine instead of gin while making a Negroni for a customer. A fizzy Negroni was served and as a result, given a cute new name. Many cocktail historians cast doubt on this tale because of the lack of historical evidence to support the incident. They also point out the logistical improbability of a seasoned bartender confusing a gin bottle with prosecco (or Asti Spumante which may have been more likely at the time). Regardless of its exact origin, the Sbagliato reminds us to go with the flow and gracefully embrace our mistakes. It's a testament to the creativity and resourcefulness of Mirko that led to decades of unexpected delights. In a world obsessed with perfection, the Sbagliato reminds us that sometimes, happy accidents can result in something truly special. And that even 50+ years on, an old-fashioned drink can have a resurgence in a new world. The popularity of the classic Negroni is still on a growth trajectory even if all the fuss has now seemingly died down again about the Sbagliato. 

Maurizio Stocchetto, on how his father’s mistake made history

the truth about negroni sbagliato the three drinkers

Image credit: Lea Anouchinsky

While the mistaken identity story may or may not be entirely verifiable, Mirko Stocchetto is credited with creating the Negroni Sbagliato whether it was by accident or design. Bar Basso in Milan is considered the spiritual home of the drink, and it’s still served there today in their signature oversized glasses. If you’ve a cheeky origin story, bigger is surely better?

Because the inventor died in 2016 the truth of the story cannot be verified but looking into the legend a little deeper, an interview with Mirko’s son Maurizio (himself a bartender at Bar Basso for more than 40 years and now owner) revealed a little more of the story about his father’s ‘mistake’ and the large glasses he designed for it to be served in. 

‘How often in life do we make mistakes and cast them aside without a second thought? There’s a beautiful lesson here. Mirko’s drink didn’t go down the sink, he decided to go with it, call himself out, rename the drink a Mistaken Negroni and, as my own Dad used to teach me, “turn a fault into a feature.”’

Founded in 1930, Bar Basso Milan was named after its previous owner before the Stocchetto family came to town. Maurizio’s father, a bartender from Venice, took over from Basso in 1967. Aiming for a high-end cocktail bar, he arrived during a social shift. Women were gaining independence and bars were becoming more popular which inspired him to create several lighter cocktails, like the Negroni Sbagliato, using sparkling wine instead of only strong spirits. The Sbagliato's birth thus mirrored the changing times.

So, despite "sbagliato" meaning mistake, it seems it may have been intentional. Maurizio tells how his father Mirko claimed the accident happened when he grabbed Prosecco instead of gin. He also says his father was a confident bartender so it’s more likely that on realising this ‘mistake’, he went ahead and poured the Prosecco into the glass anyway, happy with the outcome he kept the drink and instantly gave it a new name. “So”, he tells of the happy accident, “the name was catchy and the drink cheeky.” Mirko always felt if you live in Italy and you like sweet vermouth and Campari, the addition of sparkling wine would keep the flavour of the base, making for a lighter all-Italian drink. Mirko still loved the classic Negroni. This was just a riff on the original that stuck.

And that’s the beauty of never letting the truth get in the way of a good story. Even if the mistake element has been embellished over the decades, really the story celebrates the inherent charm of imperfection and the creator’s quick thinking. Great discoveries often spring from unexpected moments. The Sbagliato reminds us that sometimes the best things in life can’t be planned. They come from embracing the unexpected, a sentiment that still resonates deeply in our social media-driven world today.  

How do you Make a Negroni Sbagliato?

the truth about negroni sbagliato the three drinkers

Here are four versions you can try (or invent your version and embrace imperfection!)

The Classic Sbagliato

30ml Campari
30ml Sweet Vermouth
Stir in glass
Top with chilled Prosecco
Garnish with orange peel

Pour the Campari and vermouth into a glass over ice. Top up with Prosecco and stir gently enough to combine everything without killing off those bubbles. Orange slice for the perfect garnish!

The Aperol Sbagliato - for a lighter, sweeter twist

30ml Aperol
30ml Sweet Vermouth
Stir in glass
Top with chilled Prosecco
Garnish with orange peel

Exactly the same as above, but using the ever so slightly sweeter Aperol for a subtle difference.

The Sbagliato Royale - for a touch of luxury

30ml Aperol
30ml Sweet Vermouth
Stir in glass
Top with chilled Champagne
Garnish with orange peel

Exactly the same as above, but leave out the ice to avoid dilution!

The Sbagliato Spritz - for more bubbles

30ml Aperol
30ml Sweet Vermouth
Stir in glass
Top with chilled Prosecco and soda
Garnish with orange peel

Follow the original but just add a splash of soda water as well for a more spritzy, highball experience.

Batching these variations is a great idea for entertaining.  Simply combine equal measures of Campari (or Aperol) and sweet vermouth in a pitcher beforehand.  When guests arrive, you can whip up individual Sbagliatos in seconds by topping off each serving with chilled bubbles and garnish.

The lighter profile of the Sbagliato makes it a delightful brunch companion, the Sbagliato's bubbly personality is versatile and perfect companion for many different events like brunch, BBQs, late afternoon Soirées, book clubs… pretty much any occasion. The Sbagliato's sophistication and refreshing nature make it ideal.

The Negroni Sbagliato's recent resurgence has been a testament to the enduring appeal of a well-crafted cocktail.  Whether it was born from a happy accident or a stroke of brilliance, this delightful drink is a reminder to embrace the unexpected and celebrate the deliciousness of mistakes. 

Your own variation may even become your new “it” drink. Sometimes our most delicious creations come from the willingness to be more experimental and less afraid of a little Sbagliato. Cheers to happy accidents!

By Robbie Jerram

robbie jerram drinklusive the three drinkers

Is This The End Of Drinking Culture As We Know It?

is this the end of drinking culture as we know it? gen x drinking less the three drinkers

You’ve probably heard the news about Gen Z (those born between 1997-2012) drinking less alcohol, and the same for Millennials (1981-1996), but did you know that Gen X, those born between 1965-1980, may be becoming a generation of non-drinkers too?

Research from research agency Censuswise and drinks brand Eisberg shows that one in five Generation Xers are completely teetotal and over a third are ‘sober curious’ or cutting down on booze. This age group of Brits, between 43-58, is the biggest buyer of wine but increasing numbers are admitting to suffering memory loss, embarrassment, and fatigue after a night of drinking. As a result, 31% of them are drinking less than they were this time last year.

Of course, these hungover symptoms are nothing new. Indeed, many of us will be over familiar with them! But this turn away from alcohol is new, as drinkers are undergoing a trackable attitude change to drink. This change appears to get stronger as the generation gets younger, with under a quarter of Baby Boomers (1946-1994) trying to cut down, but significant rising numbers of teetotallers amongst Millennials and more noticeably, Gen Zers.

Now, most people (particularly after a heavy night) have said, ‘I’m not drinking again’ or something similar, only to find themselves in a similar situation sometime later, so does it actually mean anything when people say they’re planning to cut down? Well, half of Gen X have actually tried alcohol-free options, so they’re putting their money where their mouths are and trying the flurry of No-Lo brands, such as Eisberg themselves. Part of this willingness to try these options appears to be the increase in quality, as 28% say they believe the options have become more appealing. We’ve seen this ourselves – where options used to be extremely limited, there is now innovation and research, resulting in way more exciting No-Lo drinks.

As people become more conscious of issues around wellness, the demand for alcohol alternatives has increased, and so has the research and development of drinks brands in turn. Whether this trend will continue in the same direction no one knows, but if it does, it will be the end of drinking culture as we know it.

If you feel like you want to try a No-Lo alternative for your favourite drink, then we’ve got a couple of guides here and here with suggestions.

42 of The Best Gin Distillery Tours in Britain & Ireland

best gin distillery tours in britain and ireland the three drinkers

Image credit: Ed Adams

If you're a gin lover, you will have noticed the rise of many new gin brands that have cropped up across the British Isles in recent years. With so many options available, the choices can be overwhelming. To make their brand stand out and share their story, many gin distilleries are now offering what we like to call "gin tourism".

Many distillers are finding innovative ways to attract new customers by opening their doors and offering tours of their distilleries and gin schools. By allowing the public to witness everything that goes into the finished product, these distillers can deepen their customers' relationship with their brand. This is particularly true for gin lovers, who are often curious and eager to learn more about the distillation process. A gin distillery tour or experience should be a feast for the senses, leaving a lasting impression on visitors.

In celebration of gin tourism, we’ve compiled a list of 42 of the best distillery tours and experiences in the British Isles. Whether you're looking for a lovely day out close to home or travelling in the UK or Ireland, adding a distillery tour to your itinerary is a must. Every visit is a unique experience that provides an opportunity to add a memorable sensory experience to your gin journey.

When it comes to locally made craft gin, the unique flavour profile is often influenced by the terroir of the region's botanicals. By enjoying a glass of holiday gin back at home, you can savour the memories of your trip (and as a bonus, it’s way less calories than other treats like sticks of rock, mint cake, clotted cream fudge, or shortbread!)

And remember, if you’re not going yourself, then most also offer a way to give a distillery tour or experience as a gift. Click the distillery names for more detailed information and links to their website as we go. Let’s explore…


best gin distillery tours in britain and ireland the three drinkers

(1) City of London Distillery, Home of Whitley Neill Gin

Whitley Neill Gins, most famous for their rainbow array of coloured bottles and popular flavoured sips was voted The UK's Most Loved Gin two years in a row 2021/2022. On this distillery tour you’ll discover the history of gin in London and learn about gin-making techniques. You can also distil your own personalised gin. Or simply visit the bar for an array of flavoured cocktails.

Distillery Tour & Gin Tasting £25
Make Your Own Gin £125

Address: City of London Distillery, 22-24 Bride Lane, London EC4Y 8DT

2/ Beefeater Gin Distillery

Produced since the 1860s, Beefeater has become one of the world's best selling and most iconic gins. For the first time in 150 years, you can see how the world’s most awarded gin is made, take a stroll through the history of London Gin, smell and touch the botanicals that make Beefeater Gin unique and taste the finished product. The Beefeater Distillery features original Victorian pot stills and a botanical room where the fresh ingredients are stored.

Tour & Experience:
Distillery Tour £25
Exclusive VIP Experience £45

Address: 20 Montford Place, Kennington, London SE11 5DE

3/ Hayman’s of London

Repeatedly voted by Trip Advisor as London’s favourite gin distillery, visitors are Repeatedly voted by Trip Advisor as London’s favourite gin distillery, visitors are taken behind the scenes to look into how this award-winning gin has been distilled in the same way since 1863. Meet the team, see the stills, nose the botanicals and receive a tutored tasting of the gins.

Tour & Masterclass:
Distillery Tour £25
Cocktail Masterclass £35

Address: 8 Weir Road, Balham, London SW12 0GT

4/ Sipsmith Distillery, Chiswick

Trip Advisor Travellers’ Choice of 2023. Learn how Sipsmith came to be, and how they led the charge that led to the modern gin boom that’s reverberated around the world since 2009. See their three copper ladies Prudence, Verity and Constance and learn how their award-winning gins are crafted.

Tour & Masterclass*:
Weeknight Distillery Tour and Tutored Tasting £25
Ultimate Gin Cocktail Masterclass £65
*both experiences include a gift bag to take home

Address: 83 Cranbrook Road, Chiswick, London W4 2LJ

5/ The Ginstitute Experience, Notting Hill

Similar to other distillery tours but a more in-depth 3 hour experience which will result in creating your own gin. Your Ginstructor will give you an in-depth journey through gin’s colourful and chequered past, then guide you through the blending process as you nose your way through a range of botanical distillates, choose your favourites to create your own bespoke blend of gin. It’s rated a 5* experience by Trip Advisor, which explains why you must have a pre-booked session to attend!

3-hour award-winning gin tasting and blending experience. 
£120 per person

Address: 186 Portobello Road, London W11 1LA

South of England

best gin distillery tours in britain and ireland the three drinkers

6/ Greensand Ridge Distillery, Kent

Greensand Ridge is an award-winning, carbon neutral micro-distillery located in a beautifully converted Victorian coach house that’s part of a historic hunting estate, overlooking the fields and forest in the heart of Kent. The intimate gin experience includes a tour and cocktail before you distil your own full bottle of gin on an individual copper pot still. Take home your own handmade 700ml bottle of gin.

2-3 hours £100 per person

Address: Dene Court, Shipbourne Road, Shipbourne TN11 9NS

7/ Gin Kitchen, Surrey

The Gin Kitchen is another award-winning artisan distillery at the heart of the Surrey hills. Luxury gins and signature spirits found in the world’s top luxury stores, five-star hotels and Michelin-starred restaurants.

Trip Advisor Travellers’ Choice 2023. Gin Kitchen has outdoor seating, serves great cocktails, and offers live performances and a selection of gin experiences.

Tours/Experiences include:
Gin Tasting & Distillery Tour £35
Bottomless Brunch £55
Cocktail Masterclass £55

There's also a Gin Distilling Experience, Afternoon Tea and Meet The Maker.

Address: Punchbowl Lane, Dorking, Surrey RH5 4DX

8/ Bombay Sapphire Distillery, Hampshire

Laverstoke Mill is a state-of-the-art sustainable distillery which produces every drop of Bombay Sapphire gin. The Victorian and Georgian buildings set astride the crystal clear River Test and the two intertwining botanical glasshouses, designed by Thomas Heatherwick, grow specimens of the tropical and Mediterranean plant species used in the gin’s distillation process. 

Choose from one of many tours and bespoke events priced from £20 to £175

Address: Laverstoke Mill, London Road, Whitchurch, Hampshire RG28 7NR

9/ Brighton Gin, East Sussex

Brighton Gin is a handmade craft gin brand that started in 2012 at Kathy Caton MBE’s kitchen table and is now sold internationally and stocked in bars and restaurants across Europe, Asia and beyond. Learn all things Brighton Gin, meet the makers or become a master gin maker with a hands-on experience. Develop your own recipe from a range of botanicals, bottle and label your 50ml creation to take home and enjoy. 

Tour & Experience:
90min Distillery Tour and hands-on experience £35
Gin School £90

Address: 35a Vale Rd, Brighton and Hove, Brighton BN41 1GD

10/ Conker Spirit Distillery, Bournemouth Dorset

Established in 2014 as Dorset’s first copper pot gin distillery, Conker is located in the seaside town of Bournemouth. Their gin contains unique Dorset notes of samphire, elderberries and gorse flowers from across the Dorset coast and New Forest. Learn how the Conker team handcraft Dorset Gins and Conker Coffee Liqueurs or celebrate Friday evening cocktails in the Tap Room. 

2 hour distillery tour on Fridays/Saturdays £25
Private group bookings also available

Address: Unit 2, 163 Stourvale Road, Southbourne, Dorset BH6 5HQ

11/ Plymouth Gin Distillery, Devon

One of the South-West’s best kept secrets, Plymouth Gin Distillery is set in an impressive, historic setting and is England’s oldest working gin distillery. Plymouth Gin has been made here according to the original recipe since 1793. Offers include a variety of tours, cocktail experiences, shop and Refectory Bar cocktail lounge.

Classic Distillery Tour £15
Gin Conoisseur’s Tour with dedicated tasting £35
Master Distiller’s Tour £55
Smeaton’s Tower Experience £195
Plymouth Gin Staycation £850 for two people

Address: 60 Southside Street, Black Friars Distillery, Plymouth, Devon PL1 2LQ

12/ Tarquin’s Cornish Gin Distillery, Cornwall

best gin distillery tours in britain and ireland the three drinkers

Tarquin’s Gin was the first new gin to be crafted in the South-West of England in over 100 years when production began in 2012. They do things a little differently. Every bottle famously leaves the distillery hand-waxed and stamped with a puffin, giving it it’s own unique personality. Nestled on a windswept hilltop overlooking the wild Cornish coast, they offer an intimate behind-the-scenes tour and chance to get hands-on with their traditional small-batch spirits production.

Distillery tours from £18
Also available: Gin Schools in Padstow & St Ives, Shops and Tasting Rooms

Address: Higher Trevibban Farm, St Ervan, Wadebridge, Cornwall PL27 7SH

13/ The 6 O’Clock Gin Distillery, Avon

6 O’Clock Gin is a range of strikingly smooth artisan gins made on copper pot still Kathleen. Known for their stunning Bristol Blue glass bottles that pay tribute to the city’s rich heritage, the 6 O’Clock Gin Distillery is situated close to the English side of the Severn Bridge at Thornbury. 

Also available: 6 O’Clock Gin at The Glassboat, an iconic boat in the heart of the city of Bristol, bringing an exciting retail, waterfront gin bar and event space offering tastings, cocktail masterclasses, and gin blending sessions.

Saturday Distillery Tour £25
Cocktail Masterclass £35

Gin Distillery, Unit 6, Ashville Park, Short Way, Thornbury, Avon BS35 3UU
6 O’Clock Gin at the Glassboat, Welsh Back, Bristol, Avon BS1 4SB

14/ Piston Gin School, Cheltenham or Worcester

Inspired by precision engineering and a love of all things automotive, handcrafted Piston Gin has been awarded prestigious double-gold, gold, silver and bronze medals at the San Francisco World Spirit Competition. Their immersive gin schools are located across two sites. Cheltenham, Gloucestershire is HQ where the gin is distilled. Their second gin school is at the flagship store in Worcester. Offering experiences to indulge your senses, ignite creativity and deepen your understanding of craft spirit, they give you insight into the artisan distilling world.

Cocktail Master Gin School £115 per person or £150 for two sharing a still.
The price includes one bottle of your own hand-crafted gin.


HQ, Unit 2, Bamfurlong Industrial Park, Staverton, Cheltenham GL51 6SX
Flagship, Danks 2, 62 Diglis Road, Worcester WR5 3BW


best gin distillery tours in britain and ireland the three drinkers

15/ Hensol Castle Distillery, Mid Glamorgan

Located in the heart of the Vale of Glamorgan, you’ll find South Wales’ first full-scale gin distillery, visitor experience, gin school and bottling plant, all distilling nicely in the cellars of the beautiful 17th century Hensol Castle.

Tour & Experience:
Gin Distillery Tour and Tasting £25
Gin Making Experience £99 per person or 
£150 for two (sharing a still and one 70cl bottle of gin.)

Afternoon Teas are also available in the luxurious surroundings of the castle atrium.

Address: Hensol Castle Park Cellars, Hensol, Pontyclun CF72 8JX

16/ Penderyn Distillery, Llandudno

Brecon Gin is a small-batch, premium Welsh Gin brand that is multi-award winning. Penderyn has three distilleries. The original distillery (making predominantly whisky) is in Penderyn in the Brecon Beacons. Other sites are at Llandudno and Swansea Copperworks. Brecon Gin and Brecon Botanicals are newer products that have been added to their range of spirits in recent years.

Please note, tours are geared more toward whisky enthusiasts than gin but may still be of interest if you have drinkers with different tastes in your party.


£13.50 online
£15 on the door
Discounts for groups of 10 or more, OAPs, students and children 14-17 years


HQ: Penderyn Brecon Beacons Distillery, Pontpren Llwyd, Aberdare CF44 0SX
Lloyd Street, Llandudno, LL30 2YG
Hafod Copperworks, Swansea, SA1 2LQ

Midlands & North of England

best gin distillery tours in britain and ireland the three drinkers

17/ Sky Wave Distillery, Bicester Oxfordshire

Named The World's Best Contemporary Gin at the 2024 World Gin Awards and winner of the 2023 TripAdvisor Travellers’ Choice Award two years in a row. Learn about the fascinating beginnings of this independently owned artisan craft small-batch gin brand.  Tour the distillery and try the different gins and botanicals.

If you plan to enjoy plenty of drinks and prefer not to drive, consider an overnight stay with a difference in the Crew Rooms at this historic former WW2 RAF base.

Distillery Experience and Gin Tasting £25

Address: The North Tanker Sheds, 105 Bicester Heritage, Buckingham Rd, Bicester OX27 8AL

18/ The Only Way Is Spirits, Essex/Hertfordshire

Although this distillery makes flavoured gin, vodka, rum and tequila liqueurs in a unique range of beautifully coloured bottles, when it comes to Gin School, The Only Way is Gin. 

Tour & Experience:

Distillery Tour and Tasting £20
3 hour Gin School Experience £95 or £125 for two sharing a still and one 70cl bottle

Address: Unit 8, Crumps Farm, West Road, Sawbridgeworth CM21 0LJ

19/ Adnams Distillery, Norfolk

Known for gin brands: Adnams Copper House, Smidgin, Fishers, Quince, Sloe,  and First Rate Triple Malt Gin, all are distilled with high levels of juniper and big and bold flavours. Various experiences are offered including a Distillery Tour and a ‘Make Your Own Gin’ experience. Several shops across East Anglia.

Tour, Taste and Make in Southwold, Norwich & Bury St Edmonds. 

Tour & Experiences:
Distillery Tour £25
Cocktail Discovery Masterclass £55
Make Your Own Gin £95

Address: Most Southwold Distillery Tours depart from The Swan Courtyard, Market Place, Southwold, IP18 6EG but check website for details.

20/ Shakespeare Distillery, Warwickshire

Shakespeare Distillery is an artisan gin producer that takes inspiration from the tudor garden. Tour the distillery and visit Gin School to distil your own gin on a mini copper still. 

Distillery Tour and Taste £20
60 min Gin Cruise £30 per adult
Gin School £99 per person or £125 for two sharing a still.
Other tasting and cocktail experiences - see website.

Address: Unit A, Drayton Manor Drive, Drayton, Stratford-Upon-Avon CV37 9RQ

21/ Nelson’s Distillery, Staffordshire

Experience the finest in premium craft spirits. Experiencing the thrilling world of craft spirit production is officially the best thing to do in Staffordshire according to Enjoy Staffordshire Tourism and Good Food Awards 2024. Gin, Vodka and Rum School. 

Tour & Experiences:
Tour, Talk and Taste £25
Single Still £115 per person
Shared Gin & Vodka Making Experience £155

Address: Unit 5a, Grindley Business Village, Grindley, Uttoxeter ST18 0LR

22/ The Spirit of Manchester Distillery, Greater Manchester

Home of Manchester Gin, the signature product range inspired by the city where it all began. Dandelion and Burdock root is a nod to the Northern heritage that distinguishes these gins that are some of the most highly awarded in the world.

Voted Manchester’s #1 thing to do on TripAdvisor, your hosts guide you through spirit tasting, and teach you how to make your own gin.

Gin Tasting from £30
Gin Making experience from £95
Gin Making experience for two from £135

Address: 10-15 Watson Street, Manchester M3 4LP

23/ Hotham’s Gin School, East Riding of Yorkshire

Voted Yorkshire’s Number 1 Visitor Experience in 2020 and 2021. Multi award-winning Gin School Experience (also Rum School and Vodka School) in a purpose-built distilling room. Hear about the Hotham’s history, brand, try the gins and be guided on how to make your own using botanicals of your choice.

Masterclass £125 per person or £150 for two

Address: 2nd floor, Hull Gin School and Distillery, 55 Whitefriargate, Hull HU1 2HU

24/ Whitby Gin Distillery, North Yorkshire

A family-run distillery on the rugged North Yorkshire coast, crafting award-winning coastal spirits using ocean-inspired botanicals from the coast and moorland close to Yorkshire. Make sure you try the Bramble & Bay, Wild Old Tom and Navy Strength Whitby Gins. The Original Edition is a true taste of the region distilled with locally foraged sugar kelp, heather and honey for a bold, balanced flavour.

One hour distillery tour £25

Address: 8 Botany Way, Whitby YO22 4QX

25/ Shed One Distillery, Cumbria LA12 9AU 

Situated on the outskirts of the Lake District, Shed One was Cumbria Tourism’s Experience of the Year in 2022 and Visit England’s Experience of the Year Silver Winner in 2023. First to offer Make Your Own Gin experiences in Cumbria and the Lake District.

Tour & Experiences:
Distillery tour and tasting £22.50
Afternoon G&Tea £29
Make your Own Distilled Gin Experience on selected Sundays. Enquire online.

Address: The Old Calf Shed, North Lonsdale Road, Ulverston, Cumbria LA12 9AU

26/ Durham Distillery, Durham

This distillery offers a real sense of place. Situated in the heart of a cathedral city close to the world-famous UNESCO world heritage site, visitors get to learn about craft spirits in this special place. Good honest spirits made with the finest locally sourced ingredients.

Distillery Experience £17.50
Cocktail Classes £35
Gin Making Class from £85

Address: Prince Bishops Place, 30-31 High Street, Durham DH1 3UL


best gin distillery tours in britain and ireland the three drinkers

27/ Holyrood Distillery, Edinburgh

Sip your way through the award-winning Height of Arrows Gin range with this relaxed, interactive, conversational gin-tasting experience and sample behind-the-scenes future projects accompanied by a delicious gin chocolate truffle. 

Tours & Experiences:
Stills & Staves Highlights Tour £18
Self-Guided Tasting Flight £20 (choose between whisky and gin)
Whisky and Gin Distillery Tour £28
Gin Tasting Experience £28
EH Evenings (free to attend for anyone with an EH postcode) 

Address: 19 St Leonard’s Lane, Edinburgh EH8 9SH

28/ Lind and Lime Gin Distillery, Leith

Lind and Lime say this: “We’ve been to a lot of tours at a lot of distilleries. When it came to creating our own tour, we decided to put all of our favourite things into the single best experience that we could create.”

So they offer Tour, Tasting, Bottle Filling and Cocktail Making on their 75-minute tours on Thurs, Fri, Sat and Sundays.

Gin Tour and Tasting £25

Address: 24 Coburg Street, Leith, Edinburgh EH6 6HB

29/ Crossbill Distilling, Glasgow

If you want hands-on, in-depth gin experiences, Crossbill is the place to go. Start by learning about the history of gin making, then tasting, then distil your own in the distilling class. Free flowing gin and you get to take your own bottle home, what’s not to love?

Tasting Experience £15
Gin School Blending Experience £60
Gin School Distilling Class £110

Address: Unit 1, BAaD, 54 Calton Entry, Glasgow G40 2SB

30/ Stirling Distillery, Stirling

In the shadow of Stirling Castle, Stirling Distillery offer daily gin and whisky experiences. Voted the number one thing to do in Stirling on TripAdvisor.

Distillery Gin Experience £27.50 (Driver’s experience for those not drinking £12.50) 
The Old Smiddy Gin School £90 per person or 
The Old Smiddy Gin School £140 for two sharing a still

Address: 9 Lower Castlehill, Stirling FK8 1EN

31/ North Uist Distillery

Bursting with island charm, this distillery is situated on a historic island steadings, right by the beach on North Uist where Bonnie Prince Charlie once sheltered.

This 1700s home has played a long and dynamic role in the island’s history. Some Downpour Gin will ultimately go down well too, amongst its many awards, it won Overall Spirit of the Year in the London Spirits Competition 2023.

Downpour Gin Tasting £25

Address: Baile Nan Cailleach, Nunton Steadings Benbecula HS7 5LU

32/ City of Aberdeen Distillery

Hidden within a historic railway arch in the heart of the city you will find Aberdeen’s first distillery for over 75 years and its first ever gin school. All tours start with a double G&T, include tastings from the current range of demijohns and are led by the head distiller.

Tour & Experiences:
Discovery Tour from £27
The Flight of Fancy £30
Gin Tasting Masterclass from £54 
Gin School Experience from £120

Address: Arch 10, Palmerston Rd, Aberdeen AB11 5RE

33/ Kinrara Distillery, Aviemore

best gin distillery tours in britain and ireland the three drinkers

Award-winning distillery, tasting experience and shop located just outside of Aviemore in a beautiful remote setting in the heart of the Cairngorms National Park beside the beautiful River Spey. Fun and engaging hosted gin-tasting experience that goes beyond a standard gin tour. 

Tasting Experience £15 

Address: Linwilg Farm Steading, Aviemore PH22 1PZ

34/ North Point Distillery, (home of Crosskirk Bay Gin), Thurso

Overlooking the picturesque Crosskirk Bay, North Point Distillery is the most northerly distillery on the British mainland on the site of the former U.S. Navy base in Forss. One of the most sustainable distilleries in Scotland and multi award-winner of the Gin Guide’s awards for sustainability in 2021, 2022 and 2023, North Point advocates responsible procurement, carbon-neutral production methods and fully recycled and recyclable packaging. 

30 min Copper Distillery Tour £10
Weekend Cocktail Events 

Address: Forss Business & Energy Park, Thurso KW14 7UZ

You can find other Gin Distillery Experiences and Tours in Scotland here:


best gin distillery tours in britain and ireland the three drinkers

Getting there:

Cross to the Isle of Man from England by Manx Ferry from Heysham, Liverpool, and Birkenhead from 2hrs 20mins. 
The island is also accessible by air from many UK domestic airports.
From/to Ireland, ferries and flights operate from Belfast and Dublin. 

35/ Fynoderee Distillery

Home of the Spirits of Mann, enjoy a ‘fyn and tonic,’ learn about the beginnings of the distillery, fascinating Manx folklore, meet the stills and learn about the crafting process of Manx gins, vodka and rum. Substitute drink for drivers and 5cl ‘fyniature’ bottle to take home.

Fri/Sat Distillery Tour and Tasting £21

Address: Parsonage Road, Ramsey, Isle of Man IM8 2EE

36/ Seven Kingdom Distillery

A small distillery specialising in ultra-smooth, delicately balanced spirits. 

Gin tours and tastings in the distillery can be arranged by appointment.

Address: Banks Circus, Douglas, Isle of Man IM1 4LN

For more inspiration about visiting the Isle of Man, click here:

37/ Copeland Distillery

Situated on the coast directly opposite the Copeland Islands, 20 miles outside Belfast, sample the gins, rum and whiskey this special place has to offer, walk around the historical distillery which was once a picture house dating back to 1915 and hear stories of smuggling and seized contraband in the local area.

One Hour Distillery Experience £22.50

Address: Manor Street, Donaghadee BT21 0HF

38/ Echlinville Distillery

Experience excellence with a tour and tasting at Ireland’s first farm distillery, home of some of the country’s best known whiskeys, gins and poitin crafted in the heart of County Down. Gin distilled here includes Echlinville Single Estate Irish Pot Still Gin, Weavers Irish Gin, Jawbox and Feckin Irish Gin. 

Tour and Tipple from £23 (includes two drinks)

Address: 62 Gransha Road, Kircubbin, Newtownards BT22 1AJ

39/ The Boatyard Distillery, Fermanagh

Located on the banks of Lough Erne, close to Tully Castle and next to the Marina, meet the team and stills and discover the secret behind the famous ‘Erainn’ copper still. Excellent tour in a beautiful setting.

90 min tour, tasting and two cocktails £55 (price includes a bottle of gin)

Address: 346 Lough Shore Road, Drumcrow East, Enniskillen BT93 7DX

40/ Still Garden Distillery

Small but perfectly formed Garden Distillery. TripAdvisor Travellers Choice for 2023. Wide range of options include Gin School and Distilling Academy, Tastings, Cocktail Masterclasses and Tours

Tours & Experiences:
Distillery Tour from €15
Premium Distillery Tour from €20
Gin Tasting Masterclass from €30
Cocktail Masterclass from €35
Afternoon Tea and Gin Tasting from €55
Gin School from €95

Address: Goldenbridge Industrial Estate, Tyrconnell Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8 D08 EWK2

The Channel Islands

best gin distillery tours in britain and ireland the three drinkers

Getting there:

Flights operate to the Channel Islands archipelago in the English Channel off the French coast of Normandy. Main routes are to Jersey and Guernsey from Dublin, Belfast and many other UK airports including Birmingham, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Liverpool, East Midlands, Bristol, London Gatwick, Luton, Manchester and Southampton.
Daily ferries also cross from Poole and Portsmouth to Jersey and Guernsey.
Once you’re in the Channel Islands, you can island hop using ferries.

For more information about this beautiful part of the British Isles visit here:

41/ Channel Islands Liquor Co, St Helier Jersey

Located in the Old Sail Loft at the historical French Harbour in St Helier, Channel Islands Liquor Co produces award-winning gins and rums that are exported all over the world. Private tastings usually happen in the evenings. The Old Sail Loft Distillery in Jersey hosts one hour ticketed tastings without having to book a private party. 

£40 for a 2-hour tasting 
Minimum numbers apply

£30 per person, no minimum numbers.

Address: South Pier Harbour, S Pier, St Helier, JE2 3NB Jersey

42/ Wheadon’s Gin, Guernsey

Wheadon’s is a small batch distillery in the atmospheric cellar lounge of Guernsey’s Bella Luce, known as ‘The Gin Hotel’ - the perfect bolthole for a long stay or a few days away. A historic Norman manor house on Guernsey’s stunning south coast. The perfect destination for those travellers for whom experience is everything.  Book gin experiences in advance via the website.

The Gintroduction £25
Breaking Down The Botanicals £35 per person (min 4 people)
Design Your Own Distillation £50 per person (min 6 people)
Gin and Dine, includes gin-tasting and 3 course set menu dinner for £50 per person. Booking essential.

Address: La Fosse, St Martin’s, GY4 6EB Guernsey 

So there you have it, a lip-smacking taster of just some of the amazing gin schools, experiences, tours and more being offered by just 42 out of hundreds of gin distilleries up and down the UK and Ireland. You began in London, the Gin Capital of the World and ended up in The Gin Hotel in Guernsey. Having worked your way all around the British Isles, which take your fancy? Go and explore the United Gindom!

By Robbie Jerram

drinklusive mentee the three drinkers robbie jerram

The 7 Trending Vodkas You Need To Try

trending vodkas you need to try the three drinkers

Beginning in Russia and Eastern Europe, you can now find vodka from almost everywhere. The quality has never been higher, but is there anything more disappointing than trying a bottle on the back of big hype, pouring it over ice, and discovering unpleasant burn or zero character? We’ve gone through the most talked about vodkas out there right now to see what all the fuss is about…

Rachmainoff Vodka

trending vodkas you need to try the three drinkers

There’s no doubting the reason this vodka is on everyone’s lips… literally. Named after a famous Russian composer, this German vodka hits all the right notes. The standout factor here is the mind-boggling value for money. You’ll find it on the shelves at Lidl for just over £10! For that price tag, it has a really clean feel, good smoothness and softness, and a warm dryness to the finish, earning it impressive awards at competitions. Don’t get us wrong, it isn’t an incredible premium vodka, but when it comes to value, it’s unstoppable.

Size: 700ml
ABV: 37.5%
Find here: £11.99

J.J Whitley Blue Raspberry Vodka

trending vodkas you need to try the three drinkers

J.J Whitley have a number of intriguing flavoured vodkas, such as Toffee Popcorn, Strawberry Cheesecake and this, Blue Raspberry… which is getting people talking. The sweet raspberry is instantly noticeable with the fruity tang following in tow. Sure, it hasn’t got the delicate, nuanced elegance of some high end vodkas, but it’s a fantastic versatile and smooth vodka with fun, fruity flavour and no artificial sweetener.

Size: 700ml
ABV: 35%
Find here: £15 (usually more!)

SKYY Vodka

trending vodkas you need to try the three drinkers

This cobalt blue bottle stands out a mile off. SKYY have been undergoing something of a rebrand over the past few years, refreshing their vodka offering. Pacific minerals from San Francisco, where the brand is founded, enrich the liquid with freshness and unique character. The mouthfeel is very light and airy with gentle pepper and sweetness. It’s solid, neutral vodka that punches above its price point.

Size: 700ml
ABV: 40%
Find here: £18 (usually more!)

Wyborowa Vodka

trending vodkas you need to try the three drinkers

Ever popular, this Polish gem was first produced in 1927, and still to this day, every single drop is made there. International awards have been plentiful for almost all of that time, rising to the top of the value categories. There’s a subtle pecan flavour and sweetness thanks to Polish rye, with a velvety mouthfeel. It’s cemented its place in vodka heritage, and is great value for money around that £20 mark.

Size: 700ml
ABV: 37.5%
Find here: £18.06

Au Vodka

trending vodkas you need to try the three drinkers

If one vodka bottle has caught your eye on the shelves, then it’s probably this. Beyond the glimmering gold bottle, this might just be the most talked about vodka in the world. With the help of TikTok fame, ‘Gold Gang’ celebrity endorsements and trendy innovations like colour changing, this vodka is very popular, particularly with younger drinkers. But what about the liquid itself? Well, that contributes towards its staying power too, as it’s 5 times distilled, charcoal filtered and finishes in a high-pressure golf filter chamber. The branding might be love or hate, but the vodka has a pleasing neutrality.

Size: 700ml
ABV: 40%
Find here: £29.95

Grey Goose Vodka

trending vodkas you need to try the three drinkers

Grey Goose is one of the most well-known and popular premium vodkas available everywhere, and for good reason. French inside and out, they use winter wheat local to the distillery, before distilling in Picardy and filtering in Cognac. Even Champagne region limestone-filtered water is used. Endless purification happens before the bottle and cork are macerated in the vodka. All of this effort pays off, with gentle floral aromas, creamy flavour, and no burn whatsoever.

Size: 700ml
ABV: 40%
Find here: £35.88 (usually more!)

Elit Vodka

trending vodkas you need to try the three drinkers

Stepping up in price, this ultra-premium Latvian vodka has been making a splash, not least of all since dominating The Beverage Testing Institute’s awards every year. Their freeze filtration is patented, which is rare amongst vodka producers. The vodka is filtered at -18 degrees Celsius, delivering what might be the smoothest vodka in the world. Aniseed and spice bring some supple flavour amongst the creamy mouthfeel. If you want to try vodka that’s guaranteed to be super smooth and a world away from cheap throatburner, this is it.

Size: 700ml
ABV: 40%
Find here: £46.39


Did you know that white tea and vodka can be a really delicious mix? Perhaps try one of the above with it, or for other tea and alcohol pairings that will surprise you, go here!

The Best Brandy: From Strong to Candy

the best brandy the three drinkers

The diverse and exquisite world of fruit spirits is situated at the delicate intersection of sophistication and indulgence. The category can transport both eager newcomers and seasoned connoisseurs through stories of terroir, craftsmanship, and centuries of heritage. Navigating the world of brandy can be a journey to taste some dramatic distillates and discover uniquely nuanced notes.

While one article could never encompass the broad scope of brandies, below is a selection of fun, approachable, under-the-radar brandies, spanning the spectrum from robust and powerful to delicately sweet and aromatic. From historic distilleries to innovative newcomers, each selection offers a glimpse into this underappreciated and often misunderstood spirit category. If you prefer the warming intensity of a strong eau de vie or the smooth decadence of a sweetie delight, there's a perfect bottle for your desired experience. 


the best brandy the three drinkers

Starting strong. Eau de vie are fruit brandies that are usually unaged and can taste very hot or harsh when enjoyed neat. Strawbar Origin is a strawberry eau de vie made from 100% fermented strawberries. Traditionally fruit eau de vie is made through macerating a less sugary fruit in spirit for the flavour. But Strawbar uses only a special variety of wild strawberry from the Florina region in Northern Greece. This strawberry, known as Alpine strawberries - or more formally, Fragaria vesca - are a varietal known for their delicious, aromatic taste. They are small, flavourful, and luxurious. Unlike their larger grocery-store counterparts, alpine and woodland berries haven’t been bred for size. These are then hand harvested and handled delicately by analytical and organic chemists to create Strawbar’s signature pillars of flavour: strawberry, caramel, compote, & smoke. While somewhat intense on its own, it is magical in many cocktails that use clear spirits. 

Size: 500ml
ABV: 40%
Find here: £39.00


the best brandy the three drinkers

For US brandy enthusiasts, a special selection is this Minnesota-based distillery owned by a German family dedicated to quality products. Grape brandy produced in the United States is typically made from the distillation of fermented grape juice or wine similar to production of the Piscos of Chile and Peru. The Dampfwerk Barreled Grape Immature Brandy is distilled from a skin-on-fermentation using whole fruit imparting additional flavour and texture to the resulting product. It’s then distilled in a copper pot still with four plates. The makers describe the process as “expensive, arduous, and messy, but it provides a full-bodied fruit brandy that we are proud to sip eau de vie style, or barrel aged.” Strong in ABV but packs a punch in deliciousness as well. 

Size: 375ml
ABV: 43%
Find here: $38 (around £30)


the best brandy the three drinkers

G.E. Massenez Poire Williams is well-renowned as a masterpiece of French distillation. This pear brandy captures the essence of bright, ripe pears in every drop. Its unparalleled smoothness and delicate fruit expression make it a standout choice for anyone in search of a refined and unforgettable drinking experience. Traditionally enjoyed neat as a digestif, gifted to a pal in need of escape, or used to elevate cocktails and desserts, G.E. Massenez Poire Williams never fails to impress with its impeccable balance and lingering, peary finish. This spirit has the ability to transport the drinker to the orchards of Alsace with each sip of this extraordinary brandy. A perfect middle ground for this scale. 

Size: 700ml
ABV: 40%
Find here: £35.99


the best brandy the three drinkers

Pére Magloire Fine VS Calvados is crafted using traditional methods of apple brandy production. It begins with the fermentation of apple cider, which is then distilled to create a clear apple spirit. The spirit is made from single continuous distillation in copper stills to concentrate the apple aromas. The flavour is then blended with the fruitiest cuvées and aged in barrels made of century-old oak. This Calvados offers a taste of the rich apple-growing traditions of Normandy, showcasing the unique terroir and craftsmanship as the flagship of the extensive Pére Magloire collection of apple expressions. A beginner’s guide to smooth and fruity flavours, it’s a great brandy to get someone into brandy. 

Size: 700ml
ABV: 40%
Find here: £33.24


the best brandy the three drinkers

Finishing off sweet and easy. Winning Gold at the World Brandy Awards, Bardinet Coffee is a brandy-based coffee liqueur produced by Bardinet, a renowned French spirits company with a strong heritage dating back to 1857. Bardinet Coffee is a premium coffee liqueur and is lauded for quality and richness. After Arabica beans are roasted to specification, they are distilled to extract the essence of the coffee, resulting in a concentrated coffee distillate. This liqueur mixes the coffee distillate and the Bardinet brandy with a balance of the right amount of sweetness and complexity. Its velvety texture and good solid coffee flavour make it delicious over ice, added to any coffee beverage morning or night, and a sweetened delight in any coffee liqueur cocktail. 

Size: 700ml
ABV: 28%
Find here: £13.02

By Zach Sapato

zach sapato drinklusive the three drinkers

Glenmorangie's New Release: Triple Cask Reserve Single Malt Whisky

Glenmorangie Triple Cask Reserve Whisky The Three Drinkers

Looking for a Scotch whisky that's as adventurous as you are? Then you’re in luck as Glenmorangie have just brought out a new exciting whisky, their Triple Cask Reserve.

We’ve been huge fans of Glenmorangie and the legendary master distiller Dr Bill Lumsden for many years now, and we always enjoy being surprised by their intriguing new whisky flavours and styles. Glenmorangie Triple Cask Reserve surprises again with the use of rye casks - something that is not often found in Scotch and more specifically Glenmorangie whisky production.

The result is stunning. Blending three unique cask types of bourbon, new charred oak and rye, it’s a rich and subtly spiced whisky. The bourbon cask ageing gives the whisky its classic Glenmorangie fruity smoothness - think notes of pear, candied orange peel and honeysuckle. The new charred oak casks bring fuller, richer notes which are balanced out by the subtle hints of spice coming from the rye whiskey casks for a well-rounded delight.

Trying it neat is a must but it also tastes great in a Manhattan or Gold Rush cocktail, or even just with ginger ale to complement those spicy notes.

We were lucky enough to spend some time at Glenmorangie in Season 1 of The Three Drinkers TV series, The Three Drinkers do Scotch Whisky which you can find on Amazon Prime. If you want to find out more about Glenmorangie’s unique stills which help craft their more delicate, fruity spirit, click here!
Size 70cl
ABV 40%
Find here £33

For more great Glenmorangie products, why not check out our One Drink, Three Ways cocktail special using Glenmorangie X?

Here’s the Secret to the Perfect Mocktail

Ben Branson Seasn Non-Alcoholic Bitters The Three Drinkers

In the ever-evolving world of cocktail mixology, innovation knows no bounds and this has led to an abundance of superb concoctions waiting to be sipped. Mocktails on the other hand haven’t progressed quite as quickly and often miss that crucial ingredient that brings everything together. Don’t despair yet though, as recently we’ve come across something that will make even the strongest mocktails cynics excited… introducing, Seasn.

Seasn Light and Seasn Dark are the latest creations of Ben Branson, the visionary behind the world's first non-alcoholic spirit, Seedlip. These non-alcoholic bitters are each tailored to complement a spectrum of beverages, from the airy effervescence of a G&T to the robust depths of a whiskey soda.

What do the bitters taste like?

Seasn Light bursts with notes of fresh-cut grass, lime, and grapefruit, and on the palate a bitterness from the Andrographis paniculata plant, and hints of sea salt and kombu.

Seasn Dark ventures into spicier realms, with notes of kola nut, cherrywood, and a symphony of spices, including cinnamon, cayenne and star anise. It gains its bitterness from the paniculata plant as well as black pepper, mushroom and dark chocolate!

How much of the bitters should I use?

Three dashes per serving should do the trick, meaning each bottle unlocks the potential for 50 meticulously crafted beverages, whether they be used in cocktails, mocktails, tonic water or sparkling water.

So, whether you're savouring a sunset-infused Margarita or indulging in the timeless elegance of an Old Fashioned, try Seasn - a revolutionary new addition to your mocktail arsenal in our opinion!

ABV 0%
Size 150ml
Find here £17.99

The UK’s Best Adults-Only Soft Play Centres

the uk's best adults-only soft play centres the three drinkers

Most of us have memories of soft play centres from our childhood, whether it was a rainy weekend or a birthday party but save the young parents that might get involved themselves with their own kids, it’s a world we say goodbye to forever as adults. Or is it?

We all like passing the time in restaurants and pubs, but boozy soft play bars like these are bringing back the silliness to adult life. Not only are they nostalgic, with the retro games, ball pits, slides, nets and tunnels we remember, but you also get the grown-up bonus of drinks. Suddenly those climbing walls don’t look as straightforward!

Take a look below to find your nearest adults-only soft play centre – they each offer something different, but they all offer a turn back in time.

Howlers, Newcastle

the uk's best adults-only soft play centres the three drinkers

Image credit: Howlers

Howler’s is Newcastle’s only ball pit bar, but as a £1m project, it’s much more than that. There’s also karaoke, stag and hen events, bottomless brunches, corporate events, and all kinds of parties. It promises the bizarre and bonkers, and whilst we would say it rolls back the years to your childhood, this will likely be very, very different.  And if you’re worried about sharing a ball pit with that many people (many of whom will be tipsy to say the least, let’s face it), then take comfort tin Howlers’ fancy cleaning machine that gobbles up 10,000 balls over the hour and spits them out clean. On top of that, the entire pit is emptied and cleaned ready for the weekend!

Location: 28-32 Collingwood St, Newcastle upon Tyne NE11JF
Entry Fee: The Howlers Bottomless Bonkers Ball (£12+) The ChachaBuchi Bottomless Brunch (£29.99+)

Wonderland: Adult Soft Play, London

the uk's best adults-only soft play centres the three drinkers

Image credit: Wonderland: Adult Soft Play

If you’ve seen any adult soft play centres online, it’s most likely to be this TikTok hit. Situated in Palmers Green and open most weekends, it’s a three-storey mystically themed retro style soft play centre with slides, ball pits, swings, tunnels, DJs, boozy slushies as well as a fully-fledged arcade and bar games area. ‘Never Grow Up’ is the motto and the aim of the game here!

Location: 220 Green Lanes, London N13 5UD
Entry Fee: £22

Big Fun, Hull

the uk's best adults-only soft play centres the three drinkers

Image credit: Big Fun, Hull

By day, Big Fun is full of children playing, but on Friday Nights, it’s Adult Night! The Bar is open all evening serving legendary drinks like the Double Vodka Slush, including BOGOF Happy Hour 8pm-9pm. There’s even private rooms for £60 if you don’t fancy waiting for the slide. It’s not a small recreation of a play centre, because it literally is one, so you get the entire colourful labyrinth to crawl, slide and jump through – and all for under a tenner.

Location: 335 National Ave, Hull HU5 4JB
Entry Fee: £8.95

Ocean Adventurers, Bristol

the uk's best adults-only soft play centres the three drinkers

Image credit: Ocean Adventurers

South of Bristol and east of Weston-super-Mare lies Ocean Adventurers Soft Play. This is another genuine children’s soft play that hosts adult only nights called ‘Adventurers After Dark’. Three stories of laser tag, karaoke, interactive games, and full soft-play arena await. And if you’re wondering whether everything will be too small for you, think again, because they’ve installed a giant games area where everything is oversized. There is so much to do here for £10 if you’re fancying something different from a bar or nightclub.

Location: Ocean Adventurers, Unit 11, Cheddar Business Park, Cheddar, Somerset, BS27 3EB
Entry Fee: £9.95

Pirates Play, Nottingham

the uk's best adults-only soft play centres the three drinkers

Image credit: Pirates Play

This Nottingham play centre is a slightly different offering. You can pre-book a private adult party with them, where their party hosts lead your group through games across the three stories of soft play. Think tag rugby and shot relay which is perfect for any competitive groups out there. Alternatively, you can be left alone to do as you wish – it’s up to you. You’ll get to blast your own playlists through the speakers too! And get this, you can even bring your own booze, snacks, and nibbles – how good is that?

Location: 41 Rowley Dr, Nottingham NG5 1GD
Entry Fee: £295 for up to 25 people / £10pp thereafter (Laser Tag added for £35)

Ballie Ballerson, Edinburgh, London, and Cardiff

the uk's best adults-only soft play centres the three drinkers

Image credit: Ballie Ballerson

With bars in England, Scotland and Wales, you’re never too far away from a chaotic ball pit with Ballie Ballerson. Their giant glowing ball pits are famous with an insane number of balls. Whilst they don’t have the slides and tunnels too, they are very much proper bars in their own right. Cocktails are served by champion bartenders, bottomless brunches, hen dos, and all kinds of entertainment are a constant. If you’re after a classic chaotic bright ‘n’ busy bar experience with a touch of fun and games, this is for you.

London - 97-113 Curtain Rd, London EC2A 3BS
Edinburgh - 14 Forrest Rd, Edinburgh EH1 2QN
Cardiff - Unit 6-7 Brewery Quarter, Cardiff CF10 1FG
Entry Fee: £4.50-£12.50 depending on date and location (more for brunch, karaoke etc.)

If you’re looking for more drinks related group events, then a distillery tour is always worth looking into. Here are a few to get you started!