Sensational Scottish Whisky Tour, Curated by You

Drinking Whisky Image Credit Cottonbro Studios

Image by Cottonbro Studio via Pexels

Scotland is well known as a land of rolling hills, towering castles, craggy peaks, and perfectly aged Scottish whisky. Whisky connoisseurs come to Scotland to taste some of the best liquor in the world and tour the distilleries that have been there for hundreds of years. Experiencing this unique place and nation and the iconic distilleries Scotland offers is best done in style and luxury. We’ve compiled the ultimate luxury whisky tour checklist. Take our advice, and you’ll see the best that Scotland’s whisky makers have to offer and take home memories that will last a lifetime.

A Brief History

Scotch Whisky is believed to have begun due to a lack of grapes in the area. Instead of making wine, Scots used grain mash to create the first forms of the whisky. The original name for the drink translates (from Gaelic) to mean “water of life.”

Travelling in Style

Start your whisky tour as you mean to finish it: in style. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that your holiday begins when you arrive in Scotland: the adventure will begin the moment you step into your private jet to make the journey there. Booking a private jet charter means that you and your party will have the entire cabin to yourself and that you can personalise your travel schedule to a much greater degree than you would on a commercial airline. Book your plane for the trip to Scotland and travel from region to region to taste some of the most famous and delicious Scottish whiskies.

Famous Distilleries To Visit

Glengoyne Distillery, Dumgoyne

Since 1833, there has not been one month in which whisky has not flowed from Glengoyne Distillery. The highlands-style single malt crafted at Glengoyne is unique because, though it is a highlands-style scotch, it matures in the lowlands.

Interestingly, this distillery is located along the border between the high and lowlands, with the stills resident in the highlands and the casks residing in the lowlands. This distillery is a testament to the complexity of this intricate industry and how complex the art of whisky-making can be.

Closest airport: Glasgow: 33 minutes away.
Luxury accommodation nearby: Kimpton Blythswood Square, Glasgow.

Famous Distilleries To Visit Image Credit Ridham Nagralawala

Image by Ridham Nagralawala via Unsplash

Glenfiddich Distillery, Dufftown

Glenfiddich is possibly one of the world's best and most famous whiskies and best known in Scotland. Nestled in the little hamlet of Dufftown, Glenfiddich has been operating since 1886. Glenfiddich still works with traditional distillation methods using copper pot stills and classic oak barrels. The single malt created here draws in guests from all over the world. You can attend tours and tasting sessions at the distillery to get acquainted with the product. Glenfiddich has dealt with some hardships over the course of its history but always comes out on top: they’ve won more awards than any other single malt scotch in the country.

Closest airport: Inverness — 1 hour and 20 minutes away
Luxury accommodation nearby: Rocpool Reserve Hotel

Distillery Image Barrels Image Credit Cottonbro Studios

Image by Cottonbro Studio via Pexels

Laphroaig Distillery, Isle of Islay

The distinctive smoky, peaty flavour infused into Laphroaig whisky is what makes it stand out above a lot of the other excellent options. The distillery on the Isle of Islay has been operating since 1815 and was founded by members of the Clan MacDonald. The abundance of peat on the island is the reason for the distinctive taste that the whisky takes on, something that only island whiskies have the option of doing. The pristine white walls and slate grey rooves of the distillery building itself blend seamlessly into the stormy island views and make for an enticing day trip.

Closest airport: Islay — 11 minutes away
Luxury accommodation nearby: The Machrie Hotel and Links

Unknown Gem Distilleries

Tamdhu Distillery

Clocking in at just over 170 years old, the Tamdhu Distillery is an incredibly underrated location in the Speyside whisky region. Records show that the founders of Tamdhu were the first in Scotland to secure a shipment of sherry casks from Spain, and that is how they’ve done things ever since: in oak sherry casks. The brand believes the wood lends a distinctive taste to the scotch.


Also located in the Speyside region, you’ll find Benromach Distillery. This family-owned distillery likes to keep things as simple as it can and prides itself on its distillers relying only on their highly trained senses to create their award-winning ambrosia. The character in each drop clearly shows that their process is one to appreciate because we predict that this whisky will soon compete with the all-time greats.


This distillery’s claim to fame is that it makes superb whisky and is the second distillery ever to have been licensed to produce single malt scotch whisky. Being an island distiller, the location is a massive part of what makes this drink so unique, as the purest spring water (from an island spring) is used to create the scotch. The copper stills and wooden washbacks used in the process ensure that Torabhaig will continue to produce excellent whisky for hundreds of years to come.

Your Scottish Whisky Adventure Awaits

Travelling in high style, visiting some of the most well-known distilleries in the world, sampling some underrated gems, and staying in the most luxurious hotels available is the perfect way to experience whisky country. Your Scottish whisky tour will be the experience of a lifetime. For more Scotch whisky articles, including our recommended bottles, click here.

Why Puerto de Indias Are Releasing An ‘Unfair’ Blackberry Gin

why puerto de indias are releasing an unfair blackberry gin the three drinkers international women's day

It’s not often that you’ll find us praising a bottle of booze being decreased in size, but on this occasion the point it’s making is well worth it.

Seville-based Puerto de Indias are rolling out special editions of their tasty Blackberry Gin, but with 14.3% less liquid inside than usual. Perhaps you’re wondering how they arrived at such a specific number? Well, it reflects the ONS figures that women earn, on average, 14.3% less than men per hour.

Set for a release on International Women’s Day this Friday 8th March, journalists, bartenders, and influencers will be sent these ‘unfair’ bottles to draw attention to the gender gap issue. Whether it’s the issue of women being paid less for the same work or not being given equal opportunities in various industries, this bottle and IWD is a reminder of the work still to be done.

To get people shouting about it, Puerto de Indias are encouraging #shakeforpayequality, where you can join in by making a cocktail and raising your glass to women.  Sticking with the blackberry gin as it was a women-led creation, you can whip up their delicious Black Mojito starring it.

As well as rolling up their sleeves when it comes to the big issues, their gin is award-winning for a reason. They’ve blazed a trail with premium berry gins, first with their renowned strawberry and now with this. If you want to join us with a Black Mojito this Friday, this is how you make it!

black mojito why puerto de indias are releasing an unfair blackberry gin the three drinkers international women's day

50ml Puerto de Indias Blackberry Gin
3 wedges of lime
2 or 3 good-sized blackberries
8 spearmint leaves
Sprinkling of sugar
Soda or sparkling water

Take a fairly wide glass and drop your lime, spearmint, and blackberries into it, along with a teaspoon or so of sugar to let it macerate. Then the good stuff, pour in the beautiful Blackberry Gin and top up with some bubbles - soda or sparkling water. Cheers!

It doesn’t look like the special edition of the bottle is available to buy, but you can find the full-size bottle at a number of retailers including Master of Malt here, where it’s currently on offer for £26.95!

Which Cocktails Can You Make With Absinthe?

which cocktails can you make with absinthe? the three drinkers

The mysterious and often misunderstood absinthe is criminally underused in cocktails. If you want the full low-down on the spirit then check out our guide here, but in short, it’s a highly alcoholic spirit with a fascinating past interwoven with artists, bohemians, prohibition, the Moulin Rouge and much more.

Most drinkers that aren’t overly familiar with it are most likely to identify it as a testing, throat burning shot of 60% alcohol, but there is a lot more fun to be had with it. Whether verte (green) or blanche (uncoloured), well-made absinthe brings a unique spicy-sweet aniseed flavour with layers of herbal cleanliness offsetting the booze nicely. Wormwood and fennel are the two other botanicals you’ll commonly find.

As with any spirit, the best way to dip your toes into it (not literally) is with cocktails. The serious oomph and complex herbal intensity can bring a sprinkling of magic to a cocktail, elevating it impressively. Let’s take a look at a few easy-to-make classics and couple of more challenging serves for the mixologists out there.

Death in the Afternoon

death in the afternoon which cocktails can you make with absinthe? the three drinkers

If you want simple, then you’ve got it. The only complicated thing here is sourcing yourself a good value and good quality absinthe and Champagne, after that it’s just combining the two. The namesake of Hemingway’s Spanish bullfighting book, he apparently created it himself to make a totally refreshing and gorgeously light cocktail. The acidic brightness, the soft brioche, the herbal botanicals, it’s such a yummy palate cleanser.

40ml Absinthe
Champagne to top

Absinthe first, and then top up with Champagne before a gentle stir to combine. That’s it.

Absinthe Spider Highball

absinthe spider highball which cocktails can you make with absinthe? the three drinkers

A Highball is a simple cocktail which is essentially a spirit and mixer, perhaps with a garnish or other ingredient. We always recommend it as an introduction to a new spirit, and the Spider is a simple serve bringing out the boozy spice of absinthe with the warmth of ginger ale. Angostura bitters bring some bitter complexity to the depths too.

20ml Absinthe
2 dashes of Angostura
Ginger ale to top up

Pour in your absinthe to an ice-filled glass, top up with ginger ale and swirl into a couple of Angostura dashes.

Absinthe Mojito

absinthe mojito which cocktails can you make with absinthe? the three drinkers

This brings out the cleansing refreshment that absinthe can be so delicious for. We’ve gone for a 50/50 mix of lemonade and soda, but you can adjust this depending on personal preference and absinthe used. The combination of fresh and sweet citrus with the cooling mint and complex herbal spice of the absinthe is intense but so yummy.

45ml lemonade
45ml soda
25ml absinthe
Lime wedges and mint leaves (garnish)

Drop some lime wedges into glass half-filled with crushed ice along with a few sprigs of mint. Pour over absinthe and your lemonade and water, before giving it a good churning stir to extract the flavours.

Corpse Reviver No.2

corpse reviver no.2 which cocktails can you make with absinthe? the three drinkers

Okay, so if you’re really cautious about the absinthe flavours, then this is one for you. One of the common ways absinthe is used is for rinsing the glass. Because it’s so intense, it still has a great impact on the cocktail even though it’s poured away. Originally designed to ‘revive a corpse’ i.e. remedy a hangover, this is a committed start to a second day of drinking.

1-2 dashes of absinthe
25ml Gin
25ml Cointreau
25ml Lillet Blanc
25ml fresh Lemon juice
2.5ml sugar syrup (optional)
Lemon twist to garnish

Add some absinthe into your glass and swirl to coat the glass before discarding. Next, shake all your other ingredients with ice until the shaker feels chilled, and strain into your rinsed glass without fresh ice.

The Green Beast

the green beast which cocktails can you make with absinthe? the three drinkers

For a rather intimidating name, this is somewhat of a cocktail clean freak. Absinthe is often use as a rinse or just in small doses, but here it stars with little else competing. It’s a modern classic, offsetting the intense absinthe with the coolness of cucumbers, water, and lime. A little syrup is needed for balance, but mainly this is a clean, vegetal delight with green flavours everywhere.

30ml absinthe
20ml simple syrup
20ml lime juice
100ml chilled water
4 slices of seedless, peeled cucumber (some for garnish) 

Muddle the cucumbers with the syrup in the bottom of your glass, and pour over absinthe, lime juice and ice. Bring it to the top with chilled water, and delicately place a cucumber slice for garnish.

Green Fairy

green fairy which cocktails can you make with absinthe? the three drinkers

An icon of the Moulin Rouge, The Green Fairy is one of the better-known absinthe creations… so much so that some people simply call absinthe by it. The spirit takes centre stage here, dancing with the zip of lemon, the bitterness of Angostura, the sweetness of a little sugar and the silky texture of egg white. It all comes together for an intensely herbal zing that packs a hell of a punch for a fairy.

25ml absinthe
25ml lemon juice
25ml chilled water
10ml Sugar syrup
1 dash Angostura bitters
1 egg white (or 15ml aquafaba)
Lemon peel to garnish

Dry shake all these ingredients and then repeat with ice (you’ve got to earn cocktails round here). Strain into a pre-chilled cocktail glass. A twist of lemon peel to garnish and you’re away.

Last Resort

late resort which cocktails can you make with absinthe? the three drinkers

We’ll finish with something a little more complex, but still pretty easy to pull together. This concoction only uses 20ml of absinthe, but remember it’s concentrated and intense flavour and plays a vital role here. Building on the Brandy Sour, the Last Resort cocktail uses the fresh tang of absinthe and lime juice to complement the richness of French pear brandy. One egg white provides that moreish frothy viscosity, and alongside Peychaud’s bitters, all the ingredients accentuate one another’s botanicals and aromatics deliciously.

20ml absinthe
50ml French pear brandy (Massenez Poire Williams)
20ml lime juice
20ml simple syrup
2 dashes of Peychaud’s bitters
1 egg white
Grate nutmeg for garnish

Swirl the absinthe in the glass, and add pear brandy, lime, syrup, and egg white into a shaker with no ice – this will emulsify the egg whites. Then repeat with ice and double strain into your glass before topping off with a little freshly grated nutmeg and the beautiful bitters.

You’ve got your cocktail recipes, now all you need is a great bottle of absinthe to get them made – check out our recommendations at the end of our Absinthe Guide.

Six Stunning Margarita Variations

six stunning margarita variations the three drinkers

A timeless classic, the Margarita is synonymous with summer fiestas and cocktail bars the world over. As many classics are, the Margarita of old is a perfect recipe, combining flavours of tequila, lime, cointreau and salt. They can be frozen, shaken, stirred, spicy, smokey and just about anything you can set your mind to. If cocktails are art, then margaritas are the canvas.

Agave drinks are so ancient, they can be dated back to 300 AD! Back then, they were a ritual drink, as were most fermented drinks of the time, but these are stories for another time. Tequila reared its world-changing head over a thousand years later, and it is the Margarita that took tequila global in the mid 20th century, cementing its place in drinks history, and onto the menu of every restaurant, dive bar and high end cocktail bar. 

In 2023, I won the UK El Recuerdo Mezcal Competition with a Margarita twist, so I know a thing or two about the Marg. Here is the winning cocktail, and below it, five more tasty twists on the Margarita that you can easily try at home.

What’s up, Guac?

uk el recuerdo mezcal competition margarita twist six stunning margarita variations the three drinkers

Some of the worlds’ most interesting cocktails take inspiration from culinary staples and this delightfully balanced take on a classic Marg does just that. Guacamole is a staple food in Mexico, where all Tequila and Mezcal is made. This drink takes the flavours of Mexico's most famous mole - cilantro, basil and cucumber - to make a devilishly refreshing summer cocktail.

60ml or 2oz Mezcal (El Recuerdo)
25ml or 0.75oz Lime
25ml or 0.75oz Cilantro Syrup
10ml or 0.25oz Agave Syrup 
Bar Spoon of Mexican Jalapeno Chilli Salsa (Habanero Tabasco works if you don’t have a local chilli shop)

Throw all the ingredients into a shaker, strain into a coupe glass (or whatever you like to sip your Margaritas from) and garnish with your prettiest edible flowers

TOP TIP: Don’t be scared, the syrup is so simple, no mixology required, simply throw the following ingredients into a blender, sieve the pulp out and you’ll be ready to go! 

25g Coriander
15g Basil 
50g Cucumber
100g Sugar
100g Water

Now that you know we mean business, here are five more stunning Margarita variations…

The Best Margarita for Spice Lovers: El Pepino (Spicy Margarita)

El Pepino (Spicy Margarita) stunning margarita variations the three drinkers

The ‘El Pepino’ (Spanish for ‘The Cucumber’) is a modern classic that has captured the imagination of bartenders all over. It’s rare that a twist on a classic comes along and so quickly becomes a staple in the bar scene. Fresh ingredients are the key to the El Pepino, cucumber and jalapenos directly in the cocktail shaker. No need to muddle, just shake hard! This refreshing, spicy and salty concoction will be a hit at your next summer fiesta!

50ml or 1.5oz Tequila
25ml or 0.75oz Lime Juice
15ml or 0.5oz Agave Syrup
2 Cucumber slices
Fresh Jalapeno (start small, scale up to preferred spice level)

Add ingredients into cocktail shaker, shake, strain over ice in a rocks glass. If you’re feeling fancy, rim the tajin for extra effect. Use the leftover pressed limes to wet the glass rim and sprinkle the tajin around the intended area.

The Best Margarita for Floral Lovers: Santa Muerta

santa muerta margarita stunning margarita variations the three drinkers

From the mind of cocktail wizard and mixologist, Calum Anderson, this simple margarita variation is a bouquet of flavours. Equally sweet and sour with a fresh, fragrant floral nose and a simple ingredient list that can be picked up from any supermarket! You can buy yourself flowers, but I bet you’d rather have one of these… 

35ml or 1oz Tequila
15ml or 0.5oz Violet Liqueur
25ml or .75oz Elderflower Cordial
25ml or .75oz Lime Juice
25ml or .75oz Apple Juice

Add ingredients in cocktail shaker, shake, strain over cubed ice, garnish with edible flowers.

The Best Margarita for the Coffee Obsessive: Muerto Bali Hai

muerto bali hai margarita stunning margarita variations the three drinkers

Taking a legendary Tiki drink and colliding it with a Margarita sounds like a recipe for disaster or a delicious miracle. The Muerta Bali Hai is the latter. It might sound obscure, but the tropical combination of coffee, pineapple, lemon and tequila come together to create an indulgent drink that will delight coffee and tiki lovers alike. If you enjoy unique drinks, this is certainly one for you.

50ml or 1.5oz Tequila
15ml or 0.5oz Kahlua
25ml or 0.75oz Lemon Juice
50ml or 1.5oz Pineapple Juice
15ml or 0.5oz Agave Syrup

Add ingredients in a shaker, shake, strain over ice in a hi-ball glass. Garnish with pineapple leaves for that cheeky tiki look.

The Best Margarita for Summer Time: Frozen Coconut Mangorita

frozen coconut mangorita stunning margarita variations the three drinkers

Sipping frozen margs on a hot summer day is the perfect way to enjoy tequila, however, the addition of mango builds on this perfection, adding a bright tartness that balances with the sweetness of coconut cream leaving you wanting more. Don’t be scared by the blender, it’s super easy to whip up multiple mangoritas at once just by doubling the measurements and throwing it all in the blender cup. This cocktail is bound to impress guests and not leave you wasting valuable party time by mixing complicated drinks.

50ml or 1.5oz Tequila
25ml or 0.75oz Lime Juice
25ml  or 0.75oz Cointreau
15ml or 0.5oz Coconut Cream 
70g or ½ a Mango

Throw the ingredients into a blender with a scoop of crushed ice and blitz until silky smooth. 

TOP TIP: If you don’t have crushed ice, beat some cubed ice in a plastic bag with a rolling pin until you DO have crushed ice.

The Best Margarita for the Smoky Lovers: Mezcalita

mezcalita stunning margarita variations the three drinkers

Mezcal is the fastest growing spirit in the world, with more and more punters turning to the ancient agave spirit as their base for the Margarita. It may be the most simple drink on this list, but if you haven’t tried Mezcal before, this is the perfect introduction to one of the oldest and most unique spirits in the world.  

50ml or 1.5oz Mezcal
25ml or 0.75oz Lime Juice
15ml or 0.5oz Agave Syrup

Add ingredients in a cocktail shaker, shake, strain over ice in a rocks glass.

For those, like me who can’t get enough of the Margarita, follow this link for More Stunning Margarita Variations

By Miley Kendrick

miley kendrick drinklusive the three drinkers stunning margarita variations

Best Wine to Gift Mum this Mother's Day

best wine to gift mum this mother's day the three drinkers

There’s a reason that a thoughtfully selected, delicious bottle of wine is one of the most popular Mother’s Day gifts. Sunday 10th is just around the corner (hopefully that hasn’t caught you off guard), and we’ve curated a selection of wines perfect for the big day.

There’s something for everyone, beginning with flourishing English wines before luscious reds and crisp whites to finish. The wines we’ve picked here absolutely justify their price tag and beyond, but we’ve included a few different price points so that you can deliver, no matter how much you have to spend. Let’s get into the good stuff and raise a glass to the Mums!

English Sparkling Wine for Mother’s Day

Asquith Gardens Traditional English Sparkling Wine

asquith best wine to gift mum this mother's day the three drinkers

One of the English sparklers picking up awards on the international stage, this Asquith Gardens wine is made using the traditional method from a blend of Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, and Pinot Meunier. 5 years of ageing lead to luxuriously fine bubbles, and notes of apple, floral honey, marmalade, and biscuit. It goes toe-to-toe with far more expensive Champagne and is a steal at this price point.

Size: 750ml
ABV: 11.5%
Find here: £18

Ridgeview Fitzrovia Rosé NV

Fit for a Royal (and a President), this blend was chosen to be served at many Buckingham Palace banquets such as Obama’s visit in 2011. It’s harmoniously balanced, delivering fresh notes of raspberries, a little honey sweetness and a zip of citrus. It pairs perfectly with shellfish and lean fish and is an outstanding example of English sparkling rosé that is bound to make Mum’s Day!

Size: 750ml
ABV: 12%
Find here: £40

Chapel Down Rosé Brut

chapel down rose best wine to gift mum this mother's day the three drinkers

One of the trailblazers in English wine, Chapel Down make a stunning sparkling rosé that’s brimming with fruits. Strawberry and raspberry lead the charge, flanked by bright lemon and lime and supported by delicate orchard fruits. It’s so crisp and balanced and every sip reminds you that you’re in safe hands. It really is a top notch English sparkling rosé and is excellent value for money too.

Size: 750ml
ABV: 12%
Find here: £29

Champagne for Mother’s Day

Champagne PIAFF Blanc de Blancs NV

champagne piaff blanc de blancs best wine to gift mum this mother's day the three drinkers

Where there’s a celebration, Champagne is never far away but with lofty price tags, you want to make sure you’re getting bang for your buck. From Mansard’s Côte des Blancs vineyard comes this dreamy 100% Chardonnay expression, with a striking, persistent mousse lifting the floral and subtly nutty nose. Beyond that, delicate white fruits, brioche fullness and pleasing minerality build a solid structure. The wave of freshness comes first, before the mellow pastry profile takes over. It’s intense and restrained in perfect measure and exactly what Champagne is all about.

Size: 750ml
ABV: 12%
Find here: £69.30

Red Wine for Mother’s Day

Ravenswood Lodi Old Vine Zinfandel

ravenswood lodi best wine to gift mum this mother's day the three drinkers

This is Cali Zinfandel from Lodi that’s full-on in the best way possible. 18 months of American and French oak ageing has developed a tasty bouquet of red and dark berries. The fruits come through with intense concentration of flavour- think woody Christmas spice, plush blackberry and a really unique coconut note. Smooth, quaffable and deeply delicious. Perfect for a red wine loving mum.

Size: 750ml
ABV: 14.5%
Find here: £12.50

Malbado Malbec

malbado best wine to gift mum this mother's day the three drinkers

Mendoza Malbec now and this bottle really is superb value for the money. It brings that signature Argentinian profile - warm, smooth, and seductive with dark fruits with a subtle waft of smoke (perfect for hearty meat pairings). Peppery spice tickles the tongue nicely at the end too. It’s rock solid Malbec with great character, and a sure fire hit with most Malbec drinking Mums.

Size: 750ml
ABV: 14%
Find here: £12.50 (usually more!)

DV Catena Malbec

dv catena malbec best wine to gift mum this mother's day the three drinkers

This is one of those great wines that makes you think the price tag is wrong because it has so much going on. A Mendoza Malbec, the cocoa and coffee bean notes are rich, the dark plums and cherries are concentrated and floral vanilla notes add a delicate touch. Silky, spicy and one of the best in the supermarket- Mum would never guess it is £13!

Size: 750ml
ABV: 14%
Find here: £13

Bread & Butter Pinot Noir

bread and butter pinot best wine to gift mum this mother's day the three drinkers

If your Mum likes Pinot Noir, and particularly American Pinot then this Napa Valley wine is perfect. It balances the lofty, floral and pretty nose with a distinct earthy, almost leathery note. The barrel really shows with strong vanilla oak, and of course the signature red berries dazzle at the heart of it all. A perfect gift for Mum.

Size: 750ml
ABV: 13.5%
Find here: £13.50 (usually more!)

White Wine for Mother’s Day

McGuigan Black Label Moscato

mcguigan moscato best wine to gift mum this mother's day the three drinkers

This delivers on all the sweetness you want with a Moscato, but for such a low price it does so much more. Guava, kiwi and lychee make for a tropical whirlpool, holding onto some sour tang for great balance. It’s surprisingly refreshing, and not over sweet (the downfall of many Moscato bottles). A really fun and affordable Australian sipper that may just become Mums regular favourite.

Size: 750ml
ABV: 8%
Find here: £6.50

Graham Norton's Own Sauvignon Blanc

graham norton own sauvignon blanc best wine to gift mum this mother's day the three drinkers

Made by Invivo, this is a great Awatere Valley Sauvignon from the nation’s favourite chat show host, Graham Norton. You’ll notice straight away after the first sip that it’s less up forward fruit and more savoury, saline, and even a little smoky. The classic grassy hints come through too. Some celebrity wines are a bit dodgy, but this is really, really nice.

Size: 750ml
ABV: 11%
Find here: £7.50 (Clubcard Price)

Mount Impey Malborough Sauvignon Blanc

mount impey marlborough sauvignon blanc best wine to gift mum this mother's day the three drinkers

In the Marlborough Wairau Valley stands Mount Impey, the peak of the Holdaway family’s biodiversity reserve. This vast landscape is home to countless species under threat, including the New Zealand Eastern Falcon adorning the label. Every purchase of this wine helps to support this effort. But crucially, what’s inside is a delight too. The green vegetal notes and gooseberry intertwine with bold citrus and soft peach. There’s a really good kick of acidity too.

Size: 750ml
ABV: 13%
Find here: £11 (Clubcard Price)

1000 Stories Chardonnay

1000 stories chardonnay best wine to gift mum this mother's day the three drinkers

This is an eyebrow raising wine, in the best way possible. If you haven’t heard of 1000 Stories, they focus on fermenting their wines in charred ex-bourbon barrels. Their Chardonnay is a really yummy example, reimagining the Cali classic with toasted caramel and oaky vanilla. Expertly though, the loveable characteristics of the grape are not lost, because in come those delicious orchard fruits with a little citrus zip. Great for a Mum who likes exploring twists on classic wine profiles.

Size: 750ml
ABV: 14.5%
Find here: £13.50 (Clubcard Price)

If you’re after some other drinks for Mother’s Day, then check out our recommended Spirits and Ciders that are perfect for the occasion.

Supermarket Wine Bargains: Tesco March 2024

supermarket wine bargains tesco march this month the three drinkers

Supermarket Wine Bargains again, and shoppers at Tesco will want to see these gems. They’ve got some cracking offers for March, and we’ve been through and highlighted four stunning reds and whites, and two delicious Rosé suggestions too. They’re all under £10 and better than many wines double the price. See which one (or three) takes your fancy.

Tesco Red Wines March 2024

Aprimondo Appassimento

aprimondo supermarket wine bargains tesco march this month the three drinkers

This is one of the best Sangiovese reds under £10. It’s full of body and flavour, with a luxuriously smooth mouthfeel. You can expect a symphony of darker berries, with great sweetness from the dried grapes. Fig, date, prune and vanilla mellow things out for a fantastically well-rounded wine.

Size: 750ml
ABV: 14.5%
Find here: £8 (Clubcard Price) (usually £9.25)

19 Crimes Red Wine

19 crimes supermarket wine bargains tesco march this month the three drinkers

19 Crimes are a reliable go-to at this pricepoint, with each bottle being a ode to those transported to Australia many years ago. This Shiraz-dominant blend is aged in American oak so vanilla and cedar spice support jammy blackcurrant and plum. It’s got an almost Christmassy feel to it we think, with a good whack of sweetness so if like that, you’ll love this.

Size: 750ml
ABV: 14%
Find here: £8 (Clubcard Price) (usually £9.50)

Apothic Merlot

apothic supermarket wine bargains tesco march this month the three drinkers

Untamed blueberries and dark cherries absolutely soar in this silky smooth Cali Merlot. Buttery, oaky, vanilla fill out the palate indulgently making this the sweetest, jammiest of any Apothic wine. It won’t be for everyone, but for big rich sweetness, it’s delish.

Size: 750ml
ABV: 13.5%
Find here: £9 (Clubcard Price) (usually £10)

Luis Felipe Edwards Malbec

luis felipe supermarket wine bargains tesco march this month the three drinkers

Fans of Chilean Malbec, look no further. Grown from 70-year-old wines, the stand out characteristics here are the dryness and pleasing acidity joining the richness of blackberry, plum and chocolate coated cherries. There’s oak too, but it’s not as intrusive as Argentinian blends. It’s very nicely poised overall, with a more expensive feel than it actually is… which is always nice.

Size: 750ml
ABV: 14.5%
Find here: £8.50 (Clubcard Price) (usually £10.50)

Tesco Rosé Wines March 2024

Maison Castel Rose D'anjou

maison castel supermarket wine bargains tesco march this month the three drinkers

This inviting pale pink hue hides an explosion of citrus and red fruits on the nose, which unfold into a richly aromatic palate. A refreshing dryness persists, but strawberry sweetness and light melon come through fabulously and last an age. Top notch Loire Valley Rosé.

Size: 750ml
ABV: 11%
Find here: £8 (Clubcard Price) (usually £9)

Kylie Minogue Cote De Provence Rosé

kylie minogue supermarket wine bargains tesco march this month the three drinkers

Another hit for Kylie, this pitch-perfect Provence Rosé is stunning. Every sip feels delicately poised between minerality and fruit. Lofty watermelon, bitter lemon, soft white peaches and strawberries – it’s a proper glass of summer.

Size: 750ml
ABV: 12.5%
Find here: £10.50 (Clubcard Price) (usually £12.50)

Tesco White Wines March 2024

Brancott Estate Sauvignon Blanc

brancott supermarket wine bargains tesco march this month the three drinkers

This Marlborough Sauvignon is a favourite in a number of UK supermarkets, loved for its traditional expression of the style. Everything you want is there, from the gooseberry nose to the tropical fruits with soft pineapple and zippy grapefruit. The whole thing is razor sharp but elegant with it, and there’s even some herbaceous complexity to play with. So well-rounded.

Size: 750ml
ABV: 12.5%
Find here: £8.50 (Clubcard Price) (usually £10.50)

El Jardin De Ana Godello

el jardin supermarket wine bargains tesco march this month the three drinkers

What amazing value this is for £8. The work of renowned producer Martín Códax, it delivers maximum freshness with no oak. 100% Godello, it’s juicy, and lively, brimming with orchard fruits and a touch of creamy butter. Nothing too complicated, you know what you’re getting, and it’s delicious.

Size: 750ml
ABV: 12.5%
Find here: £8 (Clubcard Price) (usually £10.50)

Bouchard Grand Conseiller Chardonnay

bouchard grand supermarket wine bargains tesco march this month the three drinkers

This is an unoaked Bergundy Chardonnay that’s divine for the price. The light lemon coloured pour reveals a bright citrus nose, chiefly lemon and grapefruit, and these continue in the mouth. They’re flanked by spicy acidity and crunchy green fruits, before a return to citrus with lime zest lingering on the finish.

Size: 750ml
ABV: 12%
Find here: £8.50 (Clubcard Price) (usually £9.50)

19 Crimes Australian Chardonnay

19 crimes supermarket wine bargains tesco march this month the three drinkers

We always keep our eyes peeled for this wine to come on sale, though truth be told we’d buy it at full price too. Oak ageing gives a moreish richness to the melon and stone fruits that appear, but the buttery almost vanilla note is what steals the show bringing a tasty nudge of sweetness to proceedings.

Size: 750ml
ABV: 13%
Find here: £8 (Clubcard Price) (usually £9.50)

If you shop elsewhere then not to worry, check our website for our other up to date Supermarket Bargains!

The Best Spirits and Cider to Gift Mum This Mother's Day

the best spirits and cider to gift mum this mother's day the three drinkers

We hope you already know that Mother’s Day is almost here, but if we’ve sprung it on you then fear not because we’ve assembled the very best prezzies for the drinks loving Mum.

If you’re tired of gifting the same old things every year, then look no further. These bottles, sets and hampers have that special something to earn some serious brownie points on the big day, including unique gin, vodka, whisky, rum, tequila, cocktails, and cider – perfect for whatever your Mum is into!

The Best Gin To Gift This Mother’s Day

Roku Sakura Bloom Gin

roku bloom the best spirits and cider to gift mum this mother's day the three drinkers

Classy inside and out, this new charming limited edition Japanese gin is perfect for Mother’s Day. The award-winning craft gin House of Suntory are behind it, capturing the beauty of Japanese spring in a bottle, more specifically the annual Hanami flower viewing festivals. Roku’s key ingredient, Sakura flower (aka cherry blossom), is front and centre as part of six unique native botanicals. It’s an elegant gin, mesmerisingly floral and has a hint of salinity curtesy of the blossom leaves. Get mum to try it in a G&T with premium tonic and a wedge of grapefruit - it will surely be her best Mother’s Day present yet!

Size: 700ml
ABV: 43%
Find here: £31 Tesco

The Botanist Gin

botanist the best spirits and cider to gift mum this mother's day the three drinkers

Showing that the Scottish island of Islay is more than just smoky Scotch is The Botanist, a stylish gin embracing a staggering 31 botanicals, 22 of which are hand-foraged on the island. It’s so popular that you’ll now find it on many gin lists, so if your Mum is a gin lover, there’s a good chance she’s tried it out already (so how about a full bottle?) Unique botanicals like creeping thistle, mugwort, red clovers and water mint combine for a profile balancing herbaceous notes, earthy undertones, and fruity sweetness. It’s impressively velvety too.

Size: 700ml
ABV: 46%
Find here: £35.90 Master of Malt

No.3 Gin

no.3 gin the best spirits and cider to gift mum this mother's day the three drinkers

Instantly striking, No.3 Gin could be the key to your Mum’s heart this Mother’s Day. Made by Berry Bros, the key refers to the unlocking of the Parlour at their historic address, Number 3, St James’ Street (which is also where the name comes from of course). A wine and spirit merchant since an incredible 1698, Berry Bros produce No.3 in Holland in a century old brick-encased copper still. This has been awarded the World’s Best Gin no less than four times, loved for its bright, fresh nose, juniper-forward palate with florality, spice and citric zing, and a lingering earthy finish. There’s so much flavour and history, it’s a surefire hit as prezzie.

Size: 700ml
ABV: 46%
Find here: £38.24 Master of Malt

Gin Making Kit

Well if you don’t want to buy a bottle of gin, how about getting Mum everything she needs to make it herself? If Mum’s ever said something along the lines of, ’I just wish there was a gin that was like X and Y but also Z’ then this is perfect, and really fun to try. Everything you need is included (16 botanicals, equipment, and recipes) – you just need to add your base spirit (usually vodka) and away you go. It’s designed for novices so walks you through every step, but also gives you enough knowledge to experiment with whatever crazy botanicals you dream up! Win win!

Find here: £45.99 Just Spices (usually more!)

The Best Vodka To Gift This Mother’s Day

Nine Tines Vodka

nine tines the best spirits and cider to gift mum this mother's day the three drinkers

Nine Tines is North Yorkshire’s first hand-crafted vodka made from potatoes and using 20 different potatoes in each bottle from their own farm and the local area, it’s totally gluten free and grain free. An excellent example of English vodka, it has an exquisitely clean finish but the silky viscosity of the mouthfeel is what stands out most for us. It’s perfect as a sipping vodka but if you really want to treat Mum then check out Nine Tines website for their decadent chocolate martini - NOM!

Size: 700ml
ABV: 40%
Find here: £42 Nine Tines

Pod. Pea Vodka

pea vodka the best spirits and cider to gift mum this mother's day the three drinkers

Forget your wheat and potato because Manchester-based Ten Locks are now making vodka from peas! It’s way more environmentally friendly than other crops, and actually brings a really unique flavour. Now, obviously this isn’t like drinking mushy peas, of course not, but it imparts a delicate herbaceous vegetal note to the spirit, which is made with Lake District water. The packaging is recycled and the labelling is sustainable making everything about this vodka green - it’s quirky, it’s tastes great and we love it.

Size: 700ml
ABV: 40%
Find here: £37.45 Master of Malt

The Best Rum To Gift This Mother’s Day

The Kraken Black Spiced Rum - Roast Coffee

kraken spiced coffee the best spirits and cider to gift mum this mother's day the three drinkers

Coffee is everywhere right now, but it really suits The Kraken. Cold brew Arabica brings a sweet liqueur profile to the classic spiced Kraken rum, which really doesn’t feel like 40% ABV (so warn your Mum maybe!). Think flavours of cinnamon and rich treacle combined with roasted coffee deliciousness. If your Mum likes sweeter rums with a spicy undertone, then this is definitely one for her.

Size: 700ml
ABV: 40%
Find here: £21.99 Amazon

Havana Club Selección de Maestros

havana Club seleccion de Maestros the best spirits and cider to gift mum this mother's day the three drinkers

A relaunch of Havana Club’s Cuban Barrel Proof bottles, this rum comes with a striking design revamp for that special feel. The casks used for ageing are some of the finest handpicked by the maestros roneros for the aromatics they impart. That, combined with the 45% oomph means tonnes of flavour. Think peach and citrus before a Bourbon-esque mouthcoating of creamy caramel, mocha and brown spice. It’s magically indulgent but with silky smooth depths for added complexity too.

Size: 700ml
ABV: 45%
Find here: £59.74 Master of Malt

The Best Whisky To Gift This Mother’s Day

Jura 14 Year Old American Rye Cask Whisky

jura 14 the best spirits and cider to gift mum this mother's day the three drinkers

Jura is an incredible wild spot sixty miles from the Scottish mainland, with a small community focused around whisky distillation. Jura’s signature profile is smooth, bright and lively, and their 14 year old is matured in ex-bourbon and American rye barrels. It’s got great complexity with interesting notes of toffee and rich fruits as well as herbal and floral touches. A perfect gift for any whisky loving Mum.

Size: 700ml
ABV: 40%
Find here: £42.74 Master of Malt

Nc'nean Organic Single Malt Whisky

nc'nean the best spirits and cider to gift mum this mother's day the three drinkers

Despite being relatively new, Nc’nean are known for their consistently high-quality batches, and this is no different. Starting with organic barley, ex- red wine, bourbon, and sherry casks combine for a rich body plush with fruity sweetness. Vanilla fudge, honey and tangy pineapple complete a lively palate before oaky spice and shortbread lingers on the finish. Find out for yourself what all the awards are for (once Mum has had a try of course).

Size: 700ml
ABV: 46%
Find here: £48.45 Master of Malt (usually more!)

Glen Grant 15-Year-Old Single Malt Whisky

glen grant the best spirits and cider to gift mum this mother's day the three drinkers

We love The Glen Grant and their 15-year-old might just be our favourite. It’s matured in ex-Bourbon and ex-Sherry casks so that seductive golden hue is brimming with harmoniously balanced bold fruits – think sweet orange and stewed orchard fruits with charred oak and vanilla. It’s incredible drunk neat, but if you’re looking for a cocktail to try it out in, check out our suggestions here.

Size: 700ml
ABV: 46%
Find here: £65.75 Amazon

The Best Tequila To Gift This Mother’s Day

1800 Blanco Tequila

1800 the best spirits and cider to gift mum this mother's day the three drinkers

Tapping into the Mayan pyramids, this eye-catching bottle might be a challenge to wrap, but once open it does not disappoint. Double distilled, it’s a blend of white tequilas that results in a wonderfully well-rounded expression. It’s noticeably floral, fruity, and herbal, and all with a silky-smooth texture and zero burn. 1800 is known for punching above its price point, so this is a great gift for the price.

Size: 700ml
ABV: 38%
Find here: £35 House of Spirits

The Best Ready Made Cocktails To Gift This Mother’s Day

MOTH Cocktails

moth the best spirits and cider to gift mum this mother's day the three drinkers

MOTH is a great little brand making stylish and recyclable cocktails ready to go out the can. Gone are the days of naff ready-to-go cocktail tins because these are absolutely bar standard. They’re full-strength and if they were in a glass, you wouldn’t look twice at paying top prices for them. They have a few different selections, but their gin pack looks stunning for Mother’s Day.

Size: 125ml
ABV: 10%-14.9%
Find here: £20 for 6

The Best Cider To Gift This Mother’s Day

Sandford Orchards’ Katja & Katja Rosé & Chocolate Hamper

sandford the best spirits and cider to gift mum this mother's day the three drinkers

This brand-new premium hamper has been curated especially for Mother’s Day, containing two full bottles of elegant sparkling cider and some Willy’s chocolate handmade in Devon. Katja is created from Katy apples that are pressed and fermented with a white wine yeast leading to an almost prosecco like cider, and the Rosé version adds Rondo grape skins for that stunning blush colour – expect cherries, peaches, and apple blossom. This has to be a hit for any cider or even prosecco loving mum!

Size: 750ml
ABV: 8%
Find here: £30 Sandford Orchards

Nothing says celebrations like bubbles, so how about some beautiful pink sparkling rosé? These are our absolute favourites without breaking the bank!

Supermarket Wine Bargains: Waitrose March 2024

supermarket wine bargains waitrose march 2024 the three drinkers

We’re back with some Supermarket Wine Bargains for March, and they are superb this month at Waitrose. We’ve got four luscious reds and crisp whites, as well as couple of yummy Rosé suggestions too. Every bottle we’ve highlighted comes in for under £10, which is an absolute bargain considering the quality. See which takes your fancy and get stuck in before the deals run out on the 19th March!

Waitrose Red Wines March 2024

Pazzia Primitivo di Manduria

pazzia supermarket wine bargains waitrose march 2024 the three drinkers

If you like Waitrose’s Terre di Faiano Primitivo (and we do!) then there’s a good chance you’ll fall for this too. Also from Puglia, it’s a seductively inky pour revealing fleshy cherries, ripe plums, and a bed of oaky vanilla. They’re low yield grapes which put many producers off, but what is bottled is special and tastes a hell of a lot more expensive than it is – especially with the discount.

Size: 750ml
ABV: 14%
Find here: £9.99 (usually £12.99)

Chateau Tanunda Shiraz

chateau tanuda supermarket wine bargains waitrose march 2024 the three drinkers

Top notch value Barossa Valley Shiraz here. It’s super jammy and full-bodied with raspberry, blackberry, plum and cherry, but the sweetness is restrained nicely too. Mellow oak, peppery spice and vanilla round things off nicely.

Size: 750ml
ABV: 14.5%
Find here: £7.49 (usually £9.99)

Stemmari Passiata

stemmari supermarket wine bargains waitrose march 2024 the three drinkers

An Italian blend of Syrah and Sicilian Nero d’Avola, lightly dried grapes bring a delicious rich sweetness to the plum, blackberry, and blueberry notes. Woody tobacco and vanilla take over to fill out the body, but somehow it retains a lightness that a wine like this normally wouldn’t.

Size: 750ml
ABV: 13.5%
Find here: £9.99 (usually £11.99)

Tilimuqui Fairtrade Organic Malbec

tilimuqui supermarket wine bargains waitrose march 2024 the three drinkers

Tilimuqui’s organic Malbec is an absolute gem. Hailing from Argentina, it’s very much on the dry side, brimming with perfectly executed black fruits and chocolate. It’s silky and spicy too and probably on the lighter side of Argentinian Malbec which may go against it for some, but we enjoyed it.

Size: 750ml
ABV: 13%
Find here: £8.99 (usually £11.99)

Waitrose Rosé Wines March 2024

Alaina Rosé Laurent Miquel

alaina rose supermarket wine bargains waitrose march 2024 the three drinkers

Syrah, Grenache and Cinsault combine for this Languedoc Rosé, named after the winemaker’s daughter. It’s so summery, refreshing and elegant, and alive with crisp fruits and floral notes. The strawberry brings some richness but overall this is a light Rosé with good citric acidity and would be a dream pairing for many dishes.

Size: 750ml
ABV: 12.5%
Find here: £9.69 (usually £12.99)

Le Bijou Rosé de Sophie Valrose Coteaux de Béziers

le bijou supermarket wine bargains waitrose march 2024 the three drinkers

This gem was on offer a few months ago so it’s great to see it back (even though it’s easily worth picking up at full price). Inspired by legendary Sophie Valrose who did great work supporting women vineyard workers, it’s a signature dry and crisp French Rosé from Languedoc. Strawberries and cream are lifted by subtle but vibrant lemon and enforced by steely minerality. Should cost more really (shh!)

Size: 750ml
ABV: 12.5%
Find here: £7.99 (usually £9.99)

Waitrose White Wines March 2024

Villa Maria Private Bin Sauvignon Blanc

villa maria supermarket wine bargains waitrose march 2024 the three drinkers

An adventure from the start, the Sauvignon Blanc grapes are grown between historic valleys, picturesque mountains, and wild oceans, before reaching Villa Maria… beneath a volcano. The end product is a signature Marlborough profile in the glass – no bitterness, just refreshing crispness and stunning lightness. Think gooseberry, passion fruit, kiwi and green apple.

Size: 750ml
ABV: 12.5%
Find here: £8.49 (usually £10.99)

Cave de Beblenheim Pinot Gris Reserve

cave de beblenheim supermarket wine bargains waitrose march 2024 the three drinkers

A benchmark Alsace Pinot Gris across all supermarkets, this is stunningly fresh and easy to drink, but with a delicate side that shows more is going on. Pineapple, vanilla, elderflower, melon, and pear intertwine with a richness that coats the tongue. Crowd-pleasing, food-friendly, what more could you want?

Size: 750ml
ABV: 13%
Find here: £9.99 (usually £11.99)

Morande Terrarum Semillon

morande supermarket wine bargains waitrose march 2024 the three drinkers

Semillon was one of the grapes neglected by vineyards for a long time, but as part of a wider effort to revive old vines, it’s developing again. 100-year-old vines go into this complex dry white from Chile, delivering a waxy mouthfeel rich with crisp citrus, floral depths and sweet honey. There’re also some herbaceous green hints going on too. Really interesting wine.

Size: 750ml
ABV: 12.5%
Find here: £8.99 (usually £9.99)

Piccozza Pinot Bianco

piccozza supermarket wine bargains waitrose march 2024 the three drinkers

This a wonderfully robust Italian Pinot Blanc white in roughly the same vein as a Chardonnay. Orchard fruits come to the fore alongside stone fruits and fragrant jasmine. Smooth and refreshing, the balance is spot on with this one and it’d be a dreamy companion to many fish dishes.

Size: 750ml
ABV: 13.5%
Find here: £9.74 (usually £12.99)

If you shop elsewhere then not to worry, check our website for our other up to date Supermarket Bargains!