Fun summer cocktail recipes — Spirits — The Three Drinkers

Fun summer cocktail recipes

Picnic Mixes: Getting Pre-Made Summer Cocktails Right

picnic mixes: getting pre-made summer cocktails right the three drinkers

The Summer sun has been flirting with the idea of making more sustained appearances in the very near future - this is the type of cautiously optimistic wording is necessary for a US-born spirits writer now living in Glasgow). So, the season of beach days, picnic outings, and cocktails on patios has begun.

For those wanting to forego rising pint prices, avoid disappointment in beach bar drinks, or opt-out of the hit-or-miss grocery store canned alcohol, fear not, an alternative has arrived. A money saving, people pleasing, fun inducing, and flavour packed option is to create your own make-ahead cocktails. There are many easy-to-make and perfectly transportable ways to maximize all the outdoor imbibing possible.  After understanding a few simple techniques (and a few common mistakes) the following recipes will ensure delightful drinks for these dog days.


Technique Tip: DILUTION 

TROPICAL OLD FASHIONED picnic mixes: getting pre-made summer cocktails right the three drinkers

For those seeking a more spiritus option for your summer sipper, the Old Fashioned is a go-to for a cocktail needing to be more spirit-forward - a term used in the cocktail community to signify a strong, but still enjoyable, presence of alcohol flavour. When creating a big batch of Old Fashioned, especially one to match those sunshine vibes, the necessities are: spirit, a syrup, and a jazzy flavour element. Another necessity, one of the most important and often overlooked elements in making any cocktail, is Dilution. In cocktail bars, dilution comes from stirring or shaking the cocktail before it makes it into the glass. When creating a make-ahead or batched cocktail, forgetting to account for dilution can cause some painful faces amongst picnic-enjoying pals. 

A fun and summery solution to this is to choose a diluting ingredient that is delicious and interesting. For tropical treats, there is an unbeatable secret ingredient: coconut water. Standard cocktail dilution in cocktail bars is usually around 20%, so adding this much coconut water will soften the edges of the spirit strength that would normally accompany this style of cocktail. Coconut water has a light flavour to add to the cocktail without overpowering. It also adds a wonderful texture to the cocktail making it seem more decadent than just regular water. To see this effect in action, make this: 


Ingredients (for 14)
500ml Kromanti Tamarind Rum 
200ml Coconut water 
100ml Monin Spicy Mango syrup 

Combine all ingredients into a bottle, seal, swirl to combine, and chill before serving.


Technique Tip: FRESH JUICE

SUPED-UP U.S. LEMONADE  picnic mixes: getting pre-made summer cocktails right the three drinkers

The US and the UK use the term lemonade very differently. In the UK, it is a carbonated citrus soft drink. In the US, it is a sweet and sour lemon mixture stretched with still water and enjoyed as a summer refresher. Because carbonated drinks lose their bubbles and change flavour when they are mixed and transported, the US style is more reliable for picnic punches. The ingredients to this style can also be the most easily acquired, containing just spirit, citrus, sugar, and water.

This style lemonade can be easily created using equal parts, lemon juice, and simple syrup. But it doesn't have to stay simple. When mixing it up, any jazzy elements can be added or substituted to increase the intrigue. Swap out the fresh lemon for fresh lime to make a limeade. Substitute in fresh grapefruit juice to make a bright but bittersweet pink lemonade. And the simple syrup can become as complicated as the function merits. A vital part, but most common mistake of this style is the emphasis on fresh citrus. Many are tempted to buy bottled or carton juice and the flavour won't be a fraction of what it could be if it isn't fresh. While this make may take a bit more elbow grease, it will be wonderfully worthwhile. The proof is in this punch: 


Ingredients (for 6)
100ml Pomegranate grenadine 
200ml Absolut Citron Vodka
300ml Still water

Combine all ingredients into bottle, seal, swirl to combine, and chill before serving.

Style #3: MIZUWARI 

Technique Tip: COMPLEXI-TEA

MIZUWARI  picnic mixes: getting pre-made summer cocktails right the three drinkers

Mizuwari is a style of enjoying spirits which originated in Japan. It simply involves stretching the spirit with cold water to the desired length. Adding water to spirits encourages responsible enjoyment, and also a more intentional, slow, and savoring experience. This was originally done with shochu and, more commonly now, with whisky. Though the Japanese highball has become more popular, the mizuwari style still lends itself well to the Summer party.

A straight spirit mixed with cold water isn't everyone's ideal. But, again, with small adjustments, a simple serve can become a magnificent centrepiece for any park party. Replacing the cold water with an iced tea will add complexity and flavour without too much work. The result will be even more impressive and enjoyable when combined with a tasty liqueur and a tea with some citrus or tannin taste to it. The tartness of the tea will act like a touch of citrus, and any tannin-like bitterness will balance the sweet. Start with this one and experiment from there:

FINAL OBOL (for 5-6)

250ml Dried hibiscus tea (chilled)
200ml Hayman's Old Tom Gin
150ml Giffard White Creme De Cacao
10 dashes Dashfire Cardamom Bitters 

Combine all ingredients into bottle, seal, swirl to combine, and chill before serving.

These fun and fancy, but easily executable ideas will bring the scorch to any summer outing. The recipes are simple enough to be able to build from home with just a few ingredients. The recipes are also built to be able to substitute any one of the ingredients for a similar ingredient of the same style. Following the Technique Tips will make sure that any picnic, park day, beach outing, or summer soiree will have smiles and compliments following each sip. With simply a jug, bowl, thermos, or previously emptied liquor bottle, these ingredients are ready to be poured in and packed up to go. 

For more delicious cocktails from the DRINKLUSIVE creators, check out this article from Miley or this one from Fowwaz! 

By Zach Sapato 

zach sapato drinklusive the three drinkers