the only drop

The Only Drop: A One-of-a-Kind Whisky Sculpture

the only drop a one of a kind whisky sculpture the three drinkers

A whisky ‘one of one’ always gets our attention, and when it’s part of a sculpture, well, it’s definitely worth a look. Combining the rich flavours of Scotch whisky with the artistry of sustainable design, The Scotch Malt Whisky Society (SMWS) is about to unveil their masterpiece, "The Only Drop," at the Distillers One of One auction at Sotheby's on October 5, 2023, a full event dedicated to whiskies that will never be repeated.

Teaming up with a team of artists and craftspeople led by STCKMN, James Cropper and Matter Agency, The Only Drop stars the 33-year-old dram as part of a meticulously designed paper pulp sculpture, embedded with shavings from the original casks, reuniting the whisky with the cask it was once within. The lovingly crafted ripple formation is not only beautiful but relates to the unrepeatable pattern of water in nature, with the droplet hinting at the precious whisky within. It's a marriage of craftsmanship, sustainability, and artistry that brings the whisky full circle, reuniting it with its origins.

It's not just the presentation that makes this a special offering either. Born in 1989 at the mysterious Distillery No. 24,, it matured for 30 years in an Oloroso sherry butt, but in 2019, the experts decided to split it into two hogsheads – one Oloroso and one Pedro Ximénez. Three years later, they were reunited to create a one-of-a-kind bottle that will never be replicated.

This decadent and elegant dram combines the dry, nutty flavours of the Oloroso with the dark, treacly notes of the Pedro Ximénez for a Scotch rich in complexity and flavour. ‘But how will the lucky owner taste it?’ you might be thinking. Well, to leave the 700ml bottle as part of the art, a 100ml miniature will be included for sampling, sharing the same charming design with wax neck, foil embellishments and hand-bound stitched copper-foiled paper book documenting the entire journey. What a treasure trove.

And here’s the best part, the proceeds from this great project will support The Youth Action Fund, transforming the lives of disadvantaged young people, helping them develop confidence, resilience, and skills for a brighter future.

The Only Drop also ties into the 40th anniversary of The Scotch Malt Whisky Society so we can expect more exciting ventures on the way, but for now, if you’re lucky enough to be considering a bid at the auction, then make a note of October 5th in Edinburgh to get your hands on a collector’s dream dram.