Aidy Smith actor — Spirits — The Three Drinkers

Aidy Smith actor

How to Make Yourself Happy!

HAPPINESS…. A term that may seem cliché, but ultimately results in us leading a more fulfilled and positive life, surrounded by wonder, comfort and love. There’s no magic formula that you can inject into yourself on a permanent basis, but there are several life steps you can follow and that’s exactly what we’re going to delve into today. 

Happiness is the result of a variety of hormones and affects us in different ways. We have dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin and endorphins to thank for those gleaming cheeks we get and warming feeling within that we get, but they have to be activated to work. 

Throughout today’s article and video you’ll notice a couple of recurring themes – surround yourself with positive, put your mindset in a positive place and focus on the light, not the darkness. 


Positive Thinking

It’s completely understandable if you’re feeling quite shitty right now. Allow yourself some time to come to terms with your feelings so you’ve let them out, maybe even talk to someone about them as an outlet, but do remember, and this is important, that every time you showcase negativity or are moping around – you’re not just affecting yourself but those around you too. 

Countless studies have shown how people with a negative mindset can be contagious in bringing other people down too – exactly the same (but the opposite) but those who showcase positivity – it is completely infectious and spreads the light making others gleam with joy. 

So, positive thinking, what’s the trick? Well, this ones quite simple. Just think about a really happy memory you have. Maybe it’s with a loved one, maybe it’s that stupid thing your friend did, maybe it’s a time you felt harmonious joy or pride, maybe it’s a time you did something for someone else which filled you with hope. You may be thinking ‘what’s the point?’ – but take my word for it – do it. Once those hormones start rushing through your body the darkness will turn into light and you are once again, back in control. 


YOU control YOU

Remember, the only person who controls how you feel is YOU – don’t ever let someone else bring you down – they don’t have the power to do that. The sooner we realise that WE ARE IN CONTROL OF HOW WE FEEL, the sooner we can combat and push away the negativity of others. It’s boils down to that simple notion of knowing that you are in the driver’s seat of your life. It sounds incredibly simple and it is. You are strong. Remember that. Once your head is back in that driver’s seat, smile away. 


The Cold Water Trick

Do you ever feel terrible in the morning? Super sleepy? Well, there’s a little trick that can combat that and it sounds AWFUL but it really does work. If you’re anything like me you keep extending the amount of time you’re in the shower in the morning, making the water hotter and hotter as if it’s an embracing hug. The notion of stepping out is not good. Here’s the trick. Just before you get out – turn the water to freezing cold for a split second and let that be the last thing you feel. Not too long, I’m talking about literally a nanosecond. Once you do this a surge of energy bounces through your body, making you incrediblt alert, focused and ready to conquer the day. You might dread feeling really cold and sad, but actually, the opposite happens. 


Find Something to Look Forward to!

There’s nothing worse than doom and gloom and knowing nothing on the horizon seems fun. Change that. Book something or arrange something that you’re going to look forward to. If you’re in a position to plan a holiday far out enough that it (hopefully) won’t be affected by COVID, do it. Not everything has to be money related either. Even organising a group of friends on a joint video call is something that well send surges of positivity thourgh you. 


Partake in Conscious Acts of Kindness

This could very well be one of the most important. We spend so much time thinking about OURSELVES, but what about others? It is human nature that if we do good, we feel good. So the next time you see someone suffering, go out of your way to help then. Whether it be a homeless person in need of food or drink, someone in need of mentorship or just someone on LinkedIn asking a genuine question to help guide them in a better direction with their career. There are countless ways you can help – you just need to be observant and use your emotional intelligence to identify them. The best thing you can do as a human is make someone else smile. It’s contagious – it will soon come right back around. 



It sounds pretty simple and it is. Get yourself outside once a day for a walk or even a 5-minute workout from home. You don’t need to be a body builder; you just need to give your body some time to reflect on itself. Any form of exercise creates a surge of hormones allowing you to feel more positive about yourself. 



There are countless forms of meditation – do a little research to see what works for you. You can also check out our tips on how ‘Sound’ can impact your health and wellness by clicking here and discover multiple other ways to instil happiness within your life. 

Make your environment a happier place

We’ve given you lots of tips over this series to make positive change to your life in order to reduce anxiety and become calmer in 2021. You can take many of these learnings and adapt them to your routine to become a happier person. SAD lights, different scents, going for walks, socialising more, thinking positively – these are just a few. Delve into all of our video series by clicking here


Happiness in Social Circles

This doesn’t mean you have to be an extrovert – it just means don’t isolate yourself away. Right now, this couldn’t be more important. We can’t leave our homes and head down to the bar to have a good old’ natter with your best mates – but we can do that over our computers, our phones, whatever it might be. Don’t hide in the darkness and feel like you are alone – make the effort to set up a call and then see just how much fulfilment it brings to your life. Human beings are not meant to be isolated, we find nourishment in conversation and belonging. So if you’ve not spoken with a friend for a couple of days – now is the time to rectify that – and I don’t mean a text message – I mean voice of video. There’s a MASSIVE difference between the two when it comes to seeing and feeling real emotion. 


Laugh More!

It’s pretty simple – laughter is the best form of medicine didn’t come from nowhere – it’s a known fact that those who laugh more are happier. So find that favourite TV Series, watch those memes and GIF’s and make sure you keep in contact with those who make you feel like sunshine – because it has such a profoundly positive impact on our lives.