
How 2 minutes of intentional breathing can boost your health and happiness

Mind, Sense & Soul: Breathe

Navy seals. You’ve heard of them, right? The U.S. Navy's primary special operations force... You may even know some. They are HARD AS NAILS; certainly not new age, woo woo types. Well, they use intentional breathing religiously in their training and in combat to regulate their bodies and we all know, they wouldn’t bother with anything that didn’t work and didn't work well. So hopefully, that’s a good reason to listen on...

Now, breathing is, as we know, something we do everyday without thinking about it so it’s normal to think that we can ignore it. However, if we don’t ignore it and actually take control of it, we can make immense, positive changes to our health almost instantly. A lot is being said about how we breathe right now for obvious reasons because sometimes, it takes a massive health crisis for us to appreciate the profound effects the way we breathe has on our entire being. 

Breathe With Intention

Giving ourselves space to pause and breath with intention, i.e. think about how we’re breathing before we do certain things like start answering emails or eat food or have a meeting can have a profound effect on how we react, how we think and even, how we digest. All the research is pointing to how simply breathing in a more mindful way can make a huge difference, even just two minutes at a time. Give it a try. Maybe add in a two minute breathing space as it were before you do a new task and see how differently you feel. It’s effective, it’s free and there are no side effects!

By controlling our breath, we can instantly drop our cortisol levels and blood pressure, calming panic and anxiety within a couple of minutes. Controlled breathing through the nose specifically however, is something we should all be doing as much as possible, apparently. Here’s more on that.

Mouth Vs Nose Breathing

Many of us may not realise that we’re breathing through our mouths, especially while we sleep. The truth is, habitual mouth breathing has serious implications on an individual’s lifelong health, from snoring issues, dry mouth and bad breath to sleep apnoea, chronic fatigue and  brain fog.  See link at the end for A LOT more in this by the experts. 

In children particularly, the negative effects are quite clear: it can cause crooked teeth, facial deformities and slower growth. Mouth breathing children also often have problems concentrating at school to the point where they are often misdiagnosed with ADD or hyperactivity. They’re also more irritable and show daytime sleepiness. Eeek. 

Why Nose Breathing?

Why is nose breathing better? Here are some reasons:

  • The nose acts as an air filter , delivering clean air to the lungs and reducing the amount of allergens that get in. Very important for asthmatics!

  • Nose-breathing produces nitric oxide, helping with oxygen absorption and sterilises the air.

  • Nose-breathing strengthens the immune system by activating immunoglobulin production.

  • It adds moisture to the air to prevent dryness in the lungs and bronchial tubes.

  • Nose breathing adds resistance to the air stream and this increases oxygen uptake, maintaining the lungs’ elasticity.

Breath and the Gut

Stressful events may cause immediate physical reactions, such as a faster heartbeat, shallower breath and knots in the stomach. These “fight or flight” responses move blood away from the gut to larger muscles so we can run away from danger but this interferes with digestion, weakens the immune system and increases inflammation. When they happen again and again over time, they can damage your gut health. 

Slower, deeper, abdominal breathing, gently massages the internal organs like the intestines and stomach, so long, deep, belly breathing before and after we eat creates a relaxed abdominal. This can reduce abdominal pain, urgency, bloating, and constipation.

If you’re an IBS sufferer, have you ever been able, weirdly, to eat anything on holiday and yet suffer badly when back at home? Could this have anything to do with being more relaxed? Something to think about. 

Breath for Grief and Trauma

I wanted to put what I learned about breath and grief in this as it seems so simple, yet the advice was nowhere to be seen when I lost my father a few years ago. Grief and trauma generally, if not dealt with properly, comes out in other ways such as anxiety and panic attacks and yet often, we have no idea that this is what has caused it. 

How many people have thrown themselves straight back into work or other projects after losing a loved one, choosing distraction over sitting with the sadness over a period of time and gently coming to terms with it? Apparently it is seen in the workplace all the time, especially with CEOs who suddenly start having panic attacks in meetings, for example. 

The research shows clearly that just helping people learn to sit with their breath for two minutes at a time, doing slow but gentle abdominal breathing soon starts to stop the attacks altogether, because what happens is that almost without fail,  within a minute or so, the person usually burst into tears - a much needed release that can begin a process of acceptance and healing.

Breathing Toolkit: 3 techniques to tackle anxiety, promote sleep or boost energy

Breath for Calm

Try alternate nostril breathing. This technique can quickly help reduce agitation and anxiety. With your thumb, close off one nostril and take air in slowly through the other. Then switch, closing off the second nostril with the ring finger of the same hand while breathing through the first. Repeat the process until you begin to feel calmer.

Breath for Sleep

Try the 4,7,8 Method. This now well-known  breathing method is a cracker for promoting good sleep. Simply inhale to the count of four, hold your breath to the count of seven and then exhale to the count of eight. Repeat as needed, but at least five rounds will do you good. 

Breath for Energy 

To renew your energy in the middle of the day, try this stimulating breathing technique to help you to feel more alert: Keep your mouth closed, then inhale and exhale rapidly through your nose, keeping your breaths as short as possible - three times a second if you can manage it. This is a great practice for the diaphragm. NOTE: pause to breathe normally every 3 seconds or so and only do this exercise for only 15 seconds when you first start. You can go longer as you get used to it. 

Further reading & listening


Breath - 5 minutes can change your life

Multiple breath techniques

How breathing and metabolism are linked

Breath to heal

Breath - 5 minutes can change your life


Breath - James Nestor.

Restoring Prana - Robin Rothernburg


Techniques - Home Care Assistance 

Breathing for better digestion - Louise Lavergne

Take a breath: How breathing can affect gut health -

Multiple breath techniques

How breathing and metabolism are linked
Breath to heal

See our other MInd, Sense & Soul videos here.

What is CBD and How Can it Help?

What is CBD

CBD has taken the world by storm over the past 2 years and continues to evolve. People have sworn by it for decades, but it’s now at a point where it has become more readily available to purchase than ever before. 

The science backs it up too, with countless studies showcasing that it genuinely does reduce the symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress when integrated as a part of one’s lifestyle. 

CBD versus THC

Despite all the hype, CBD is still a relatively new idea to many people, so it’s not surprising there’s quite a bit of confusion around it. The two things people have heard of are THC (tetrahydrocannabinol ) and CBD (cannabidiol). Both are molecules within the Cannabis plant, but do different things. 

They are both referred to as phytocannabinoids, but THC gives you psychoactive effects where as CBD does not. Many people assume because they both derive from the same plant they have the same affects, but this isn’t true. As they interact with different parts of the brain, they have vastly differing affects. 

THC gives you a sense of high by binding to cannabinoid receptors within our endocannabinoid system (a crucial part of our nervous system). While CBD doesn’t bind directly bind to cannabinoid receptors, it is said to boost levels of naturally occurring endocannabinoids – which is why it has such a wide range of uses. It’s also proven to interact with our serotonin and opiod receptors, which is why it is so effective. 

AS CBD interacts with our endocannabinoid system, it has an affect on a variety of functions:

  •  Digestion

  •  Metabolism

  • Mood

  • Memory

  • Sleep

  • Motor control

  • Pain perception

  • Immune function

Reduces Stress

On average, 18% of the population report feeling some form of anxiety. Remember that’s just the people who actually report it. You then take into account the global happenings over the latest year and begin to realize that a huge population of the world will likely be suffering some form of stress. Countless studies continue to showcase the positive effects CBD has on reducing the symptoms of anxiety, which is why in my mind it is more important to discover this now than ever before. 


Reduce Pain

Many of us have been sitting at the same desk, in the same chair for almost 12 months now. Shoddy posture leads to back pain which really isn’t a pleasant thing to have to go through on top of everything else. CBD has a track record of working with our brain to reduce the pain we experience. 


Aiding Sleep

CBD has been proven across a multitude of studies to inhibit calmness, which is perfect for people who are struggling to drift off. There’s so many different products on the market right now from pillow sprays to sleep drops and beyond. 


Skin Care

Many people suffer from skin conditions such as dermatitis and acne and as we find ourselves in stressful situations, these can flare up. CBD has showcased a strong correlation in helping to reduce these symptoms. With acne for example, it greatly reduces the amount of sebum created alongside calming inflammation (two massive triggers of acne). 


Increase Your Sex Life

Next up I’m going to talk about sex. And you know what, I’m not afraid to. Having great sex on a regular basis is proven to reduce stress and keep you happier. For those singletons amongst us, our sex lives haven’t been the most eventful over the past year. Even partners have struggled to find the time between home schooling, entertaining kids, working and finding that ‘special time together’ being stripped away given the stress or being together every waking minute. 

So if you have been finding your mojo has deflated or that you’re not as easily able to hit that big O (yes, I am referring to an orgasm), then CBD may be the answer. 

Using CBD infused lubricants increases the blood flow, making our nerve endings more sensitive, the result of which came be a much more sensual orgasm. 


How can you buy CBD?

There are so many ways you can purchase from capsules, oil and tongue sprays to sleep drops, wrist rolls, seltzers, bitters and more. We really are at the infancy of CBD discovery. Stay tuned as we put together a variety of ‘best product’ lists on this topic soon. 

In the meantime, check out some of these sites for CBD inspiration:

How to Make Yourself Happy!

HAPPINESS…. A term that may seem cliché, but ultimately results in us leading a more fulfilled and positive life, surrounded by wonder, comfort and love. There’s no magic formula that you can inject into yourself on a permanent basis, but there are several life steps you can follow and that’s exactly what we’re going to delve into today. 

Happiness is the result of a variety of hormones and affects us in different ways. We have dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin and endorphins to thank for those gleaming cheeks we get and warming feeling within that we get, but they have to be activated to work. 

Throughout today’s article and video you’ll notice a couple of recurring themes – surround yourself with positive, put your mindset in a positive place and focus on the light, not the darkness. 


Positive Thinking

It’s completely understandable if you’re feeling quite shitty right now. Allow yourself some time to come to terms with your feelings so you’ve let them out, maybe even talk to someone about them as an outlet, but do remember, and this is important, that every time you showcase negativity or are moping around – you’re not just affecting yourself but those around you too. 

Countless studies have shown how people with a negative mindset can be contagious in bringing other people down too – exactly the same (but the opposite) but those who showcase positivity – it is completely infectious and spreads the light making others gleam with joy. 

So, positive thinking, what’s the trick? Well, this ones quite simple. Just think about a really happy memory you have. Maybe it’s with a loved one, maybe it’s that stupid thing your friend did, maybe it’s a time you felt harmonious joy or pride, maybe it’s a time you did something for someone else which filled you with hope. You may be thinking ‘what’s the point?’ – but take my word for it – do it. Once those hormones start rushing through your body the darkness will turn into light and you are once again, back in control. 


YOU control YOU

Remember, the only person who controls how you feel is YOU – don’t ever let someone else bring you down – they don’t have the power to do that. The sooner we realise that WE ARE IN CONTROL OF HOW WE FEEL, the sooner we can combat and push away the negativity of others. It’s boils down to that simple notion of knowing that you are in the driver’s seat of your life. It sounds incredibly simple and it is. You are strong. Remember that. Once your head is back in that driver’s seat, smile away. 


The Cold Water Trick

Do you ever feel terrible in the morning? Super sleepy? Well, there’s a little trick that can combat that and it sounds AWFUL but it really does work. If you’re anything like me you keep extending the amount of time you’re in the shower in the morning, making the water hotter and hotter as if it’s an embracing hug. The notion of stepping out is not good. Here’s the trick. Just before you get out – turn the water to freezing cold for a split second and let that be the last thing you feel. Not too long, I’m talking about literally a nanosecond. Once you do this a surge of energy bounces through your body, making you incrediblt alert, focused and ready to conquer the day. You might dread feeling really cold and sad, but actually, the opposite happens. 


Find Something to Look Forward to!

There’s nothing worse than doom and gloom and knowing nothing on the horizon seems fun. Change that. Book something or arrange something that you’re going to look forward to. If you’re in a position to plan a holiday far out enough that it (hopefully) won’t be affected by COVID, do it. Not everything has to be money related either. Even organising a group of friends on a joint video call is something that well send surges of positivity thourgh you. 


Partake in Conscious Acts of Kindness

This could very well be one of the most important. We spend so much time thinking about OURSELVES, but what about others? It is human nature that if we do good, we feel good. So the next time you see someone suffering, go out of your way to help then. Whether it be a homeless person in need of food or drink, someone in need of mentorship or just someone on LinkedIn asking a genuine question to help guide them in a better direction with their career. There are countless ways you can help – you just need to be observant and use your emotional intelligence to identify them. The best thing you can do as a human is make someone else smile. It’s contagious – it will soon come right back around. 



It sounds pretty simple and it is. Get yourself outside once a day for a walk or even a 5-minute workout from home. You don’t need to be a body builder; you just need to give your body some time to reflect on itself. Any form of exercise creates a surge of hormones allowing you to feel more positive about yourself. 



There are countless forms of meditation – do a little research to see what works for you. You can also check out our tips on how ‘Sound’ can impact your health and wellness by clicking here and discover multiple other ways to instil happiness within your life. 

Make your environment a happier place

We’ve given you lots of tips over this series to make positive change to your life in order to reduce anxiety and become calmer in 2021. You can take many of these learnings and adapt them to your routine to become a happier person. SAD lights, different scents, going for walks, socialising more, thinking positively – these are just a few. Delve into all of our video series by clicking here


Happiness in Social Circles

This doesn’t mean you have to be an extrovert – it just means don’t isolate yourself away. Right now, this couldn’t be more important. We can’t leave our homes and head down to the bar to have a good old’ natter with your best mates – but we can do that over our computers, our phones, whatever it might be. Don’t hide in the darkness and feel like you are alone – make the effort to set up a call and then see just how much fulfilment it brings to your life. Human beings are not meant to be isolated, we find nourishment in conversation and belonging. So if you’ve not spoken with a friend for a couple of days – now is the time to rectify that – and I don’t mean a text message – I mean voice of video. There’s a MASSIVE difference between the two when it comes to seeing and feeling real emotion. 


Laugh More!

It’s pretty simple – laughter is the best form of medicine didn’t come from nowhere – it’s a known fact that those who laugh more are happier. So find that favourite TV Series, watch those memes and GIF’s and make sure you keep in contact with those who make you feel like sunshine – because it has such a profoundly positive impact on our lives. 

How scent can transform your wellbeing

Mind Sense & Soul: Scent

Our sense of smell used to play a vital part in our evolution and survival, but although we rely less now on it now for that than our eyes and ears, we often take its importance for granted. 

As well as being responsible for 80% of what we perceive as flavour, smell still helps us sense danger from things like gas leaks, smoke and rotten food. It is also however, the only sense that affects the parts of our brain linked to memory and emotion, which is why aroma can be a fantastic, natural tool for improving our psychological well-being. It can be as simple as the waft of a good scented candle or diffuser when you walk into a room. 

Aromas can be used to calm, enliven the spirit, subconsciously unleash desires and help us to feel safe. Inhaling them in the form of essential oils or just stronger scents too can help to produce serotonin and dopamine, which in turn helps to regulate mood.

Smell training

Have you heard of Proust and his madeleine cakes? The power of aroma to unlock memories and feelings is immense, so why not use that super power to your advantage and teach yourself to be calm or positive with practice? Pick a specific scent to inhale when you’re feeling a certain way, do that a few times and soon, you’ll find that you get that feeling back more easily every time you smell that aroma again. 

Smelling practice has now also been proved to stave off dementia (read more on that below). A study was also done with sommeliers, which showed that the parts of their brains associated with smell and memory were thicker than non-somms thanks to their years of practice smelling wine and considering the complex aromas. Finally, some good news about what I do for a living!

Which aromas for what? 

Certain herbs and flowers have been proven to have positive benefits, so it’s not just a case of spritzing yourself with Chanel. 

For reduced stress, anxiety and depression, try bergamot, lemon balm, rose and sweet orange.

For sleep, try lavender.

For positivity, try cedarwood and sage.

For focus and calm, try sandalwood.

For mental stimulation and an energy boost, try peppermint.

For sexy time, try cinnamon and jasmine.

For headaches and nausea, try ylang ylang and ginger.

There are links to full lists at the end of this article.

Scenting your home or even just a room or two could do wonders for your sense of wellbeing in a quick and inexpensive way and right now, as many of us are locked down, we could all do with a treat. So, go and find those candles, dim the lights and breaaaaathe!

Are you worried about losing your sense of smell? Anosmia has a perhaps surprisingly big effect on your mental health. Get help and support at

Park Candles

We’re huge fans of Park Candles as they look and smell so divine. Here’s a code you can use to get 40% off! Note this is not an affiliate link - just sharing the love. Code: Enter AIDY40 at


Why smell is important

Fifth Sense: The psychology of smell

Losing the sense of smell could be the sign of larger health issues. Here.

The benefits of specific aromas. Here and here

How tasting wine can help stave off dementia. Here.


Aroma: The Cultural History of Smell by Constance Classen

Essential Oils Reference by Dr Raskin


Behind the aroma

The Lab Aroma Podcast

Aromatic wisdom: the voice of aromatherapy

Watch our other MInd, Sense & Soul videos at

The Countless Benefits of Flowers and Plants on Your Mind, Senses and Soul.

Put simply, being around plants, flowers and trees triggers a response within us that surges through billions of different neural pathways in our brains. When this happens, we naturally feel more positive. That’s why a walk in the park or being around lots of flowers can really help!!

As you begin to settle into your homes for yet another Lockdown, Green is going to be more important now, than ever. Whether it be trees, plants or flowers, here are just a few of the benefits you can expect to find:

  • Improve the Healing Process

  • Better Performance and More Energy

  • Feel More Relaxed

  • Enhance Concentration and Memory

  • Lowers Background Noise


Improve the Healing Process

Plants in office spaces result in lower sick rates and the reason we have plants and flowers in many hospitals is because they help people recover more quickly. There’s also indoor air quality too – they suck in all of that stale air, breathing out fresh oxygen which keeps our systems pumping away. 

Here are a couple of other health perks countless studies have identified: 

● Lowers blood pressure
● Reduces stress
● Boosts immune system
● Creates a positive mood
● Improves sleep


Better Performance and More Energy

These beauties improve out state of mind – the subliminal affects they emit boost our mood and make us feel much more alive and active. Exactly what we need if working from home. 


Feel More Relaxed

"Biophilia" is an innate affinity of life or living systems, which is exactly what plants are. By having them in our homes we are continually reminded that these living organisms exist. They soothe us, allow us to not feel so alone and remind us of what being alive is all about. Sunshine, sky, wind, the smell of flowers, the trickling sound of a water feature – all of these things have the same affect. 


Enhance Concentration and Memory

The effect of nature has been proven to stimulate our senses, improving performance, memory and mental cognition. A notable study at the University of Michigan showed that memory retention had increased by 20% for those who surrounded themselves by plants. Whether your room is covered in them or you’ve just got a little plant on your desk, you can begin taking the steps to reduce a sterile environment. 


Lowers Background Noise

Plants have been used outside for years to reduce noise; they aren’t just for visual privacy. But they can have the same affect in the home as well. Reducing the irritating noises of things like cars and construction as a buffer. 

Where Do You Buy Them?

  • Your Local Florist (see if they are delivering, what can you do to help?)

  • Various online services like Bloom, Floom and FlowerBX

  • Your local supermarket (Waitrose always have a great selection)

  • Internal Greenhouses (they also have SAD light benefits (i.e. Click & Grow)

Here a couple of additional articles you can check out for the science behind it, the studies that have been carried out and to delve into my points a bit more:

The Health and Wellbeing Benefits of Plants

Why Trees Can Make You Happier

Seven Benefits of Having Plants in Your Home Office

Why Indoor Plants Make You Feel Better 

Why Living with and Tending to Plants is Good For You