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How to Improve your Mood

It’s no secret that many of us are struggling right now more than we would. Most of the things that put a smile on our face are forbidden, but not ALL of them. That’s where today’s little tidbits of advice come into play. 

Yes, there’s a variety of little things you can do on a day-to-day basis which within the space of just a few seconds can bring a little cheer back into your life and perk up your mentality and mood. Some may sound silly, some may sound obvious, but at the end of the day as long as they work that’s all that matters. Ready?

Smile at yourself in the mirror

It might sound ridiculous but smiling at yourself in a mirror makes you feel slightly uncomfortable and silly to the point that your false smile becomes a real smile. Try it. 

Spend a little time with your pet if you have one

Comfort and knowing that we are responsible for someone else brings a great deal of joy to our lives. It also puts our mood into perspective. When we spend time with our kids or our pets, no matter how needy they can sometimes be, it brings a great deal of joy to our lives. It’s proven to emit certain hormones that give you a wider third-person perspective to realize that life isn’t all doom and gloom and what you are surrounded by is in fact very important and a beautiful reason to be alive. 


This one is a bit of a no-brainer. Have that comedian you adore or that TikTok / Instagram profile that makes your dimples grow. Laughter is one of life’s greatest medicines, so if you’re ever feeling blue, a couple of minutes of watching something humorous will set you back on good form. 

Talk to upbeat people

Our brains and bodies release a hormone called oxytocin to strengthen the relationships we have with those around us. Your brain/body releases oxytocin to strengthen relationships. Oxytocin gets released during light caresses, sex, when someone shows they trust you, and sometimes even simply with talking. When released, oxytocin increases feelings of attachment for another person, as well as feelings of trust

Have Sex, Masturbate or get a Sex Toy

I’m not kidding – and while some people may laugh at this (good, I made you happy), sex emits a surge of hormones that really lift our spirit and mood. If you live by yourself or don’t have a partner then put things back into your own hands right now in your bedroom. There’s no shame in talking about topics like this. Mental health is a serious and complex thing and sex has been proven to have a positive impact on our moods through the release of countless hormones. 

De-clutter or Re-arrange things in your room

Changing an environment can help us feel refreshed, enabling us to bust out of a negative mood. Clutter spikes cortisol, getting rid of it decreases it!

Listen to sad songs and cry. 

Might sound a little counter-productive, but allowing yourself to get rid of those pent up emotions is a release. Once you’ve had that release your happiness meter is re-filled and you’ll be less likely to dwell on the negativity. 

Compliment someone else

Tell a friend they look nice in a photo, drop a message to someone out of the blue reminding them of something you loved that they did. Basically, if you can give a compliment to someone, go ahead and do it. Research has shown that we get a spike in happiness knowing we are making others happy.

How Important is Light in our Everyday Life?

Click the image below to begin watching the video

Click the image above to begin watching the video

Mind, Sense & Soul: Light

Bright, natural light, especially in the morning, boosts alertness, improves mood, reaction speed, gut health and helps you fall asleep faster at night. Without enough of it, we are all grumpier, slower and fatter!

Light is measured in ‘lux’ and even on a gloomy day, heading outside will give you 5000+ lux when compared to just 2-300 lux in a regular home or office. The upshot? Get outside, every day, in the light, especially between 8 and midday. It will make a huge difference to your mental health. 


Do you suffer from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder)? Whether you think you do or whether you just need more light, it might be worth investing in a SAD light, to boost your daily lux intake. Find one we’ve tried and tested here (UK) and here (US).

Take Vitamin D!

Take Vitamin D, especially if you are in the UK right now. We need Vitamin D to regulate the amount of calcium and phosphate in our bodies and keep our bones, teeth and muscles working. Not having enough can lead to deformities and tooth problems, especially with children. The NHS says we need to take 10 micrograms (400 IU) of vitamin D a day between October and early March and now is particularly important as we have not been outside as much due to the pandemic.

Our bodies create vitamin D from direct sunlight on the skin when outdoors. You can also boost your intake from oily fish (such as salmon, sardines, herring and mackerel), red meat, liver, egg yolks, fortified foods (such as some fat spreads and breakfast cereals) and of course, supplements. Try this minty tasting daily spray. Kids love it too ( I can confirm!)

There’s so much to learn about how getting enough sunlight benefits our physical and mental health. Here are some fascinating things to read and listen to by the experts:


The Power of Light to Transform your Health. Linda Geddes talks to Dr Rangan Chattergee on the Feel Better, Live More podcast. 

Bitesize podcast (8 mins)

Full Podcast (1 hr 45)


Chasing the Sun, by Linda Geddes. Buy it here.


What is SAD and do I have it? Read here.

The hidden power of light - Ingrid Fettell Lee. Read here.

The psychological impact of light and color. Read here.

To see our other Mind Sense & Soul videos, links and articles, click here.

This video series was made in partnership with Mcguigan ZERO,

the premium, alcohol-free, Australian wine range.

mcguigan zero the three drinkers
mind sense soul mcguigan zero the three drinkers

McGuigan Zero is alcohol-free wine created using state-of-the-art spinning cone technology. By drawing the wine into super fine layers for efficient vaporisation, alcohol may be removed at lower temperatures than ever before, thus resulting in a wine that retains its taste.