MENTORs making change

~ A Quick Message From Aidy ~

Firstly, I would like to say thank you. The saying goes “we should be the change we seek” and that is exactly what you are doing. By being a DRINKLUSIVE Mentor you are allowing us to get one step closer to enabling an industry where everyone can flourish, regardless of what they look like, live with or who they love.

Looking back to when I joined the industry ten years ago, I wish there was a program I could have taken part in to have met more people, felt more confident or just been made to feel like I fit in. While some progress has been made during that time, we’re still a far cry from where we should be. That said, its actions from people like you who are paving the way for that change to become. reality.

DRINKLUSIVE has been set up to help a new generation of diverse drinks lovers flourish in a world where they previously didn't think they could. The result will mean more people reading and seeing drinks content which in turn will allow our wider community to thrive and with it, create more opportunities.

We’ll achieve this through WSET education, paid commissions on international publications, alongside 1-1 seminars and invaluable mentoring. The last bit is so important and this is where you come in.

What Does A drinklusive Mentor Do?

Honestly, while it doesn’t seem to be a lot of work, the end result is really empowering. The are two main aims. The first is to help one of our mentees find confidence as they grow. The second is a simple action to help us spread awareness that the program exists. Each one of you has built a tremendous community of drink lovers and within this will undoubtedly be people who could truly benefit from this program. These are the people we want applying!

1 x 60 Minute Mentor Session

Each of our mentees will embark on a 6 month fast-track course of learning and building their personality/profile. As part of this they will have invaluable 1-1 sessions with DRINKLUSIVE mentors. We will match you up with a mentee based on similarities and you’ll host one 60 minute 1-1 session with them at some stage over their 6 month program. It’s an opportunity for them to get two things. Firstly, they can grow their network and meet people who are doing exactly what they hope to in the future. Secondly, they can learn from the tips, tricks, challenges and so much more that you have experienced throughout your career. It’s an incredible opportunity for them and something that so many people have said they always wished they’d been able to benefit from when entering the industry!

1 x Instagram Carousel + Story Set

One of the most important parts of this Incubator is getting the word out and we couldn’t be prouder to associate ourselves with our incredible mentors - you. People follow you because they love what you do and within your community will be beautifully diverse people who have always wanted to dip their toe into this world, but never had the courage. You can help them take that next step.

We know that creators care about what they share and we don’t expect you to slap a random post on your feed that isn’t relevant to you. It needs to be about why you have chosen to become a Mentor and why you feel others should be aware of this program. For that reason we’ll work with you to create a unique carousel that includes your face and personality throughout.

The ‘Carousel’ will showcase a photo of you announcing that you are a mentor, a bespoke video from you about why you’ve decided to get involved, an image with more information on the program and a short video from our Founder celebrating your involvement while talking about why this is so important. All you need to provide is the portrait and video, we’ll do the rest!

Assets for the Carousel & Story (Example Imagery Below):

1) Profile Shot
2) A 60 Second Video (Important Dimension Notes Below!)

Profile Shot - Your profile shot will be showcased on the first slide of the ‘Carousel’ to celebrate that you are a DRINKLUSIVE Mentor! It can be whatever photo you like which depicts you best.

60 Second Video - Your 60 Second Video will showcase why you have decided to join this program as a mentor. There are a couple of main points to get across (see below) but ultimately you decide what you want to talk about. It’s important to note that this will be turned into both a Story and a Carousel Square Post, so just make sure that your face is central when you film your video. You can use the default video function on your phone as it is the perfect size.

  • Intro: Mention (in your own words) that DRINKLUSIVE is a brand new mentorship program set up to get more diverse faces into the drinks community through content creation, writing support and WSET certifications (more info can be found here).

  • Main Body: Talk about why you’ve chosen to become a mentor. Something that is personal to you. Maybe it’s a community you’ve worked with? That the industry will thrive with more diverse faces in it? An experience you’ve had or witnessed? The more personal this is to you, the better.

  • Sign Off: Mention (in your own words) how this is the most valuable mentorship of it’s kind and you are so thankful to every person who shares the news to help us reach more people. Finally, for more information, keep swiping left!

Carousel Example:

Story Example:

2 x Video Examples

Here are two video examples created by DRINKLUSIVE Mentors Ortis Deley and Beth Brickenden to give you a steer. Of course, it’s super important that you paint your own personality within your video, so present in any way you feel defines *you*!

Delivering the Assets:

Please send all of your assets via Dropbox, Google Drive, iCloud Link or equivalent to press@thethreedrinkers.com. Our team will put everything together and ping the Carousel files back to you with any messaging you may need. Ideally we’d love these by Friday December 8th but we appreciate people have hectic schedules this time of year, so please work to the time you can.

Posting the Assets (December 11th from 5pm)

We’ll be asking our mentors if they can post their Carousel and Story announcements from 5pm on Monday 11th December during the first week the applications go live. The first 7 days are crucial as they allow the program to reach as many people as possible and our main concern is ensuring that this program reaches the people who need it the most.

Supporting our Mentors

To recognise the fabulous talent that we are proud to call DRINKLUSIVE Mentors, we will be highlighting each Mentor within an interview piece on The Three Drinkers website and newsletter. We’ll also be in touch to work with you on a bespoke video to be showcased across our social media.

…and finally, Thank You!

Once again, thank you for being a part of this change. By working together we will make a true impact and make the drinks industry a welcoming place for people everywhere.

If you have any questions at all, please contact sophie@thethreedrinkers.com.