what is butterbeer?

Iconic Cocktails and Drinks from TV & Film

Iconic Cocktails and Drinks from TV and Film thethreedrinkers.com the three drinkers

You only had to see the surge in popularity for the Negroni Sbagliato after House of the Dragon star Emma D’Arcy namedropped it to know the power TV & Film can have on drinks. D’Arcy’s response to being asked about her favourite cocktail went viral on TikTok and just like that, the next generation is ordering a cocktail that long pre-dates them – and that wasn’t even in the programme itself!

These are some of the drinks that are synonymous with iconic film and TV, and even stole the spotlight themselves, from Hollywood’s Golden Age through to modern-day Netflix hits. Let’s start with a bang!

What drink is James Bond known for?

What drink is James Bond known for? Iconic Cocktails and Drinks from TV and Film thethreedrinkers.com the three drinkers

We couldn’t start anywhere else but James Bond and the suave sophistication of the Vodka Martini. It’s practically impossible to not follow that with, ‘shaken not stirred’ just as the original recipe dictates. Bond does swerve from tradition however, because gin came first whereas he opts for vodka.

Bond’s Vodka with Vermouth and a little lemon peel is the most famous drink in cinema, but did you know that in the Ian Fleming novels, the agent actually prefers Scotch and soda? Sean Connery ordering those instead would have been very different.

What drink is The Big Lebowski known for?

What drink is The Big Lebowski known for? Iconic Cocktails and Drinks from TV and Film thethreedrinkers.com the three drinkers

Created by the prolific Coen Brothers, the 90s hit is a cult classic with Jeff Bridges’ ‘The Dude’ at the centre of everything. Defined by his full head of blond hair, dark sunglasses, loose jogging bottoms and a sweater, he loved a White Russian, or ‘Caucasian’ as he called it.

The combination of vodka, coffee liqueur and cream crops up nine times in the film!  He’s often making one, drinking one, carrying one or generally finding a way to get to one, and because of the film’s cult status, many fans found themselves doing the same after watching.

What drink is Moulin Rouge known for?

What drink is Moulin Rouge known for? Iconic Cocktails and Drinks from TV and Film thethreedrinkers.com the three drinkers

Absinthe is the umbrella term for very strong anise-flavoured spirits, and because of the alcohol content it’s often dismissed. Not by Moulin Rouge though. It has been banned in many countries in the 20th century, earning it a reputation for mystery and debauchery. The five main characters gulp down absinthe in excess and experience hallucinations, including seeing The Green Fairy played by Kylie Minogue. Pretty much the opposite of a quiet one down the pub.

What drink is The Great Gatsby known for?

What drink is The Great Gatsby known for? Iconic Cocktails and Drinks from TV and Film thethreedrinkers.com the three drinkers

Particularly in the novel, the Mint Julep cocktail is ever-present. Daisy Buchanan loves it and is often holding one, as displayed by Carey Mulligan in the 2013 film. But what is it? It’s an iconic southern Bourbon-based cocktail that adds sugar, water, crushed ice and crucially, fresh mint. Within the narrative, Gatsby is a breath of fresh air who makes his money from bourbon smuggling, so the cocktail with mirroring characteristics represents her yearning for him. Or maybe that’s just a coincidence!

What drink is Mad Men known for?

What drink is Mad Men known for? Iconic Cocktails and Drinks from TV and Film thethreedrinkers.com the three drinkers

Mad Men is one of the most admired and enjoyed series of all time, making Don Draper a household name. Set in 1960s Manhattan, drinking features heavily and as Draper’s favourite drink, The Old Fashioned went from declining popularity to one of the most, if not the most popular cocktail of the 2010s. To make it like Draper, saturate a sugar cube with bitters, dash with water, fill with ice cubes, add whiskey and garnish with orange or cherry.

What do they drink in Sex and the City?

What do they drink in Sex and the City? Iconic Cocktails and Drinks from TV and Film thethreedrinkers.com the three drinkers

The Cosmopolitan may be the closest thing there is to a fifth Sex and the City member. Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda get around to trying most drinks throughout the hit films, but the Cosmo remains their constant.

Playing such a starring role in the lives of girlfriends living in New York, the Cosmo enjoyed the spotlight as much as the actors and it became one of the most ordered cocktails of the modern era. They order it so many times that there isn’t one recipe, but generally, it’s vodka, triple sec and cranberry juice with a dash of lime. There are even forums ranking all the Cosmos that appear in the show – that’s how you know it’s iconic.

What do they drink in Harry Potter?

What do they drink in Harry Potter? Iconic Cocktails and Drinks from TV and Film thethreedrinkers.com the three drinkers

This is the first drink on the list that didn’t exist until it featured on the screen; the legendary Butterbeer. It is without a doubt the go-to beverage of the Wizarding World and is described as tasting like, ‘less-sickly butterscotch’.

In Harry Potter, butterbeer gives people a slight buzz but whether that’s from sugar or alcohol or some otherworldly ingredients isn’t clear. At Universal Studios, it is alcohol-free but if you combine butterscotch schnapps, vodka, cream soda and milkshake-style toppings you’ll have something close to Butterbeer at home!

What drink is The Blues Brothers known for?

What drink is The Blues Brothers known for? Iconic Cocktails and Drinks from TV and Film thethreedrinkers.com the three drinkers

This one is difficult to miss, because Jake Candy’s character repeats his order four times saying, “Who wants an Orange Whip? Orange Whip? Orange Whip? Three Orange Whips!” The 1980s musical comedy was a huge success, and this line has been referenced in popular culture. But what is Orange Whip?

It’s a sweet cocktail with rum, vodka, cream and orange juice that’s usually blended to create a delicious froth poured over ice. The funny thing is it isn’t even in the script! Orange Whip’s sales director provided the refreshments and asked if it could be mentioned in the film, and the improvisation included not one but four mentions! What a result for him!

What drink is Casablanca known for?

What drink is Casablanca known for? Iconic Cocktails and Drinks from TV and Film thethreedrinkers.com the three drinkers

Any film buff is familiar with one of the most legendary romances of all time, 1943’s Casablanca. Not just a hit for Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman, it also shot the French 75 to stardom. This fizzing cocktail using Cognac, Champagne, gin, syrup and a little lemon zest was named after the French 75mm gun used in World War One. Just like the film, the drink is fantastically bittersweet and the only drink ordered by name in the entire film.

What drink is in The Queen’s Gambit?

What drink is in The Queen’s Gambit? Iconic Cocktails and Drinks from TV and Film thethreedrinkers.com the three drinkers

For a long time, The Gibson Martini was obscure. Constructed in the same way as any other Martini, it differs by opting for a controversial pickled onion instead of the conventional olive or lemon. One person who loves this concoction is Beth Harmon, and her Mother too.

Always one move ahead, genius chess player Beth’s love for the Gibson Martini sparked a trend with the 62 million viewers of the show and is responsible for a surge in popularity. Maybe even Bond will be asking for a Gibson Martini in future films? “Shaken, not stirred and with the biggest pickled onion you’ve got!” – we can see it now!

We’ve got detailed recipes for most of these on the Cocktails part of our website and if you’re looking for more celebrity news, why not check out these Celebrity Owned Tequilas?!